On this page: Certificate Propagation Internal Certificates
16.2.5 Syntax Certificates

A use of a macro can expand into a use of an identifier that is not exported from the module that binds the macro. In general, such an identifier must not be extracted from the expanded expression and used in a different context, because using the identifier in a different context may break invariants of the macro’s module.

For example, the following module exports a macro go that expands to a use of unchecked-go:

(module m mzscheme
  (provide go)
  (define (unchecked-go n x)
    ; to avoid disaster, n must be a number
    (+ n 17))
  (define-syntax (go stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
     [(_ x)
      #'(unchecked-go 8 x)])))

If the reference to unchecked-go is extracted from the expansion of (go 'a), then it might be inserted into a new expression, (unchecked-go #f 'a), leading to disaster. The datum->syntax procedure can be used similarly to construct references to an unexported identifier, even when no macro expansion includes a reference to the identifier.

To prevent such abuses of unexported identifiers, the expander rejects references to unexported identifiers unless they appear in certified syntax objects. The macro expander always certifies a syntax object that is produced by a transformer. For example, when (go 'a) is expanded to (unchecked-go 8 'a), a certificate is attached to the result (unchecked-go 8 'a). Extracting just unchecked-go removes the identifier from the certified expression, so that the reference is disallowed when it is inserted into (unchecked-go #f 'a). The expand and local-expand (when used with an empty stop list) functions lift all certificates to the outermost result expression, except as indicated by 'certify-mode syntax properties (see Syntax Certificates).

In addition to checking module references, the macro expander disallows references to local bindings where the binding identifier is less certified than the reference. Otherwise, the expansion of (go 'a) could be wrapped with a local binding that redirects #%app to values, thus obtaining the value of unchecked-go. Note that a capturing #%app would have to be extracted from the expansion of (go 'a), since lexical scope would prevent an arbitrary #%app from capturing. The act of extracting #%app removes its certification, whereas the #%app within the expansion is still certified; comparing these certifications, the macro expander rejects the local-binding reference, and unchecked-go remains protected.

In much the same way that the macro expander copies properties from a syntax transformer’s input to its output (see Syntax Object Properties), the expander copies certificates from a transformer’s input to its output. Building on the previous example,

(module n mzscheme
  (require m)
  (provide go-more)
  (define y 'hello)
  (define-syntax (go-more stx)
    #'(go y)))

the expansion of (go-more) introduces a reference to the unexported y in (go y), and a certificate allows the reference to y. As (go y) is expanded to (unchecked-go 8 y), the certificate that allows y is copied over, in addition to the certificate that allows the reference to unchecked-go.

When a protected identifier becomes inaccessible by direct reference (i.e., when the current code inspector is changed so that it does not control the module’s invocation; see Code Inspectors), the protected identifier is treated like an unexported identifier. Certificate Propagation

When the result of a macro expansion contains a quote-syntax form, the macro expansion’s certificate must be attached to the resulting syntax object to support macro-generating macros. In general, when the macro expander encounters quote-syntax, it attaches all certificates from enclosing expressions to the quoted syntax constant. However, the certificates are attached to the syntax constant as inactive certificates, and inactive certificates do not count directly for certifying identifier access. Inactive certificates become active when the macro expander certifies the result of a macro expansion; at that time, the expander removes all inactive certificates within the expansion result and attaches active versions of the certificates to the overall expansion result.

For example, suppose that the go macro is implemented through a macro:

(module m mzscheme
  (provide def-go)
  (define (unchecked-go n x)
    (+ n 17))
  (define-syntax (def-go stx)
   (syntax-case stx ()
     [(_ go)
      #'(define-syntax (go stx)
          (syntax-case stx ()
           [(_ x)
            #'(unchecked-go 8 x)]))])))

When def-go is used inside another module, the generated macro should legally generate expressions that use unchecked-go, since def-go in m had complete control over the generated macro.

(module n mzscheme
  (require m)
  (def-go go)
  (go 10))

This example works because the expansion of (def-go go) is certified to access protected identifiers in m, including unchecked-go. Specifically, the certified expansion is a definition of the macro go, which includes a syntax-object constant unchecked-go. Since the enclosing macro declaration is certified, the unchecked-go syntax constant gets an inactive certificate to access protected identifiers of m. When (go 10) is expanded, the inactive certificate on unchecked-go is activated for the macro result (unchecked-go 8 10), and the access of unchecked-go is allowed.

To see why unchecked-go as a syntax constant must be given an inactive certificate instead of an active one, it’s helpful to write the def-go macro as follows:

(define-syntax (def-go stx)
 (syntax-case stx ()
   [(_ go)
    #'(define-syntax (go stx)
        (syntax-case stx ()
         [(_ x)
          (with-syntax ([ug (quote-syntax unchecked-go)])
            #'(ug 8 x))]))]))

In this case, unchecked-go is clearly quoted as an immediate syntax object in the expansion of (def-go go). If this syntax object were given an active certificate, then it would keep the certificate—directly on the identifier unchecked-goin the result (unchecked-go 8 10). Consequently, the unchecked-go identifier could be extracted and used with its certificate intact. Attaching an inactive certificate to unchecked-go and activating it only for the complete result (unchecked-go 8 10) ensures that unchecked-go is used only in the way intended by the implementor of def-go.

The datum->syntax procedure allows inactive certificates to be transferred from one syntax object to another. Such transfers are allowed because a macro transformer with access to the syntax object could already wrap it with an arbitrary context before activating the certificates. In practice, transferring inactive certificates is useful mainly to macros that implement new template forms, such as syntax/loc. Internal Certificates

In some cases, a macro implementor intends to allow limited destructuring of a macro result without losing the result’s certificate. For example, given the following define-like-y macro,

(module q mzscheme
  (provide define-like-y)
  (define y 'hello)
  (define-syntax (define-like-y stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ id) #'(define-values (id) y)])))

someone may use the macro in an internal definition:

(let ()
  (define-like-y x)

The implementor of the q module most likely intended to allow such uses of define-like-y. To convert an internal definition into a letrec binding, however, the define form produced by define-like-y must be deconstructed, which would normally lose the certificate that allows the reference to y.

The internal use of define-like-y is allowed because the macro expander treats specially a transformer result that is a syntax list beginning with define-values. In that case, instead of attaching the certificate to the overall expression, the certificate is instead attached to each individual element of the syntax list, pushing the certificates into the second element of the list so that they are attached to the defined identifiers. Thus, a certificate is attached to define-values, x, and y in the expansion result (define-values (x) y), and the definition can be deconstructed for conversion to letrec.

Just like the new certificate that is added to a transformer result, old certificates from the input are similarly moved to syntax-list elements when the result starts with define-values. Thus, define-like-y could have been implemented to produce (define id y), using define instead of define-values. In that case, the certificate to allow reference to y would be attached initially to the expansion result (define x y), but as the define is expanded to define-values, the certificate would be moved to the parts.

The macro expander treats syntax-list results starting with define-syntaxes in the same way that it treats results starting with define-values. Syntax-list results starting with begin are treated similarly, except that the second element of the syntax list is treated like all the other elements (i.e., the certificate is attached to the element instead of its content). Furthermore, the macro expander applies this special handling recursively, in case a macro produces a begin form that contains nested define-values forms.

The default application of certificates can be overridden by attaching a 'certify-mode property (see Syntax Object Properties) to the result syntax object of a macro transformer. If the property value is 'opaque, then the certificate is attached to the syntax object and not its parts. If the property value is 'transparent, then the certificate is attached to the syntax object’s parts. If the property value is 'transparent-binding, then the certificate is attached to the syntax object’s parts and to the sub-parts of the second part (as for define-values and define-syntaxes). The 'transparent and 'transparent-binding modes triggers recursive property checking at the parts, so that the certificate can be pushed arbitrarily deep into a transformer’s result.