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3 Languages

All of the exports in this section are provided both by redex/reduction-semantics (which includes all non-GUI portions of Redex) and also exported by redex (which includes all of Redex).

(define-language lang-name
  non-terminal-def ...)
non-terminal-def = (non-terminal-name ...+ ::= pattern ...+)
  | (non-terminal-name pattern ...+)
  | ((non-terminal-name ...+) pattern ...+)
This form defines the grammar of a language. It allows the definition of recursive patterns, much like a BNF, but for regular-tree grammars. It goes beyond their expressive power, however, because repeated name patterns and side-conditions can restrict matches in a context-sensitive way.

A non-terminal-def comprises one or more non-terminal names (considered aliases) followed by one or more productions. A non-terminal’s names and productions may be separated by the keyword ::=.

For example, the following defines lc-lang as the grammar of the lambda calculus:

(define-language lc-lang
  (e (e e ...)
  (c (v ... c e ...)
  (v (lambda (x ...) e))
  (x variable-not-otherwise-mentioned))

with non-terminals e for the expression language, x for variables, c for the evaluation contexts and v for values.

(define-extended-language extended-lang base-lang
  non-terminal-def ...)
non-terminal-def = (non-terminal-name ...+ ::= pattern ...+)
  | (non-terminal-name pattern ...+)
  | ((non-terminal-name ...+) pattern ...+)
This form extends a language with some new, replaced, or extended non-terminals. For example, this language:

(define-extended-language lc-num-lang
  (v ....     ; extend the previous `v' non-terminal
  (x (variable-except lambda +)))

extends lc-lang with two new alternatives for the v non-terminal, carries forward the e and c non-terminals, and replaces the x non-terminal with a new one (which happens to be equivalent to the one that would have been inherited).

The four-period ellipses indicates that the new language’s non-terminal has all of the alternatives from the original language’s non-terminal, as well as any new ones. If a non-terminal occurs in both the base language and the extension, the extension’s non-terminal replaces the originals. If a non-terminal only occurs in either the base language, then it is carried forward into the extension. And, of course, extend-language lets you add new non-terminals to the language.

If a language is has a group of multiple non-terminals defined together, extending any one of those non-terminals extends all of them.

(language-nts lang)  (listof symbol?)
  lang : compiled-lang?
Returns the list of non-terminals (as symbols) that are defined by this language.

(compiled-lang? l)  boolean?
  l : any/c
Returns #t if its argument was produced by language, #f otherwise.