1 Using Check Forms
2 GUI Interface
3 Integrating languages with Test Engine

Test Support

Kathryn Gray

    1 Using Check Forms

    2 GUI Interface

    3 Integrating languages with Test Engine

1 Using Check Forms

 (require test-engine/racket-tests)

This module provides test forms for use in Racket programs, as well as parameters to configure the behavior of test reports.

Each check form may only occur at the top-level; results are collected and reported by the test function. Note that the check forms only register checks to be performed. The checks are actually run by the test function.


(check-expect (test any/c) (expected any/c))

Checks whether the value of the test expression is structurally equal to the value produced by the expected expression.

It is an error for test or expected to produce a function value or an inexact number.


(check-within (test any/c) (expected any/c) (delta number?))

Checks whether the value of the test expression is structurally equal to the value produced by the expected expression; every number in the first expression must be within delta of the corresponding number in the second expression.

It is an error for test or expected to produce a function value.


(check-error (test any/c))

(check-error (test any/c) (msg string?))
Checks that evaluating test signals an error, where the error message matches the string (if any).


(check-member-of (test any/c) (expected any/c) ...)

Checks whether the value of the test expression is structurally equal to any of the values produced by the expected expressions.

It is an error for test or any of the expected expression to produce a function value or an inexact number.


(check-range (test number/c) (min number/c) (max number/c))

Checks whether value of test is between the values of the min and max expressions [inclusive].


(test)  void?

Runs all of the tests specified by check forms in the current module and reports the results. When using the gui module, the results are provided in a separate window, otherwise the results are printed to the current output port.


(test-format)  (any/c . -> . string?)

(test-format format)  void?
  format : (any/c . -> . string?)
A parameter that stores the formatting function for the values tested by the check forms.


(test-silence)  boolean?

(test-silence silence?)  void?
  silence? : any/c
A parameter that stores a boolean, defaults to #f, that can be used to suppress the printed summary from test.


(test-execute)  boolean?

(test-execute execute?)  void?
  execute? : any/c
A parameter that stores a boolean, defaults to #t, that can be used to suppress evaluation of test expressions.

2 GUI Interface

 (require test-engine/racket-gui)

This module requires GRacket and produces an independent window when displaying test results. It provides the same bindings as test-engine/racket-tests.

3 Integrating languages with Test Engine

(To be written.)