6.5 - Added `simple-result->` to improve generated contract performance. - Improve error message printing. - Add `typed/racket/random`. - Internal: populate type table unconditionally, for use in tooltips. 6.4 - Contract performance improvements, including generating code that the contract system can optimize - Make `any-wrap/c` more permissive on opaque structs. - Soundly check opaque predicates. - Add `#:type-name` option to `struct`. 6.3 - Startup time reduction - Tightening and cleanup of numeric types - Sealing contracts for row polymorphic types - `define-new-subtype` - More robust compound pair operations optimizations - Redesign of top-level support, using trampolining macros - Static contract caching more conservative, causes contract generation slowdowns - Experimental unit support - `typed/racket/unsafe`, with `unsafe-require/typed` and `unsafe-provide` 6.2 - Use submodules to avoid allocating contract wrappers when not needed. - Class types and contract generation are significantly improved, but still experimental. - Many types for GUI classes added. - Tests on let-bound variables now refine the type of what was bound to them. - DrRacket tooltips for types and type errors. - Support for prefab structs. - Types for a variety of libraries, including `rackunit` and `json`. 6.1.1 - Exception handling is now sound. Broke existing programs (e.g. marketplace). - More types for GUI and framework. - Support for casts and predicates in typed regions. 6.1 - Inference speedups. - Support for contracted functions in the base environment. - Better keyword support. 6.0.1 - Types for classes (including row types, sealing contracts, etc). Still experimental. - Contracts are now optimized; in particular, redundant contracts are omitted - Filters work with conditions that raise errors, as in the pattern (begin (unless (number? x) (error 'fail)) (add1 x)) - Types are now pretty-printed - Add prefix-style function types and `->*` function type constructor - Support syntactic forms without : (such as let, lambda, for, etc) - Type aliases support arbitrary mutual recursion - Inform check-syntax about expansion results - Add `typed/untyped-utils` library - Add `typed/syntax/stx`, `typed/pict`, - Significant test suite improvments - Improved support for `Struct-Type` values - Support keyword function definitions without annotation. - Handle forward references in un-annotated definitions - Improve type inference for `letrec`-bound variables 6.0 - Support for `define-type', `struct:', `make-predicate', etc. at the REPL - Performance work: optimized subtyping - Make `struct:' have the correct bindings in struct info - Use pairs for objects on arrow types - Split off `recover-source-syntax' into a separate package and generalized it - Lots of doc improvements - Lots of error message improvements - Split into multiple packages 5.3.4 - Moved Optimization Coach to the package system - Multiple fixes to polydots 5.3.3 No changes 5.3.2 - Added types for control operators - Added `typed/untyped-utils` 5.3.1 - Revised handling of `Any` exported to untyped code - Added `cast` - Correctly compute variance of polymorphic type application 5.3 - Keyword and optional arguments - Faster startup - Random testing of the numeric tower 5.2.1 - Inference of functions with keyword arguments - `typecheck-fail' for explicit creation of type errors - Extensive documentation of typed numeric tower 5.2 - Performance work: delayed environment evaluation - Support `racket'-style optional arguments - Changes to support new-style keyword argument expansion