Version: 5.0.1
19 Requiring Modules
(require unstable/require) |
This module provides tools for importing from modules.
(require/provide module-path ...) |
Re-exports all bindings provided by each module-path. Equivalent to:
(require module-path ...) |
(provide (all-from-out module-path ...)) |
(quote-require require-spec ...) |
Produces the names exported by the require-specs as a list of symbols.
Example: |
> (quote-require racket/bool racket/function) |
'(false true symbol=? false? boolean=? negate curryr curry const) |
(define-planet-package name package) |
Defines a shortcut name for importing modules from planet package
package. Subsequently, (name module) is equivalent to
(planet package/module) as a require path. For instance, to import the
text and web modules from this package:
(define-planet-package my-package cce/scheme) |
(require (my-package web) (my-package text)) |
The above require is equivalent to:
(require (planet cce/scheme/web) (planet cce/scheme/text))
(define-collection name collect) |
Defines a shortcut name for importing modules from collect and
its subcollections. Subsequently, (name) is equivalent to
collect as a require path, and (name path) is equivalent to
(define-collection macro syntax) |
(require (macro parse)) |
The above require is equivalent to the below:
(require syntax/parse)
(this-package-in path) |
require transformer
imports the file at path in the current planet package. For instance,
in the package (planet cce/scheme:7), writing:
... is equivalent to writing: