26 Racket
(send a-scheme:sexp-snip get-saved-snips) → (listof snip%) This returns the list of snips hidden by the sexp snip.
scheme:sexp-snip% : class? | ||||
superclass: snip% | ||||
(send a-scheme:sexp-snip get-text offset num [ flattened?]) → string offset : number num : number flattened? : boolean = |#f| Returns the concatenation of the text for all of the hidden snips.
(send a-scheme:sexp-snip copy) → (is-a?/c scheme:sexp-snip%) Returns a copy of this snip that includes the hidden snips.
(send a-scheme:sexp-snip write stream-out) → void stream-out : editor-stream-out% Saves the embedded snips
(send a-scheme:sexp-snip draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret) → void dc : dc<%> x : real y : real left : real top : real right : real bottom : real dx : real dy : real draw-caret : symbol? Draws brackets with a centered ellipses between them.
(send a-scheme:sexp-snip get-extent dc x y [ w h descent space lspace rspace]) → void dc : (is-a?/c dc<%>) x : real y : real w : boxed = |#f| h : boxed = |#f| descent : boxed = |#f| space : boxed = |#f| lspace : boxed = |#f| rspace : boxed = |#f| Overrides get-extent in snip%.Returns a size corresponding to what this snip draws.
scheme:text<%> : interface? | ||||||
Texts matching this interface support Racket mode operations.
Returns a limit for backward-matching parenthesis starting at position start.
(send a-scheme:text balance-parens key-event) → void key-event : (instance key-event%) This function is called when the user types a close parenthesis in the text%. If the close parenthesis that the user inserted does not match the corresponding open parenthesis and the 'framework:fixup-parens preference is #t (see preferences:get) the correct closing parenthesis is inserted. If the 'framework:paren-match preference is #t (see preferences:get) the matching open parenthesis is flashed.
(send a-scheme:text tabify-on-return?) → boolean? The result of this method is used to determine if the return key automatically tabs over to the correct position.Override it to change its behavior.
(send a-scheme:text tabify [start-pos]) → void
start-pos : exact-integer = (send this text get-start-position) Tabs the line containing by start-pos
(send a-scheme:text tabify-selection start end) → void start : exact-integer end : exact-integer Sets the tabbing for the lines containing positions start through end.
(send a-scheme:text tabify-all) → void Tabs all lines.
(send a-scheme:text insert-return) → void Inserts a newline into the buffer. If tabify-on-return? returns #t, this will tabify the new line.
(send a-scheme:text box-comment-out-selection start-pos end-pos) → void start-pos : (or/c (symbols 'start) exact-integer?) end-pos : (or/c (symbols 'end) exact-integer?) This method comments out a selection in the text by putting it into a comment box.Removes the region from start-pos to end-pos from the editor and inserts a comment box with that region of text inserted into the box.
If start-pos is 'start, the starting point of the selection is used. If end-pos is 'end, the ending point of the selection is used.
(send a-scheme:text comment-out-selection start end) → void start : exact-integer end : exact-integer Comments the lines containing positions start through end by inserting a semi-colon at the front of each line.
(send a-scheme:text uncomment-selection start end) → void start : int end : int Uncomments the lines containing positions start through end.
(send a-scheme:text get-forward-sexp start) → (union |#f| exact-integer) start : exact-integer Returns the position of the end of next S-expression after position start, or #f if there is no appropriate answer.
(send a-scheme:text remove-sexp start) → void start : exact-integer Forward-deletes the S-expression starting after the position start.
(send a-scheme:text forward-sexp start) → exact-integer start : |#t| Moves forward over the S-expression starting at position start.
(send a-scheme:text flash-forward-sexp start-pos) → void start-pos : exact-integer Flashes the parenthesis that closes the sexpression at start-pos.
(send a-scheme:text get-backward-sexp start) → (union exact-integer |#f|) start : exact-integer Returns the position of the start of the S-expression before or containing start, or #f if there is no appropriate answer.
(send a-scheme:text flash-backward-sexp start-pos) → void start-pos : exact-integer Flashes the parenthesis that opens the sexpression at start-pos.
(send a-scheme:text backward-sexp start-pos) → void start-pos : exact-integer Move the caret backwards one sexpressionMoves the caret to the beginning of the sexpression that ends at start-pos.
(send a-scheme:text find-up-sexp start-pos) → (union |#f| exact-integer) start-pos : exact-integer Returns the position of the beginning of the next sexpression outside the sexpression that contains start-pos. If there is no such sexpression, it returns #f.Moves backward out of the S-expression containing the position start.
(send a-scheme:text find-down-sexp start-pos) → (union |#f| exact-integer) start-pos : exact-integer Returns the position of the beginning of the next sexpression inside the sexpression that contains start-pos. If there is no such sexpression, it returns #f.Moves forward into the next S-expression after the position start.
(send a-scheme:text remove-parens-forward start) → void start : exact-integer Removes the parentheses from the S-expression starting after the position start.
(send a-scheme:text select-forward-sexp start) → |#t| start : exact-integer Selects the next S-expression, starting at position start.
(send a-scheme:text select-backward-sexp start) → |#t| start : exact-integer Selects the previous S-expression, starting at position start.
(send a-scheme:text select-up-sexp start) → |#t| start : exact-integer Selects the region to the enclosing S-expression, starting at position start.
(send a-scheme:text select-down-sexp start) → |#t| start : exact-integer Selects the region to the next contained S-expression, starting at position start.
(send a-scheme:text transpose-sexp start) → void start : exact-integer Swaps the S-expression beginning before the position start with the next S-expression following start.
(send a-scheme:text mark-matching-parenthesis pos) → void pos : exact-positive-integer If the paren after pos is matched, this method highlights it and its matching counterpart in dark green.
(send a-scheme:text get-tab-size) → exact-integer This method returns the current size of the tabs for scheme mode. See also set-tab-size.
(send a-scheme:text set-tab-size new-size) → void new-size : exact-integer This method sets the tab size for this text.
(send a-scheme:text introduce-let-ans) → void Adds a let around the current s-expression and a printf into the body of the let.
(send a-scheme:text move-sexp-out) → void Replaces the sexpression surrounding the insertion point with the sexpression following the insertion point.
scheme:text-mixin : (class? . -> . class?) | ||||||||
| ||||||||
This mixin adds functionality for editing Racket files.
The result of this mixin uses the same initialization arguments as the
mixin’s argument.
(send a-scheme:text get-word-at pos) → string pos : positive-exact-integer Overrides get-word-at in text:autocomplete<%>.Returns the word just before pos, which is then used as the prefix for auto-completion.
The result of
implements this interface.
scheme:text-mode-mixin : (class? . -> . class?) | ||||
| ||||
This mixin adds Racket mode functionality
to the mode that it is mixed into. The resulting
mode assumes that it is only set to an editor
that is the result of
(send a-scheme:text-mode on-disable-surrogate) → void Overrides on-disable-surrogate in mode:surrogate-text<%>.Removes the scheme keymap (see also scheme:get-keymap) and disables any parenthesis highlighting in the host editor.
(send a-scheme:text-mode on-enable-surrogate) → void Overrides on-enable-surrogate in mode:surrogate-text<%>.Adds the scheme keymap (see also scheme:get-keymap) and enables a parenthesis highlighting in the host editor.
scheme:set-mode-mixin : (class? . -> . class?) | ||||
This mixin creates a new instance of
and installs it, by calling its own
method with the object.
scheme:text% : class? |
superclass: (scheme:set-mode-mixin (scheme:text-mixin (text:autocomplete-mixin (mode:host-text-mixin color:text%)))) |
scheme:text-mode% : class? |
superclass: (scheme:text-mode-mixin color:text-mode%) |
(scheme:text-balanced? text [start end]) → boolean? |
text : (is-a?/c text%) |
start : number? = 0 |
end : (or/c false/c number?) = #f |
Determines if the range in the editor from start to end
in text has at least one complete s-expression and there are no
incomplete s-expressions. If end is #f, it defaults to
the last position of the text. The designation “complete” is
defined to be something that does not cause read to raise a
exn:fail:read:eof? exception, so there may be all kinds of strange
read-level (not to speak of parse level) errors in the expressions.
The implementation of this function creates a port with
open-input-text-editor and then uses read to parse the
range of the buffer.
Adds a tabbing preferences panel to the preferences dialog.
(scheme:get-keymap) → (is-a?/c keymap%) |
Returns a keymap with binding suitable for Racket.
Installs the “Racket” preferences panel in the “Syntax Coloring”
Returns a table mapping from symbols (naming the categories that the online
colorer uses for Racket mode coloring) to their colors.
These symbols are suitable for input to scheme:short-sym->pref-name and scheme:short-sym->style-name.
Returns a table mapping from symbols (naming the categories that the online
colorer uses for Racket mode coloring) to their colors when the user
chooses the white-on-black mode in the preferences dialog.
See also scheme:get-color-prefs-table.
(scheme:short-sym->pref-name short-sym) → symbol? |
short-sym : symbol? |
Builds the symbol naming the preference from one of the symbols in the
table returned by scheme:get-color-prefs-table.
(scheme:short-sym->style-name short-sym) → string? |
short-sym : symbol? |
Builds the symbol naming the editor style from one of the symbols in the
table returned by scheme:get-color-prefs-table. This style is a
named style in the style list returned by
This method returns a editor-wordbreak-map% that is suitable for
(scheme:init-wordbreak-map key) → void? |
key : (is-a?/c keymap%) |
Initializes the workdbreak map for keymap.
(scheme:setup-keymap keymap) → void? |
keymap : (is-a?/c keymap%) |
Initializes keymap with Racket-mode keybindings.