4.3.5 Documenting Signatures
(defsignature id (super-id ...) pre-flow ...) |
Defines a signature id that extends the super-id
signatures. Any elements defined in decoded
pre-flows – including forms, procedures, structure types,
classes, interfaces, and mixins – are defined as members of the
signature instead of direct bindings. These definitions can be
referenced through sigelem instead of racket.
The decoded pre-flows inset under the signature declaration in the typeset output, so no new sections, etc. can be started.
(defsignature/splice id (super-id ...) pre-flow ...) |
Like defsignature, but the decoded pre-flows
are not typeset under the signature declaration, and new sections,
etc. can be started in the pre-flows.
(signature-desc pre-flow ...) → any/c |
pre-flow : pre-flow? |
Produces an opaque value that defsignature recognizes to
outdent in the typeset form. This is useful for text describing the
signature as a whole to appear right after the signature declaration.
(sigelem sig-id id) |
Typesets the identifier id with a hyperlink to its definition
as a member of the signature named by sig-id.