7 Comment Box
comment-box:snip% : class? | ||
superclass: editor-snip:decorated% | ||
This snip implements the comment boxes that you see in
(send a-comment-box:snip make-editor) → (is-a?/c text%) Overrides make-editor in editor-snip:decorated%.Makes an instance ofOverrides make-snip in editor-snip:decorated%.Returns an instance of the comment-snip% class.
(send a-comment-box:snip get-corner-bitmap) → (is-a?/c bitmap%) Overrides get-corner-bitmap in editor-snip:decorated-mixin.Returns the semicolon bitmap from the file(build-path (collection-path "icons") "semicolon.gif")
(send a-comment-box:snip get-position) → (symbols 'left-top 'top-right) Overrides get-position in editor-snip:decorated-mixin.Returns 'left-topReturns the same string as the super method, but with newlines replaced by newline-semicolon-space.
(send a-comment-box:snip get-menu) → (is-a?/c popup-menu%) Overrides get-menu in editor-snip:decorated-mixin.Returns a menu with a single item to change the box into semicolon comments.