1.8 Managing Control Arrows: "arrow.ss"
The teachpack implements a controller for moving shapes across a canvass. A shape is a class of data for which move and draw operations can be drawn.
(control-left-right shape n move draw) → true |
shape : Shape |
n : number? |
move : (-> number? Shape Shape) |
draw : (-> Shape true) |
Moves shape n pixels left
(negative) or right (positive).
(control-up-down shape n move draw) → true |
shape : Shape |
n : number? |
move : (-> number? Shape Shape) |
draw : (-> Shape true) |
Moves shape n pixels up
(negative) or down (positive).
(control shape n move-lr move-ud draw) → true |
shape : Shape |
n : number? |
move-lr : (-> number? Shape Shape) |
move-ud : (-> number? Shape Shape) |
draw : (-> Shape true) |
Moves shape N pixels left or right and up or down, respectively.
; A shape is a structure: ; (make-posn num num) ; RAD : the radius of the simple disk moving across a canvas (define RAD 10) ; move : number shape -> shape or false ; to move a shape by delta according to translate ; effect: to redraw it (define (move delta sh) (cond [(and (clear-solid-disk sh RAD) (draw-solid-disk (translate sh delta) RAD)) (translate sh delta)] [else false])) ; translate : shape number -> shape ; to translate a shape by delta in the x direction (define (translate sh delta) (make-posn (+ (posn-x sh) delta) (posn-y sh))) ; draw-it : shape -> true ; to draw a shape on the canvas: a disk with radius (define (draw-it sh) (draw-solid-disk sh RAD)) ; RUN: ; this creates the canvas (start 100 50) ; this creates the controller GUI (control-left-right (make-posn 10 20) 10 move draw-it)