5 Advanced Student
program | | = | | def-or-expr ... |
| | | | |
def-or-expr | | = | | definition |
| | | | | expr |
| | | | | test-case |
| | | | | library-require |
| | | | |
definition | | = | | (define (name variable ...) expr) |
| | | | | (define name expr) |
| | | | | (define-struct name (name ...)) |
| | | | | (define-datatype name (name name ...) ...) |
| | | | |
expr | | = | | (begin expr expr ...) |
| | | | | (begin0 expr expr ...) |
| | | | | (set! variable expr) |
| | | | | (delay expr) |
| | | | | (lambda (variable ...) expr) |
| | | | | (λ (variable ...) expr) |
| | | | | (local [definition ...] expr) |
| | | | | (letrec ([name expr] ...) expr) |
| | | | | (shared ([name expr] ...) expr) |
| | | | | (let ([name expr] ...) expr) |
| | | | | (let name ([name expr] ...) expr) |
| | | | | (let* ([name expr] ...) expr) |
| | | | | (recur name ([name expr] ...) expr) |
| | | | | (expr expr ...) |
| | | | | (cond [expr expr] ... [expr expr]) |
| | | | | (cond [expr expr] ... [else expr]) |
| | | | | (case expr [(choice choice ...) expr] ... | [(choice choice ...) expr]) |
| | | | | (case expr [(choice choice ...) expr] ... | [else expr]) |
| | | | | (match expr [pattern expr] ...) |
| | | | | (if expr expr expr) |
| | | | | (when expr expr) |
| | | | | (unless expr expr) |
| | | | | (and expr expr expr ...) |
| | | | | (or expr expr expr ...) |
| | | | | (time expr) |
| | | | | name |
| | | | | ’quoted |
| | | | | `quasiquoted |
| | | | | number |
| | | | | string |
| | | | | character |
| | | | |
choice | | = | | name |
| | | | | number |
| | | | |
pattern | | = | | _ |
| | | | | name |
| | | | | number |
| | | | | true |
| | | | | false |
| | | | | string |
| | | | | character |
| | | | | ’quoted |
| | | | | `quasiquoted-pattern |
| | | | | (cons pattern pattern) |
| | | | | (list pattern ...) |
| | | | | (list* pattern ...) |
| | | | | (struct id (pattern ...)) |
| | | | | (vector pattern ...) |
| | | | | (box pattern) |
| | | | |
quasiquoted-pattern | | = | | name |
| | | | | number |
| | | | | string |
| | | | | character |
| | | | | (quasiquoted-pattern ...) |
| | | | | ’quasiquoted-pattern |
| | | | | `quasiquoted-pattern |
| | | | | ,pattern |
| | | | | ,@pattern |
| | | | |
quoted | | = | | name |
| | | | | number |
| | | | | string |
| | | | | character |
| | | | | (quoted ...) |
| | | | | ’quoted |
| | | | | `quoted |
| | | | | ,quoted |
| | | | | ,@quoted |
| | | | |
quasiquoted | | = | | name |
| | | | | number |
| | | | | string |
| | | | | character |
| | | | | (quasiquoted ...) |
| | | | | ’quasiquoted |
| | | | | `quasiquoted |
| | | | | ,expr |
| | | | | ,@expr |
| | | | |
test-case | | = | | (check-expect expr expr) |
| | | | | (check-within expr expr expr) |
| | | | | (check-error expr expr ...) |
| | | | | (check-member-of expr expr expr) |
| | | | | (check-range expr expr) |
| | | | | (check-range expr) |
| | | | |
library-require | | = | | (require string) |
| | | | | (require (lib string string ...)) |
| | | | | (require (planet string package)) |
| | | | |
package | | = | | (string string number number) |
An name or a variable is a sequence of characters
not including a space or one of the following:
" , ' `
( ) [ ]
{ } | ;
A number is a number such as 123, 3/2, or
A symbol is a quote character followed by a name. A
symbol is a value, just like 0 or empty.
A string is enclosed by a pair of ". Unlike
symbols, strings may be split into characters and manipulated by a
variety of functions. For example, "abcdef",
"This is a string", and "This is a string with \" inside" are all strings.
A character begins with #\ and has the
name of the character. For example, #\a, #\b,
and #\space are characters.
5.1 Pre-Defined Variables
The empty list.
The true value.
The false value.
5.2 Syntax for Advanced
In Advanced, set! can be used to mutate variables, and
define-struct’s structures are mutatable. define and
lambda can define functions of zero arguments, and function calls can
invoke functions of zero arguments.
(lambda (variable ...) expression) |
Creates a function that takes as many arguments as given variables,
and whose body is expression.
(λ (variable ...) expression) |
The Greek letter
λ is a synonym for
(expression expression ...) |
Calls the function that results from evaluating the first
expression. The value of the call is the value of function’s body when
every instance of name’s variables are replaced by the values of the
corresponding expressions.
The function being called must come from either a definition appearing before the
function call, or from a lambda expression. The number of argument
expressions must be the same as the number of arguments expected by
the function.
A short-hand for defining a group of related structures. The following
is equivalent to:
(begin expression expression ...) |
Evaluates the
expressions in order from left to right. The value of
begin expression is the value of the last
(begin0 expression expression ...) |
Evaluates the
expressions in order from left to right. The value of
begin expression is the value of the first
(set! variable expression) |
expression, and then mutates the
to have
expression’s value. The
variable must be defined
let*, or
Produces a “promise” to evaluate
expression. The
is not evaluated until the promise is forced with
force; when
the promise is forced, the result is recorded, so that any further
force of the promise immediately produces the remembered value.
(shared ([name expression] ...) expression) |
letrec, but when an
expression next to an
is a
vector, quasiquoted
expression, or
make-struct-name from a
define-struct, the
expression can refer directly to any
name, not just
names defined earlier. Thus,
shared can be used to create cyclic data structures.
(recur name ([name expression] ...) expression) |
A short-hand syntax for recursive loops. The first name corresponds to
the name of the recursive function. The names in the parenthesis are
the function’s arguments, and each corresponding expression is a
value supplied for that argument in an initial starting call of the
function. The last expression is the body of the function.
More precisely, the following recur:
(recur func-name ([arg-name arg-expression] ...) |
body-expression) |
is equivalent to:
(local [(define (func-name arg-name ...) body-expression)] |
(func-name arg-expression ...)) |
(let name ([name expression] ...) expression) |
An alternate syntax for
(case expression [(choice ...) expression] ... [(choice ...) expression]) |
case form contains one or more clauses. Each clause contains a
choices (in parentheses)—
either numbers or names—and an answer
expression. The initial expression is evaluated, and its
value is compared to the choices in each clause, where the lines are considered
in order. The first line that contains a matching choice provides an answer
expression whose value is the result of the whole case
expression. Numbers match with the numbers in the choices, and symbols match
with the names. If none of the lines contains a matching choice, it is an
error.(case expression [(choice ...) expression] ... [else expression]) |
This form of
case is similar to the prior one, except that the final
else clause is taken if no clause contains a choice matching the value
of the initial
(match expression [pattern expression] ...) |
match form contains one or more clauses that are surrounded by
square brackets. Each clause contains a pattern—
a description of a value—and
an answer expression. The initial expression is evaluated,
and its value is matched against the pattern in each clause, where the clauses are
considered in order. The first clause that contains a matching pattern provides
an answer expression whose value is the result of the whole
match expression. This expression may reference identifiers
defined in the matching pattern. If none of the clauses contains a matching
pattern, it is an error.(when test-expression body-expression) |
test-expression evaluates to
true, the result of the
when expression is the result of evaluating the
body-expression, otherwise the result is
(void) and the
body-expression is not evaluated. If the result of evaluating the
test-expression is neither
true nor
false, it is an
(unless test-expression body-expression) |
when, but the
body-expression is evaluated when the
test-expression produces
false instead of
5.3 Common Syntaxes
The following syntaxes behave the same in the Advanced
level as they did in the Intermediate Student with Lambda level.
(local [definition ...] expression) |
Groups related definitions for use in
expression. Each
definition can be either a
define or a
When evaluating
local, each
definition is evaluated
in order, and finally the body
expression is
evaluated. Only the expressions within the
local (including
the right-hand-sides of the
definitions and the
expression) may refer to the names defined by the
definitions. If a name defined in the
local is the
same as a top-level binding, the inner one “shadows” the outer
one. That is, inside the
local, any references to that name
refer to the inner one.
(letrec ([name expr-for-let] ...) expression) |
local, but with a simpler syntax. Each
defines a variable (or a function) with the value of the
expr-for-let. If
expr-for-let is a
letrec defines a function, otherwise it
defines a variable.
(let* ([name expr-for-let] ...) expression) |
letrec, but each
name can only be used in
expression, and in
expr-for-lets occuring after
(let ([name expr-for-let] ...) expression) |
letrec, but the defined
names can be used only
in the last
expression, not the
next to the
Measures the time taken to evaluate
expression. After
time prints out the time
taken by the evaluation (including real time, time taken by the
CPU, and the time spent collecting free memory). The value of
time is the same as that of
(define (name variable variable ...) expression) |
Defines a function named name. The expression is the body
of the function. When the function is called,
the values of the arguments are inserted into the body in place of the
variables. The function returns the value of that new expression.
The function name’s cannot be the same as that of another function or
Defines a variable called name with the the value of
expression. The variable name’s cannot be the same as that of
another function or variable, and name itself must not appear in
Defines a new structure called
structure-name. The structure’s fields are
named by the
field-names. After the
define-struct, the following new
functions are available:
make-structure-name : takes a number of
arguments equal to the number of fields in the structure,
and creates a new instance of that structure.
structure-name-field-name : takes an
instance of the structure and returns the value in the field named by
structure-name? : takes any value, and returns
true if the value is an instance of the structure.
The name of the new functions introduced by define-struct
must not be the same as that of other functions or variables,
otherwise define-struct reports an error.
(cond [question-expression answer-expression] ...) |
(cond [question-expression answer-expression] | ... | [else answer-expression]) |
Chooses a clause based on some condition.
cond finds the first
question-expression that evaluates to
true, then
evaluates the corresponding
If none of the question-expressions evaluates to true,
cond’s value is the answer-expression of the
else clause. If there is no else, cond reports
an error. If the result of a question-expression is neither
true nor false, cond also reports an error.
(if test-expression then-expression else-expression) |
When the value of the
test-expression is
if evaluates the
then-expression. When the test is
if evaluates the
If the
test-expression is neither
true nor
if reports an error.
(or expression expression expression ...) |
Evaluates to
true if all the
expressions are
true. If any
expression is
false, the
expression immediately evaluates to
false (and the expressions to the
right of that expression are not evaluated.)
If any of the expressions evaluate to a value other than
true or
or reports an error.
(and expression expression expression ...) |
Evaluates to
true as soon as one of the
expressions is
true (and the expressions to the right of that
expression are not evaluated.) If all of the
expressions are
and expression evaluates to
If any of the expressions evaluate to a value other than
true or
and reports an error.
Checks that the first expression evaluates to the same value as the
(check-within expression expected-expression delta-expression) |
Checks that the first
expression evaluates to a value within
delta-expression of the
expected-expression. If
delta-expression is not a number,
check-within reports an
Checks that the expression reports an error,
where the error messages matches the
value of matchexpression, if it is present.
Checks that the value of the first expression as that of
one of the following expressions.
(check-range expression low-expression high-expression) |
Checks that the value of the first expression is a number in
between the value of the low-expression and the
high-expression, inclusive.
Makes the definitions of the module specified by string
available in the current module (i.e., the current file), where
string refers to a file relative to the current file.
The string is constrained in several ways to avoid
problems with different path conventions on different platforms: a
/ is a directory separator, . always means the
current directory, .. always means the parent directory,
path elements can use only a through z
(uppercase or lowercase), 0 through 9,
-, _, and ., and the string cannot be
empty or contain a leading or trailing /.
Accesses a file in an installed library. The library name is an
identifier with the same constraints as for a relative-path string
(though without the quotes), with the additional constraint that it
must not contain a ..
Accesses a file in an installed library, making its definitions
available in the current module (i.e., the current file). The first
string names the library file, and the remaining
strings name the collection (and sub-collection, and so on)
where the file is installed. Each string is constrained in the same
way as for the
(require string) form.
(require (planet string (string string number number))) |
Accesses a library that is distributed on the internet via the
PLaneT server, making it definitions available in the current module
(i.e., current file).
5.4 Pre-Defined Functions
5.4.1 Numbers: Integers, Rationals, Reals, Complex, Exacts, Inexacts
< : (real real real ... -> boolean) |
Compares real numbers for less-than.
<= : (real real real ... -> boolean) |
Compares real numbers for less-than or equality.
= : (number number number ... -> boolean) |
Compares numbers for equality.
> : (real real real ... -> boolean) |
Compares real numbers for greater-than.
>= : (real real ... -> boolean) |
Compares real numbers for greater-than or equality.
Evaluates the absolute value of a real number.
acos : (number -> number) |
Evaluates the arccosine (inverse of cos) of a number.
add1 : (number -> number) |
Evaluates a number one larger than a given number.
Extracts the angle from a complex number.
asin : (number -> number) |
Evaluates the arcsine (inverse of sin) of a number.
atan : (number (number) -> number) |
Evaluates the arctan of the given number or the ratio of the two given numbers.
Determines the closest integer (exact or inexact) above a real number.
Determines whether some value is complex.
Evaluates the conjugate of a complex number.
Evaluates the cosine of a number (radians).
cosh : (number -> number) |
Evaluates the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
Evaluates the current time in seconds elapsed (since a platform-specific starting date).
Evaluates the denominator of a rational.
Euler’s number.
even? : (integer -> boolean) |
Determines if some integer (exact or inexact) is even or not.
Converts an exact number to an inexact one.
Determines whether some number is exact.
Evaluates e raised to a number.
expt : (number number -> number) |
Evaluates the power of the first to the second number.
floor : (real -> integer) |
Determines the closest integer (exact or inexact) below a real number.
gcd : (integer integer ... -> integer) |
Evaluates the greatest common divisior of two integers (exact or inexact).
Extracts the imaginary part from a complex number.
Approximates an inexact number by an exact one.
Determines whether some number is inexact.
Lookups the character that corresponds to the given integer (exact only!) in the ASCII table (if any).
Evaluates the integer (exact or inexact) square root of a number.
Determines whether some value is an integer (exact or inexact).
lcm : (integer integer ... -> integer) |
Evaluates the least common multiple of two integers (exact or inexact).
Evaluates the base-e logarithm of a number.
Determines the magnitude of a complex number.
Creates a complex from a magnitude and angle.
Creates a complex from a real and an imaginary part.
max : (real real ... -> real) |
Determines the largest number.
min : (real real ... -> real) |
Determines the smallest number.
modulo : (integer integer -> integer) |
Finds the remainder of the division of the first number by the second; try (modulo 4 3) (modulo 4 -3).
Determines if some value is strictly smaller than zero.
Converts a number to a string.
Determines whether some value is a number.
Evaluates the numerator of a rational.
odd? : (integer -> boolean) |
Determines if some integer (exact or inexact) is odd or not.
The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
Determines if some value is strictly larger than zero.
Divides the first integer (exact or inexact) into the second; try (quotient 3 4) and (quotient 4 3).
random | : | (case-> | (integer -> integer) | (-> (and/c real inexact? (>/c 0) (</c 1)))) |
Generates a random natural number less than some given integer, or to generate a random inexact number between 0.0 and 1.0 exclusive.
Determines whether some value is a rational number.
Extracts the real part from a complex number.
Determines whether some value is a real number.
Determines the remainder of dividing the first by the second integer (exact or inexact).
round : (real -> integer) |
Rounds a real number to an integer (rounds to even to break ties).
sgn : (real -> (union 1 1.0 0 0.0 -1 -1.0)) |
Evaluates the sign of a real number.
Evaluates the sine of a number (radians).
sinh : (number -> number) |
Evaluates the hyperbolic sine of a number.
Evaluates the square of a number.
sqrt : (number -> number) |
Evaluates the square root of a number.
sub1 : (number -> number) |
Evaluates a number one smaller than a given number.
Evaluates the tangent of a number (radians).
zero? : (number -> boolean) |
Determines if some value is zero or not.
5.4.2 Booleans
Determines whether two booleans are equal.
Determines whether some value is a boolean.
Determines whether a value is false.
not : (boolean -> boolean) |
Evaluates the negation of a boolean value.
5.4.3 Symbols
Converts a symbol to a string.
Determines whether two symbols are equal.
Determines whether some value is a symbol.
5.4.4 Lists
append : ((listof any) ... -> (listof any)) |
Creates a single list from several.
assoc : (any (listof any) -> (listof any) or false) |
Produces the first element on the list whose first is equal? to v; otherwise it produces false.
assq | : | (X | (listof (cons X Y)) | -> | (union false (cons X Y))) |
Determines whether some item is the first item of a pair in a list of pairs.
caaar | : | ((cons | (cons (cons W (listof Z)) (listof Y)) | (listof X)) | -> | W) |
Selects the first item of the first list in the first list of a list.
caadr | : | ((cons | (cons (cons W (listof Z)) (listof Y)) | (listof X)) | -> | (listof Z)) |
Selects the rest of the first list in the first list of a list.
caar : ((cons (cons Z (listof Y)) (listof X)) -> Z) |
Selects the first item of the first list in a list.
cadar | : | ((cons (cons W (cons Z (listof Y))) (listof X)) | -> | Z) |
Selects the second item of the first list of a list.
Selects the fourth item of a non-empty list.
caddr : ((cons W (cons Z (cons Y (listof X)))) -> Y) |
Selects the third item of a non-empty list.
cadr : ((cons Z (cons Y (listof X))) -> Y) |
Selects the second item of a non-empty list.
car : ((cons Y (listof X)) -> Y) |
Selects the first item of a non-empty list.
cdaar | : | ((cons | (cons (cons W (listof Z)) (listof Y)) | (listof X)) | -> | (listof Z)) |
Selects the rest of the first list in the first list of a list.
cdadr | : | ((cons W (cons (cons Z (listof Y)) (listof X))) | -> | (listof Y)) |
Selects the rest of the first list in the rest of a list.
cdar | : | ((cons (cons Z (listof Y)) (listof X)) | -> | (listof Y)) |
Selects the rest of a non-empty list in a list.
cddar | : | ((cons (cons W (cons Z (listof Y))) (listof X)) | -> | (listof Y)) |
Selects the rest of the rest of the first list of a list.
cdddr | : | ((cons W (cons Z (cons Y (listof X)))) | -> | (listof X)) |
Selects the rest of the rest of the rest of a list.
cddr : ((cons Z (cons Y (listof X))) -> (listof X)) |
Selects the rest of the rest of a list.
cdr : ((cons Y (listof X)) -> (listof X)) |
Selects the rest of a non-empty list.
cons : (X (listof X) -> (listof X)) |
Constructs a list.
Determines whether some value is a constructed list.
Selects the eighth item of a non-empty list.
Determines whether some value is the empty list.
fifth : ((listof Y) -> Y) |
Selects the fifth item of a non-empty list.
first : ((cons Y (listof X)) -> Y) |
Selects the first item of a non-empty list.
Selects the fourth item of a non-empty list.
length : ((listof any) -> number) |
Evaluates the number of items on a list.
list : (any ... -> (listof any)) |
Constructs a list of its arguments.
list* : (any ... (listof any) -> (listof any)) |
Constructs a list by adding multiple items to a list.
list-ref : ((listof X) natural-number -> X) |
Extracts the indexed item from the list.
Determines whether some value is a list.
make-list : (natural-number any -> (listof any)) |
Constructs a list of k (the first argument) copies of x (the second argument).
member : (any (listof any) -> boolean) |
Determines whether some value is on the list (comparing values with equal?).
member? : (any (listof any) -> boolean) |
Determines whether some value is on the list (comparing values with equal?).
memq : (any (listof any) -> (union false list)) |
Determines whether some value is on some list if so, it produces the suffix of the list that starts with x if not, it produces false. (It compares values with the eq? predicate.)
memv : (any (listof any) -> (union false list)) |
Determines whether some value is on the list if so, it produces the suffix of the list that starts with x if not, it produces false. (It compares values with the eqv? predicate.)
The empty list.
Determines whether some value is the empty list.
remove : (any (listof any) -> (listof any)) |
Constructs a list like the given one with the first occurrence of the given item removed (comparing values with equal?).
rest : ((cons Y (listof X)) -> (listof X)) |
Selects the rest of a non-empty list.
Creates a reversed version of a list.
second : ((cons Z (cons Y (listof X))) -> Y) |
Selects the second item of a non-empty list.
Selects the seventh item of a non-empty list.
sixth : ((listof Y) -> Y) |
Selects the sixth item of a non-empty list.
third : ((cons W (cons Z (cons Y (listof X)))) -> Y) |
Selects the third item of a non-empty list.
5.4.5 Posns
Constructs a posn.
Signature for posns.
Extracts the x component of a posn.
Extracts the y component of a posn.
posn? : (anything -> boolean) |
Determines if its input is a posn.
Updates the x component of a posn.
Updates the x component of a posn.
5.4.6 Characters
Lookups the number that corresponds to the given character in the ASCII table (if any).
Determines whether a character represents an alphabetic character.
Determines whether a character precedes another (or is equal to it) in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines whether a character precedes another in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines whether two characters are equal in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines whether a character succeeds another (or is equal to it) in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines whether a character succeeds another in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines the equivalent lower-case character.
Determines whether a character is a lower-case character.
Determines whether a character represents a digit.
Determines the equivalent upper-case character.
Determines whether a character is an upper-case character.
Determines whether a character represents space.
char<=? : (char char char ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether a character precedes another (or is equal to it).
char<? : (char char char ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether a character precedes another.
char=? : (char char char ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether two characters are equal.
char>=? : (char char char ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether a character succeeds another (or is equal to it).
char>? : (char char char ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether a character succeeds another.
Determines whether a value is a character.
5.4.7 Strings
explode : (string -> (listof string)) |
Translates a string into a list of 1-letter strings.
format : (string any ... -> string) |
Formats a string, possibly embedding values.
implode : ((listof string) -> string) |
Concatenates the list of 1-letter strings into one string.
Converts an integer in [0,55295] or [57344 1114111] to a 1-letter string.
Converts a s list of characters into a string.
Produces a string of given length from a single given character.
Replicates the given string.
Builds a string of the given characters.
Converts a 1-letter string to an integer in [0,55295] or [57344, 1114111].
Converts a string into a list of characters.
Converts a string into a number, produce false if impossible.
Converts a string into a symbol.
Determines whether all ’letters’ in the string are alphabetic.
Juxtaposes the characters of several strings.
Determines whether one string alphabetically precedes another (or is equal to it) in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines whether one string alphabetically precedes another in a case-insensitive manner.
Compares two strings character-wise in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines whether one string alphabetically succeeds another (or is equal to it) in a case-insensitive manner.
Determines whether one string alphabetically succeeds another in a case-insensitive manner.
Copies a string.
Extracts the ith 1-letter substring from the given one.
Determines the length of a string.
Determines whether all ’letters’ in the string are lower case.
Determines whether all ’letters’ in the string are numeric.
Extracts the i-the character from a string.
Determines whether all ’letters’ in the string are upper case.
Determines whether all ’letters’ in the string are white space.
string<=? : (string string string ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether one string alphabetically precedes another (or is equal to it).
string<? : (string string string ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether one string alphabetically precedes another.
string=? : (string string string ... -> boolean) |
Compares two strings character-wise.
string>=? : (string string string ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether one string alphabetically succeeds another (or is equal to it).
string>? : (string string string ... -> boolean) |
Determines whether one string alphabetically succeeds another.
Determines whether a value is a string.
Extracts the substring starting at a 0-based index up to the second 0-based index (exclusive).
5.4.8 Images
Determines whether two images are equal.
Determines whether a value is an image.
5.4.9 Misc
=~ : (number number non-negative-real -> boolean) |
Checks whether two numbers are within some amount (the third argument) of either other.
Returns the current “time” in fixnum milliseconds (possibly negative).
The end-of-file value.
Determines whether some value is the end-of-file value.
eq? : (any any -> boolean) |
Determines whether two values are equivalent from the computer’s perspective (intensional).
Determines whether two values are structurally equal where basic values are compared with the eqv? predicate.
equal~? : (any any non-negative-real -> boolean) |
Compares like equal? on the first two arguments, except using =~ in the case of numbers.
eqv? : (any any -> boolean) |
Determines whether two values are equivalent from the perspective of all functions that can be applied to it (extensional).
error : (any ... -> void) |
signals an error, combining the given values into an error message.
If any of the values’ printed representations is too long, it is truncated and “...” is put into the string. If the first value is a symbol, it is treated specially; it is suffixed with a colon and a space (the intention is that the symbol is the name of the function signalling the error).
Exits the running program.
Finds the delayed value; see also delay.
Generates a new symbol, different from all symbols in the program.
Returns the argument unchanged.
Determines if a value is delayed.
sleep : (-> positive-number void) |
Causes the program to sleep for the given number of seconds.
Determines whether some value is a structure.
Produces a void value.
Determines if a value is void.
5.4.10 Numbers (relaxed conditions)
* : (number ... -> number) |
Multiplys all given numbers.
+ : (number ... -> number) |
Adds all given numbers.
- : (number ... -> number) |
Subtracts from the first all remaining numbers.
/ : (number ... -> number) |
Divides the first by all remaining numbers.
5.4.11 Higher-Order Functions
andmap : ((X -> boolean) (listof X) -> boolean) |
(andmap p (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (and (p x-1) ... (p x-n))
apply | : | ((X-1 ... X-N -> Y) | X-1 | ... | X-i | (list X-i+1 ... X-N) | -> | Y) |
Applies a function using items from a list as the arguments.
argmax : ((X -> real) (listof X) -> X) |
Finds the (first) element of the list that maximizes the output of the function.
argmin : ((X -> real) (listof X) -> X) |
Finds the (first) element of the list that minimizes the output of the function.
(build-list n f) = (list (f 0) ... (f (- n 1)))
(build-string n f) = (string (f 0) ... (f (- n 1)))
compose | : | ((Y-1 -> Z) | ... | (Y-N -> Y-N-1) | (X-1 ... X-N -> Y-N) | -> | (X-1 ... X-N -> Z)) |
Composes a sequence of procedures into a single procedure.
filter : ((X -> boolean) (listof X) -> (listof X)) |
Constructs a list from all those items on a list for which the predicate holds.
foldl : ((X Y -> Y) Y (listof X) -> Y) |
(foldl f base (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (f x-n ... (f x-1 base))
foldr : ((X Y -> Y) Y (listof X) -> Y) |
(foldr f base (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (f x-1 ... (f x-n base))
for-each : ((any ... -> any) (listof any) ... -> void) |
Applies a function to each item on one or more lists for effect only.
map : ((X ... -> Z) (listof X) ... -> (listof Z)) |
Constructs a new list by applying a function to each item on one or more existing lists.
memf | : | ((X -> any) | (listof X) | -> | (union false (listof X))) |
Produces true if the function given as the first argument produces a non-false value for any item in the second argument.
ormap : ((X -> boolean) (listof X) -> boolean) |
(ormap p (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (or (p x-1) ... (p x-n))
Produces true if the value is a procedure.
quicksort : ((listof X) (X X -> boolean) -> (listof X)) |
Constructs a list from all items on a list in an order according to a predicate.
sort : ((listof X) (X X -> boolean) -> (listof X)) |
Constructs a list from all items on a list in an order according to a predicate.
5.4.12 Reading and Printing
Prints the argument to stdout (without quotes on symbols and strings, etc.).
Prints a newline to stdout.
Like write, but with standard newlines and indentation.
Prints the argument as a value to stdout.
printf : (string any ... -> void) |
Formats the rest of the arguments according to the first argument and print it to stdout.
Reads input from the user.
Opens the named input file and to extract all input from there.
Turns the given string into input for read* operations.
Opens the named output file and to put all output there.
Produces a string from all write/display/print operations.
Prints the argument to stdout (in a traditional style that is somewhere between print and display).
5.4.13 Vectors
Constructs a vector.
Constructs a vector.
vector : (X ... -> (vector X ...)) |
Constructs a vector.
Determines the length of a vector.
Extracts an element from a vector.
Updates a vector.
Determines if a value is a vector.
5.4.14 Boxes
Constructs a box.
Determines if a value is a box.
Updates a box.
Extracts the boxed value.
5.4.15 Hash Tables
Copies a hash table.
Determines the number of keys mapped by a hash table.
Determines if a hash table uses eq? for comparisions.
Determines if a hash table uses equal? for comparisions.
Determines if a hash table uses eqv? for comparisions.
Applies a function to each mapping of a hash table for effect only.
Determines if a key is associated with a value in a hash table.
hash-map : ((hash X Y) (X Y -> A) -> (listof A)) |
Constructs a new list by applying a function to each mapping of a hash table.
hash-ref | : | (case-> | ((hash X Y) X -> Y) | ((hash X Y) X Y -> Y) | ((hash X Y) X (-> Y) -> Y)) |
Extracts the value associated with a key from a hash table; the three argument case allows a default value or default value computation.
hash-ref! | : | (case-> | ((hash X Y) X Y -> Y) | ((hash X Y) X (-> Y) -> Y)) |
Extracts the value associated with a key from a mutable hash table; if the key does not have an mapping, the third argument is used as the value (or used to compute the value) and is added to the hash table associated with the key.
Constructs an immutable hash table with one less mapping than an existing immutable hash table.
Removes an mapping from a mutable hash table.
hash-set : ((hash X Y) X Y -> (hash X Y)) |
Constructs an immutable hash table with one new mapping from an existing immutable hash table.
Updates a mutable hash table with a new mapping.
hash-update | : | (case-> | ((hash X Y) X (Y -> Y) -> (hash X Y)) | ((hash X Y) X (Y -> Y) Y -> (hash X Y)) | ((hash X Y) X (Y -> Y) (-> Y) -> (hash X Y))) |
Composes hash-ref and hash-set to update an existing mapping; the third argument is used to compute the new mapping value; the fourth argument is used as the third argument to hash-ref.
hash-update! | : | (case-> | ((hash X Y) X (Y -> Y) -> void) | ((hash X Y) X (Y -> Y) Y -> void) | ((hash X Y) X (Y -> Y) (-> Y) -> void)) |
Composes hash-ref and hash-set! to update an existing mapping; the third argument is used to compute the new mapping value; the fourth argument is used as the third argument to hash-ref.
Determines if a value is a hash table.
make-hash | : | (case-> | (-> (hash X Y)) | ((listof (list X Y)) -> (hash X Y))) |
Constructs a mutable hash table from an optional list of mappings that uses equal? for comparisions.
make-hasheq | : | (case-> | (-> (hash X Y)) | ((listof (list X Y)) -> (hash X Y))) |
Constructs a mutable hash table from an optional list of mappings that uses eq? for comparisions.
make-hasheqv | : | (case-> | (-> (hash X Y)) | ((listof (list X Y)) -> (hash X Y))) |
Constructs a mutable hash table from an optional list of mappings that uses eqv? for comparisions.
Constructs an immutable hash table from an optional list of mappings that uses equal? for comparisions.
Constructs an immutable hash table from an optional list of mappings that uses eq? for comparisions.
Constructs an immutable hash table from an optional list of mappings that uses eqv? for comparisions.