Version: 5.1.2

MysterX: Using Windows COM Objects in Racket

Paul Steckler

MysterX is a toolkit for building Windows applications from ActiveX and COM components, using Racket as glue code. Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is used for component presentation and event-handling.

 (require mysterx)

    1 Overview

      1.1 Installation

      1.2 Running a Demo

      1.3 Loading

      1.4 Remote COM servers (DCOM)

    2 COM

      2.1 COM Methods and Properties

      2.2 COM Types

      2.3 COM Events

    3 ActiveX and DHTML

      3.1 Browsers

      3.2 Documents

      3.3 HTML Events

      3.4 HTML and Dynamic HTML

        3.4.1 HTML Elements

        3.4.2 Generating ActiveX HTML

        3.4.3 CSS

        3.4.4 Colors

    4 Version
