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Version: 5.1.2

2 Figures

 (require scriblib/figure)

(figure tag caption pre-flow ...)  block?
  tag : string?
  caption : content?
  pre-flow : pre-flow?
(figure* tag caption pre-flow ...)  block?
  tag : string?
  caption : content?
  pre-flow : pre-flow?
(figure** tag caption pre-flow ...)  block?
  tag : string?
  caption : content?
  pre-flow : pre-flow?
(figure-here tag caption pre-flow ...)  block?
  tag : string?
  caption : content?
  pre-flow : pre-flow?
Creates a figure. The given tag is for use with figure-ref or Figure-ref. The caption is an element. The pre-flow is decoded as a flow.

For HTML output, the figure and figure* functions center the figure content, while figure** allows the content to be wider than the document body. For two-column Latex output, figure* and figure** generate a figure that spans columns.

For Latex output, figure-here generates a figure to be included at the position in the output text where the figure-here occurs in the source text. For HTML output, all figure variants place the figure where the use appears in the source text.

(figure-ref tag)  element?
  tag : string?
Generates a reference to a figure, using a lowercase word “figure”.

(Figure-ref tag)  element?
  tag : string?
Generates a reference to a figure, capitalizing the word “Figure”.

(Figure-target tag)  element?
  tag : string?
Generates a new figure label. This function is normally not used directly, since it is used by figure.