On this page:
frame: basic<%>
frame: basic-mixin
frame: size-pref<%>
frame: size-pref-mixin
frame: register-group<%>
frame: register-group-mixin
frame: status-line<%>
frame: status-line-mixin
frame: info<%>
frame: info-mixin
frame: text-info<%>
frame: text-info-mixin
frame: pasteboard-info<%>
frame: pasteboard-info-mixin
frame: standard-menus<%>
file-menu: get-new-item
file-menu: create-new?
file-menu: new-callback
file-menu: new-on-demand
file-menu: new-string
file-menu: new-help-string
file-menu: between-new-and-open
file-menu: get-open-item
file-menu: create-open?
file-menu: open-callback
file-menu: open-on-demand
file-menu: open-string
file-menu: open-help-string
file-menu: get-open-recent-item
file-menu: create-open-recent?
file-menu: open-recent-callback
file-menu: open-recent-on-demand
file-menu: open-recent-string
file-menu: open-recent-help-string
file-menu: between-open-and-revert
file-menu: get-revert-item
file-menu: create-revert?
file-menu: revert-callback
file-menu: revert-on-demand
file-menu: revert-string
file-menu: revert-help-string
file-menu: between-revert-and-save
file-menu: get-save-item
file-menu: create-save?
file-menu: save-callback
file-menu: save-on-demand
file-menu: save-string
file-menu: save-help-string
file-menu: get-save-as-item
file-menu: create-save-as?
file-menu: save-as-callback
file-menu: save-as-on-demand
file-menu: save-as-string
file-menu: save-as-help-string
file-menu: between-save-as-and-print
file-menu: get-print-item
file-menu: create-print?
file-menu: print-callback
file-menu: print-on-demand
file-menu: print-string
file-menu: print-help-string
file-menu: between-print-and-close
file-menu: get-close-item
file-menu: create-close?
file-menu: close-callback
file-menu: close-on-demand
file-menu: close-string
file-menu: close-help-string
file-menu: between-close-and-quit
file-menu: get-quit-item
file-menu: create-quit?
file-menu: quit-callback
file-menu: quit-on-demand
file-menu: quit-string
file-menu: quit-help-string
file-menu: after-quit
edit-menu: get-undo-item
edit-menu: create-undo?
edit-menu: undo-callback
edit-menu: undo-on-demand
edit-menu: undo-string
edit-menu: undo-help-string
edit-menu: get-redo-item
edit-menu: create-redo?
edit-menu: redo-callback
edit-menu: redo-on-demand
edit-menu: redo-string
edit-menu: redo-help-string
edit-menu: between-redo-and-cut
edit-menu: get-cut-item
edit-menu: create-cut?
edit-menu: cut-callback
edit-menu: cut-on-demand
edit-menu: cut-string
edit-menu: cut-help-string
edit-menu: between-cut-and-copy
edit-menu: get-copy-item
edit-menu: create-copy?
edit-menu: copy-callback
edit-menu: copy-on-demand
edit-menu: copy-string
edit-menu: copy-help-string
edit-menu: between-copy-and-paste
edit-menu: get-paste-item
edit-menu: create-paste?
edit-menu: paste-callback
edit-menu: paste-on-demand
edit-menu: paste-string
edit-menu: paste-help-string
edit-menu: between-paste-and-clear
edit-menu: get-clear-item
edit-menu: create-clear?
edit-menu: clear-callback
edit-menu: clear-on-demand
edit-menu: clear-string
edit-menu: clear-help-string
edit-menu: between-clear-and-select-all
edit-menu: get-select-all-item
edit-menu: create-select-all?
edit-menu: select-all-callback
edit-menu: select-all-on-demand
edit-menu: select-all-string
edit-menu: select-all-help-string
edit-menu: between-select-all-and-find
edit-menu: get-find-item
edit-menu: create-find?
edit-menu: find-callback
edit-menu: find-on-demand
edit-menu: find-string
edit-menu: find-help-string
edit-menu: get-find-next-item
edit-menu: create-find-next?
edit-menu: find-next-callback
edit-menu: find-next-on-demand
edit-menu: find-next-string
edit-menu: find-next-help-string
edit-menu: get-find-previous-item
edit-menu: create-find-previous?
edit-menu: find-previous-callback
edit-menu: find-previous-on-demand
edit-menu: find-previous-string
edit-menu: find-previous-help-string
edit-menu: get-show/ hide-replace-item
edit-menu: create-show/ hide-replace?
edit-menu: show/ hide-replace-callback
edit-menu: show/ hide-replace-on-demand
edit-menu: show/ hide-replace-string
edit-menu: show/ hide-replace-help-string
edit-menu: get-replace-item
edit-menu: create-replace?
edit-menu: replace-callback
edit-menu: replace-on-demand
edit-menu: replace-string
edit-menu: replace-help-string
edit-menu: get-replace-all-item
edit-menu: create-replace-all?
edit-menu: replace-all-callback
edit-menu: replace-all-on-demand
edit-menu: replace-all-string
edit-menu: replace-all-help-string
edit-menu: get-find-case-sensitive-item
edit-menu: create-find-case-sensitive?
edit-menu: find-case-sensitive-callback
edit-menu: find-case-sensitive-on-demand
edit-menu: find-case-sensitive-string
edit-menu: find-case-sensitive-help-string
edit-menu: between-find-and-preferences
edit-menu: get-preferences-item
edit-menu: create-preferences?
edit-menu: preferences-callback
edit-menu: preferences-on-demand
edit-menu: preferences-string
edit-menu: preferences-help-string
edit-menu: after-preferences
help-menu: before-about
help-menu: get-about-item
help-menu: create-about?
help-menu: about-callback
help-menu: about-on-demand
help-menu: about-string
help-menu: about-help-string
help-menu: after-about
frame: standard-menus-mixin
frame: editor<%>
frame: editor-mixin
file-menu: open-callback
file-menu: revert-on-demand
file-menu: revert-callback
file-menu: create-revert?
file-menu: save-callback
file-menu: create-save?
file-menu: save-as-callback
file-menu: create-save-as?
file-menu: print-callback
file-menu: create-print?
file-menu: between-save-as-and-print
edit-menu: between-select-all-and-find
help-menu: about-callback
help-menu: about-string
help-menu: create-about?
frame: open-here<%>
frame: open-here-mixin
file-menu: new-on-demand
file-menu: new-callback
file-menu: open-on-demand
frame: text<%>
frame: text-mixin
frame: pasteboard<%>
frame: pasteboard-mixin
frame: delegate<%>
frame: delegate-mixin
frame: searchable<%>
frame: searchable-mixin
edit-menu: find-callback
edit-menu: create-find?
edit-menu: find-again-callback
edit-menu: create-find-again?
edit-menu: find-again-backwards-callback
edit-menu: create-find-again-backwards?
edit-menu: replace-all-callback
edit-menu: replace-all-on-demand
edit-menu: create-replace-all?
edit-menu: find-case-sensitive-callback
edit-menu: find-case-sensitive-on-demand
edit-menu: create-find-case-sensitive?
frame: searchable-text<%>
frame: searchable-text-mixin
frame: basic%
frame: size-pref%
frame: info%
frame: text-info%
frame: pasteboard-info%
frame: status-line%
frame: standard-menus%
frame: editor%
frame: open-here%
frame: text%
frame: searchable%
frame: delegate%
frame: pasteboard%
frame: setup-size-pref
frame: add-snip-menu-items
frame: reorder-menus
frame: remove-empty-menus
frame: current-icon

14 Frame

frame:basic<%> : interface?
  implements: frame%
Classes matching this interface support the basic frame% functionality required by the framework.

The class that this method returns is used to create the area-container<%> in this frame.

This returns the main area-container<%> in the frame

(send a-frame:basic get-menu-bar%)  (subclass?/c menu-bar%)
The result of this method is used to create the initial menu bar for this frame.

Return menu-bar%.
(send a-frame:basic make-root-area-container class 
  (is-a?/c area-container<%>)
  class : (implementation?/c area-container<%>)
  parent : (is-a?/c area-container<%>)
Override this method to insert a panel in between the panel used by the clients of this frame and the frame itself. For example, to insert a status line panel override this method with something like this:

(class ...
 (define status-panel #f)
 (define/override (make-root-area-container cls parent)
   (set! status-panel
         (super make-root-area-container vertical-panel% parent))
   (let ([root (make-object cls status-panel)])
      ; ... add other children to status-panel ...

In this example, status-panel will contain a root panel for the other classes, and whatever panels are needed to display status information.

The searching frame is implemented using this method.

Calls make-object with class and parent.
(send a-frame:basic close)  void?
This method closes the frame by calling the can-close?, on-close, and show methods.

It’s implementation is:
(inherit can-close? on-close)
    (lambda ()
      (when (can-close?)
        (show #f)))])

(send a-frame:basic editing-this-file? filename)  boolean?
  filename : path?
Indicates if this frame contains this buffer (and can edit that file).

Returns #f.
(send a-frame:basic get-filename [temp])  (or/c #f path?)
  temp : (or/c #f (box boolean?)) = #f
This returns the filename that the frame is currently being saved as, or #f if there is no appropriate filename.

Returns #f by default.

If temp is a box, it is filled with #t or #f, depending if the filename is a temporary filename.
(send a-frame:basic make-visible filename)  void?
  filename : string?
Makes the file named by filename visible (intended for use with tabbed editing).

frame:basic-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame%
  result implements: frame:basic<%>
This mixin provides the basic functionality that the framework expects. It helps manage the list of frames in the group:% object returned by group:get-the-frame-group.
Do not give panel% or control<%> objects this frame as parent. Instead, use the result of the get-area-container method.
This mixin also creates a menu bar for the frame, as the frame is initialized. It uses the class returned by get-menu-bar%. It only passes the frame as an initialization argument. In addition, it creates the windows menu in the menu bar.
This mixin calls its accept-drop-files with #t.
It also calls its set-icon method according to the current value of frame:current-icon.

(send a-frame:basic show on?)  void?
  on? : boolean?
Calls the super method.

When on? is #t, inserts the frame into the frame group and when it is #f, removes the frame from the group.
(send a-frame:basic can-exit?)  boolean?
This, together with on-exit mimics exit:exit.

First, it calls exit:set-exiting with #t. Then, it calls exit:can-exit?. If it returns #t, so does this method. If it returns #f, this method calls exit:set-exiting with #f.
(send a-frame:basic on-exit)  void?
Together with can-exit? this mimics the behavior of exit:exit.

Calls exit:on-exit and then queues a callback to call Racket’s exit function. If that returns, it calls exit:set-exiting to reset that flag to #f.
(send a-frame:basic on-superwindow-show shown?)  void?
  shown? : any/c
Notifies the result of (group:get-the-frame-group) that a frame has been shown, by calling the frame-shown/hidden method.

(send a-frame:basic on-drop-file pathname)  void?
  pathname : string?
Overrides on-drop-file in window<%>.
Calls handler:edit-file with pathname as an argument.
(send a-frame:basic after-new-child)  void?
Raises an exception if attempting to add a child to this frame (except if using the make-root-area-container method).

frame:size-pref-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:basic<%>
  result implements: frame:size-pref<%>

(new frame:size-pref-mixin 
  [size-preferences-key size-preferences-key] 
  [label label] 
  [[parent parent] 
  [x x] 
  [y y] 
  [style style] 
  [enabled enabled] 
  [border border] 
  [spacing spacing] 
  [alignment alignment] 
  [min-width min-width] 
  [min-height min-height] 
  [stretchable-width stretchable-width] 
  [stretchable-height stretchable-height]]) 
  (is-a?/c frame:size-pref-mixin)
  size-preferences-key : symbol?
  label : label-string?
  parent : (or/c (is-a?/c frame%) false/c) = #f
  x : (or/c (integer-in -10000 10000) false/c) = #f
  y : (or/c (integer-in -10000 10000) false/c) = #f
  style : (listof (or/c 'no-resize-border 'no-caption 'no-system-menu 'hide-menu-bar 'mdi-parent 'mdi-child 'toolbar-button 'float 'metal))
   = null
  enabled : any/c = #t
  border : (integer-in 0 1000) = 0
  spacing : (integer-in 0 1000) = 0
  alignment : (list/c (or/c 'left 'center 'right) (or/c 'top 'center 'bottom))
   = '(center top)
  min-width : (integer-in 0 10000) = graphical-minimum-width
  min-height : (integer-in 0 10000) = graphical-minimum-height
  stretchable-width : any/c = #t
  stretchable-height : any/c = #t
The size size-preferences-key symbol is used with preferences:get and preferences:set to track the current size.

Passes the width and height initialization arguments to the superclass based on the current value of the preference.

See also frame:setup-size-pref.

(send a-frame:size-pref on-size width    
  height)  void?
  width : number?
  height : number?
Overrides on-size in window<%>.
Updates the preferences, according to the width and height. The preferences key is the one passed to the initialization argument of the class.

Frames that implement this interface are registered with the group. See group:get-the-frame-group and frame:register-group-mixin.
frame:register-group-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:basic<%>
  result implements: frame:register-group<%>
During initialization, calls insert-framewith this.

(send a-frame:register-group can-close?)  boolean?
Calls the inner method, with a default of #t. If that returns #t, it checks for one of the these three conditions:

If any of those conditions hold, the method returns #t.
(send a-frame:register-group on-close)  void?
First calls the inner method. Next, calls the remove-frame method of the result of group:get-the-frame-group with this as an argument. Finally, unless exit:exiting? returns #t, and if there are no more frames open, it calls exit:exit.
(send a-frame:register-group on-activate on?)  void?
  on? : boolean?
Calls set-active-frame with this when on? is true.

The mixin that implements this interface provides an interface to a set of status lines at the bottom of this frame.
Each status line must be opened with open-status-line before any messages are shown in the status line and once close-status-line is called, no more messages may be displayed, unless the status line is re-opened.
The screen space for status lines is not created until update-status-line is called with a string. Additionally, the screen space for one status line is re-used when by another status line when the first passes #f to update-status-line. In this manner, the status line frame avoids opening too many status lines and avoids flashing the status lines open and closed too often.

(send a-frame:status-line open-status-line id)  void?
  id : symbol?
Creates a new status line identified by the symbol argument. The line will not appear in the frame until a message is put into it, via update-status-line.

(send a-frame:status-line close-status-line id)  void?
  id : symbol?
Closes the status line id.
(send a-frame:status-line update-status-line id    
  status)  void?
  id : symbol?
  status : (or/c #f string)
Updates the status line named by id with status. If status is #f, the status line is becomes blank (and may be used by other ids).

frame:status-line-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:basic<%>
  result implements: frame:status-line<%>

(send a-frame:status-line make-root-area-container class 
  (is-a?/c panel%)
  class : (subclass?/c panel%)
  parent : (is-a?/c panel%)
Adds a panel at the bottom of the frame to hold the status lines.

Frames matching this interface support a status line.
The preference 'framework:show-status-line controls the visibility of the status line. If it is #t, the status line is visible and if it is #f, the status line is not visible (see preferences:get for more info about preferences)

(send a-frame:info determine-width str    
  text)  integer
  str : string
  canvas : (is-a?/c editor-canvas%)
  text : (is-a?/c text%)
This method is used to calculate the size of an editor-canvas% with a particular set of characters in it. It is used to calculate the sizes of the edits in the status line.

(send a-frame:info lock-status-changed)  void?
This method is called when the lock status of the editor<%> changes.

Updates the lock icon in the status line panel.
(send a-frame:info update-info)  void?
This method updates all of the information in the panel.
(send a-frame:info set-info-canvas canvas)  void?
  canvas : (or/c (is-a?/c canvas:basic%) #f)
Sets this canvas to be the canvas that the info frame shows info about. The on-focus and set-editor methods call this method to ensure that the info canvas is set correctly.

(send a-frame:info get-info-canvas)
  (or/c (is-a?/c canvas:basic%) #f)
Returns the canvas that the frame:info<%> currently shows info about. See also set-info-canvas

(send a-frame:info get-info-editor)
  (or/c #f (is-a?/c editor<%>))
Override this method to specify the editor that the status line contains information about.

Returns the result of get-editor.
(send a-frame:info get-info-panel)
  (is-a?/c horizontal-panel%)
This method returns the panel where the information about this editor is displayed.

(send a-frame:info show-info)  void?
Shows the info panel.

See also is-info-hidden?.

(send a-frame:info hide-info)  void?
Hides the info panel.

See also is-info-hidden?.
(send a-frame:info is-info-hidden?)  boolean?
Result indicates if the show info panel has been explicitly hidden with hide-info.

If this method returns #t and (preferences:get 'framework:show-status-line) is #f, then the info panel will not be visible. Otherwise, it is visible.

frame:info-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:basic<%>
  result implements: frame:info<%>
This mixin provides support for displaying various info in the status line of the frame.
The result of this mixin uses the same initialization arguments as the mixin’s argument.

(send a-frame:info make-root-area-container class 
  (is-a?/c area-container<%>)
  class : (subclass?/c area-container<%>)
  parent : (is-a?/c area-container<%>)
Builds an extra panel for displaying various information.
(send a-frame:info on-close)  void?
Removes the GC icon with unregister-collecting-blit and cleans up other callbacks.

Objects matching this interface receive information from editors constructed with editor:info-mixin and display it.

(send a-frame:text-info set-macro-recording on?)  void?
  on? : boolean?
Shows/hides the icon in the info bar that indicates if a macro recording is in progress.

(send a-frame:text-info overwrite-status-changed)  void?
This method is called when the overwrite mode is turned either on or off in the editor<%> in this frame.

(send a-frame:text-info anchor-status-changed)  void?
This method is called when the anchor is turned either on or off in the editor<%> in this frame.

(send a-frame:text-info editor-position-changed)  void?
This method is called when the position in the editor<%> changes.

(send a-frame:text-info add-line-number-menu-items menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item-container<%>)
This method is called when the line/column display in the info bar is clicked. It is passed a menu-item-container<%> that can be filled in with menu items; those menu items will appear in the menu that appears when line/colun display is clicked.

frame:text-info-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:info<%>
  result implements: frame:text-info<%>
This mixin adds status information to the info panel relating to an edit.

(send a-frame:text-info on-close)  void?
removes a preferences callback for 'framework:line-offsets. See preferences:add-callback for more information.
(send a-frame:text-info update-info)  void?

frame:pasteboard-info-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:basic<%>
  result implements: frame:pasteboard-info<%>

(send a-frame:standard-menus on-close)  void?
Removes the preferences callbacks for the menu items

(send a-frame:standard-menus get-menu%)
  (is-a?/c menu:can-restore-underscore-menu%)
The result of this method is used as the class for creating the result of these methods: get-file-menu, get-edit-menu, and get-help-menu.

(send a-frame:standard-menus get-menu-item%)
  (is-a?/c menu:can-restore-menu-item%)
The result of this method is used as the class for creating the menu items in this frame.

Returns menu:can-restore-menu-item by default.

The result of this method is used as the class for creating checkable menu items in this class.

Returns menu:can-restore-checkable-menu-item by default.

(send a-frame:standard-menus get-file-menu)  (is-a?/c menu%)
Returns the file menu. See also get-menu%.

(send a-frame:standard-menus get-edit-menu)  (is-a?/c menu%)
Returns the edit menu. See also get-menu%.

(send a-frame:standard-menus get-help-menu)  (is-a?/c menu%)
Returns the help menu. See also get-menu%.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-new-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-new?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-new?)  boolean?
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant new-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:new-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant new-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-new-and-open menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the new and the open menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-open-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-open?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-open?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant open-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant open-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-open-recent-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-open-recent?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-open-recent?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-callback x 
  x : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  y : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-on-demand menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant open-recent-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:open-recent-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant open-recent-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-open-and-revert menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the open and the revert menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-revert-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-revert?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-revert?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant revert-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:revert-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant revert-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-revert-and-save menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the revert and the save menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-save-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-save?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-save?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant save-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant save-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-save-as-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-save-as?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-save-as?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant save-as-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:save-as-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant save-as-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-save-as-and-print menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the save-as and the print menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-print-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-print?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-print?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant print-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:print-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant print-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-print-and-close menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the print and the close menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-close-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-close?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-close?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (when (can-close?) (on-close) (show #f)) #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant close-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:close-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant close-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:between-close-and-quit menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the close and the quit menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:get-quit-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by file-menu:create-quit?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:create-quit?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to (not (eq? (system-type) 'macosx)).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (if (eq? (system-type) 'windows) (string-constant quit-menu-item-windows) (string-constant quit-menu-item-others)).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:quit-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant quit-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus file-menu:after-quit menu)  void?
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called after the addition of the quit menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-undo-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-undo?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-undo?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-callback menu 
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'undo)))  #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'undo))))  (send item enable enable?))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant undo-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:undo-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant undo-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-redo-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-redo?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-redo?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-callback menu 
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'redo)))  #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'redo))))  (send item enable enable?))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant redo-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:redo-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant redo-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-redo-and-cut menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the redo and the cut menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-cut-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-cut?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-cut?)  boolean?
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-callback menu 
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'cut)))  #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'cut))))  (send item enable enable?))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant cut-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:cut-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant cut-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-cut-and-copy menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the cut and the copy menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-copy-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-copy?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-copy?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-callback menu 
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'copy)))  #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'copy))))  (send item enable enable?))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant copy-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:copy-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant copy-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-copy-and-paste menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the copy and the paste menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-paste-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-paste?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-paste?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-callback menu 
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'paste)))  #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'paste))))  (send item enable enable?))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant paste-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:paste-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant paste-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-paste-and-clear menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the paste and the clear menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-clear-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-clear?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-clear?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-callback menu 
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'clear)))  #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'clear))))  (send item enable enable?))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (if (eq? (system-type) 'windows) (string-constant clear-menu-item-windows) (string-constant clear-menu-item-windows)).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:clear-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant clear-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-clear-and-select-all menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the clear and the select-all menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-select-all-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-select-all?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-select-all?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #t.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-callback 
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(begin (let ((edit (get-edit-target-object))) (when (and edit (is-a? edit editor<%>)) (send edit do-edit-operation 'select-all)))  #t)

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(let* ((editor (get-edit-target-object)) (enable? (and editor (is-a? editor editor<%>) (send editor can-do-edit-operation? 'select-all))))  (send item enable enable?))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant select-all-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:select-all-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant select-all-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-select-all-and-find menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the select-all and the find menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send item enable (let ((target (get-edit-target-object))) (and target (is-a? target editor<%>))))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant find-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant find-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-next-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find-next?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find-next?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send item enable (let ((target (get-edit-target-object))) (and target (is-a? target editor<%>))))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant find-next-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-next-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant find-next-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-find-previous-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find-previous?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find-previous?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send item enable (let ((target (get-edit-target-object))) (and target (is-a? target editor<%>))))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant find-previous-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-previous-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant find-previous-info).

This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-show/hide-replace?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-show/hide-replace?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant show-replace-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:show/hide-replace-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant show/hide-replace-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-replace-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-replace?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-replace?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant replace-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant replace-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-replace-all-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-replace-all?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-replace-all?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant replace-all-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:replace-all-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant replace-all-info).

This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-find-case-sensitive?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-find-case-sensitive?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-on-demand item)
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send item enable (let ((target (get-edit-target-object))) (and target (is-a? target editor<%>))))

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant find-case-sensitive-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant find-case-sensitive-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:between-find-and-preferences menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called between the addition of the find and the preferences menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:get-preferences-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by edit-menu:create-preferences?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:create-preferences?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to (not (current-eventspace-has-standard-menus?)).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-string)
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant preferences-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:preferences-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant preferences-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus edit-menu:after-preferences menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called after the addition of the preferences menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:before-about menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called before the addition of the about menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:get-about-item)
  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c menu-item<%>))
This method returns the menu-item<%> object corresponding to this menu item, if it has been created (as controlled by help-menu:create-about?).

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:create-about?)
The result of this method determines if the corresponding menu item is created. Override it to control the creation of the menu item.

Defaults to #f.

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  control : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-on-demand menu-item)
  menu-item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
The menu item’s on-demand proc calls this method.

Defaults to

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-string)  string?
The result of this method is used as the name of the menu-item<%>.

Defaults to (string-constant about-menu-item).

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:about-help-string)
The result of this method is used as the help string when the menu-item<%> object is created.

Defaults to (string-constant about-info).

(send a-frame:standard-menus help-menu:after-about menu)
  menu : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
This method is called after the addition of the about menu-item. Override it to add additional menu items at that point.

frame:standard-menus-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:basic<%>
  result implements: frame:standard-menus<%>
The result of this mixin implements frame:standard-menus<%>.

(send a-frame:standard-menus on-close)  void?
Removes the preferences callbacks for the menu items

Frame classes matching this interface support embedded editors.

(send a-frame:editor get-entire-label)  string
This method returns the entire label for the frame. See also set-label and set-label-prefix.

(send a-frame:editor get-label-prefix)  string?
This returns the prefix for the frame’s label.

(send a-frame:editor set-label-prefix prefix)  void?
  prefix : string?
Sets the prefix for the label of the frame.

(send a-frame:editor get-canvas%)
  (subclass?/c editor-canvas%)
The result of this method is used to create the canvas for the editor<%> in this frame.

Returns editor-canvas%.

(send a-frame:editor get-canvas<%>)  (is-a?/c canvas:basic%)
The result of this method is used to guard the result of the get-canvas% method.

(send a-frame:editor get-editor%)
  (implementation?/c editor<%>)
The result of this class is used to create the editor<%> in this frame.

Override this method to specify a different editor class.

Returns the value of the init-field editor%.

(send a-frame:editor get-editor<%>)  interface?
The result of this method is used by make-editor to check that get-editor% is returning a reasonable editor.

Returns editor<%>.

(send a-frame:editor make-editor)  (is-a?/c editor<%>)
This method is called to create the editor in this frame. It calls get-editor<%> and uses that interface to make sure the result of get-editor% is reasonable.

Calls (make-object get-editor%).

(send a-frame:editor revert)  void?
Loads the most recently saved version of the file to the disk. If the editor<%> is a text%, the start and end positions are restored.

(send a-frame:editor save [format])  boolean?
  format : (or/c 'guess 'standard 'text 'text-force-cr 'same 'copy)
   = 'same
Saves the file being edited, possibly calling save-as if the editor has no filename yet.

Returns #f if the user cancels this operation (only possible when the file has not been saved before and the user is prompted for a new filename) and returns #t if not.

(send a-frame:editor save-as [format])  boolean?
  format : (or/c 'guess 'standard 'text 'text-force-cr 'same 'copy)
   = 'same
Queries the use for a file name and saves the file with that name.

Returns #f if the user cancells the file-choosing dialog and returns #t otherwise.
(send a-frame:editor get-canvas)  (is-a?/c canvas%)
Returns the canvas used to display the editor<%> in this frame.

(send a-frame:editor get-editor)  (is-a?/c editor<%>)
Returns the editor in this frame.

frame:editor-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:standard-menus<%>
  result implements: frame:editor<%>
This mixin adds functionality to support an editor<%> in the frame. This includes management of the title, implementations of some of the menu items, a reasonable initial size, and access to the editor<%> itself.
The size of this frame with be either 600 by 650 or 65 less than the width and height of the screen, whichever is smaller.
(new frame:editor-mixin 
  [filename filename] 
  [editor% editor%] 
  [[parent parent] 
  [width width] 
  [height height] 
  [x x] 
  [y y] 
  [style style] 
  [enabled enabled] 
  [border border] 
  [spacing spacing] 
  [alignment alignment] 
  [min-width min-width] 
  [min-height min-height] 
  [stretchable-width stretchable-width] 
  [stretchable-height stretchable-height]]) 
  (is-a?/c frame:editor-mixin)
  filename : string?
  editor% : (is-a?/c editor<%>)
  parent : (or/c (is-a?/c frame%) false/c) = #f
  width : (or/c (integer-in 0 10000) false/c) = #f
  height : (or/c (integer-in 0 10000) false/c) = #f
  x : (or/c (integer-in -10000 10000) false/c) = #f
  y : (or/c (integer-in -10000 10000) false/c) = #f
  style : (listof (or/c 'no-resize-border 'no-caption 'no-system-menu 'hide-menu-bar 'mdi-parent 'mdi-child 'toolbar-button 'float 'metal))
   = null
  enabled : any/c = #t
  border : (integer-in 0 1000) = 0
  spacing : (integer-in 0 1000) = 0
  alignment : (list/c (or/c 'left 'center 'right) (or/c 'top 'center 'bottom))
   = '(center top)
  min-width : (integer-in 0 10000) = graphical-minimum-width
  min-height : (integer-in 0 10000) = graphical-minimum-height
  stretchable-width : any/c = #t
  stretchable-height : any/c = #t

(send a-frame:editor get-filename)  (or/c #f path?)
Returns the filename in the editor returned by get-editor.

(send a-frame:editor editing-this-file? filename)  boolean?
  filename : path?
Returns #t if the filename is the file that this frame is editing.

(send a-frame:editor on-close)  void?
Calls the editor:basic<%>’s method on-close.

(send a-frame:editor can-close?)  void?
Calls the editor:basic<%>’s method can-close?.

(send a-frame:editor get-label)  string?
Overrides get-label in window<%>.
Returns the portion of the label after the hyphen. See also get-entire-label.

(send a-frame:editor set-label label)  void?
  label : string?
Overrides set-label in window<%>.
Sets the label, but preserves the label’s prefix. See also set-label-prefix.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:open-callback item    
  evt)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item<%>)
  evt : (is-a?/c mouse-event%)
Calls handler:open-file with the directory of the saved file associated with this editor (if any).

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:revert-on-demand)  void?
Disables the menu item when the editor is locked.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:revert-callback item    
  evt)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Informs the user that this action is not undoable and, if they still want to continue, calls revert.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-revert?)  boolean?
returns #t.
(send a-frame:editor file-menu:save-callback item    
  evt)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Saves the file in the editor.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-save?)  boolean?
returns #t.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:save-as-callback item    
  evt)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Prompts the user for a file name and uses that filename to save the buffer. Calls save-as with no arguments.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-save-as?)  boolean?
returns #t.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:print-callback item    
  evt)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Calls the print method of editor<%> with the default arguments, except that the output-mode argument is the result of calling preferences:get with 'framework:print-output-mode.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:create-print?)  boolean?
returns #t.

(send a-frame:editor file-menu:between-save-as-and-print file-menu)
  file-menu : (is-a?/c menu%)
Creates a Print Setup menu item.

(send a-frame:editor edit-menu:between-select-all-and-find edit-menu)
  edit-menu : (is-a?/c menu%)
Adds a menu item for toggling auto-wrap in the focused text.

(send a-frame:editor help-menu:about-callback item    
  evt)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Calls message-box with a message welcoming the user to the application named by application:current-app-name

(send a-frame:editor help-menu:about-string)  string
Returns the result of (application:current-app-name)

(send a-frame:editor help-menu:create-about?)  boolean?
returns #t.

Frames implementing this mixin can change the file they are displaying.
The frame is only re-used when the 'framework:open-here? preference is set (see preferences:get and preferences:set for details on preferences).
The frame:open-here-mixin implements this interface.

(send a-frame:open-here get-open-here-editor)
  (is-a?/c editor<%>)
When the user switches the visible file in this frame, the of this method is the editor that gets switched.

By Default, returns the result of get-editor.

(send a-frame:open-here open-here filename)  void?
  filename : string
Opens filename in the current frame, possibly prompting the user about saving a file (in which case the frame might not get switched).

frame:open-here-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:editor<%>
  result implements: frame:open-here<%>
Provides an implementation of frame:open-here<%>

(send a-frame:open-here file-menu:new-on-demand item)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
Sets the label of item to "New..." if the preference 'framework:open-here? is set.

(send a-frame:open-here file-menu:new-callback item    
  evt)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
When the preference 'framework:open-here? preference is set, this method prompts the user, asking if they would like to create a new frame, or just clear out this one. If they clear it out and the file hasn’t been saved, they are asked about saving.

(send a-frame:open-here file-menu:open-on-demand item)  void?
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
Sets the label of item to "Open Here..." if the preference 'framework:open-here? is set.

(send a-frame:open-here on-close)  void?
Calls set-open-here-frame with #f if the result of get-open-here-frame is eq? to this.

(send a-frame:open-here on-activate on?)  void?
  on? : boolean?
When on? is #t, calls set-open-here-frame with this.

Frames matching this interface provide support for text%s.

frame:text-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:editor<%>
  result implements: frame:text<%>
This mixins adds support for text%s in the frame.

(new frame:text-mixin [editor% editor%])
  (is-a?/c frame:text-mixin)
  editor% : (extends text%)
Calls the super initialization with either the value of the editor% init or, if none was supplied, it passes text%.

(send a-frame:text get-editor<%>)  interface

Frames matching this interface provide support for pasteboard%s.

frame:pasteboard-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:editor<%>
  result implements: frame:pasteboard<%>
This mixin provides support for pasteboards in a frame.

(new frame:pasteboard-mixin [editor% editor%])
  (is-a?/c frame:pasteboard-mixin)
  editor% : (extends pasteboard%)
Calls the super initialization with either the value of the editor% init or, if none was supplied, it passes pasteboard%.

(send a-frame:pasteboard get-editor<%>)  interface

Frames that implement this interface provide a 20,000 feet overview of the text in the main editor. The term delegate in these method descriptions refers to the original editor and the term delegatee refers to the editor showing the 20,000 feet overview.

(send a-frame:delegate get-delegated-text)
  (is-a?/c text:delegate<%>)
Returns the delegate text.

(send a-frame:delegate delegated-text-shown?)  boolean?
Returns #t if the delegate is visible, and #f if it isn’t.

(send a-frame:delegate hide-delegated-text)  void?
Hides the delegated text.

When the delegated text is hidden, it is not being updated. This is accomplished by calling the set-delegate method of get-editorwith #f.

(send a-frame:delegate show-delegated-text)  void?
Makes the delegated text visible.

When the delegated text is shown, the set-delegate method of get-delegated-textis called with the text to delegate messages to.

See also hide-delegated-text.

(send a-frame:delegate delegate-moved)  void?
This method is called when the visible region of the delegate editor changes, so that the blue region in the delegatee is updated.

frame:delegate-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:status-line<%>
  result implements: frame:delegate<%>
Adds support for a 20,000-feet view via text:delegate<%> and text:delegate-mixin.

(send a-frame:delegate make-root-area-container class 
  (is-a?/c panel%)
  class : (subclass?/c panel%)
  parent : (is-a?/c panel%)
Adds a panel outside to hold the delegate editor-canvas% and text%.

(send a-frame:delegate get-editor<%>)  interface
Returns text:delegate.

(send a-frame:delegate get-editor%)
  (is-a?/c text:delegate<%>)
returns the super result, with the text:delegate-mixin mixed in.

Frames that implement this interface support searching.

(send a-frame:searchable search direction)  void?
  direction : (symbols 'forward 'backward)
Searches for the text in the search edit in the result of get-text-to-search.

If the text is found and it sets the selection to the found text.

(send a-frame:searchable search-replace)  boolean?
If there is a dark purple bubble (ie, if the replace portion of the search bar is visible and there is a search hit after the insertion point), then this will replace it with the contents of the replace editor and move the insertion point to just after that, or to the end of the editor (if there are no more search hits after the insertion point, but there are search hits before it).

(send a-frame:searchable replace-all)  void?
Loops through the text from the beginning to the end, replacing all occurrences of the search string with the contents of the replace edit.

(send a-frame:searchable get-text-to-search)  (is-a?/c text%)
Returns the last value passed to set-text-to-search.

(send a-frame:searchable set-text-to-search txt)  void?
  txt : (or/c false/c (is-a?/c (subclass?/c text%)))
Sets the current text to be searched.

(send a-frame:searchable search-hidden?)  boolean?
Returns #t if the search subwindow is visiable and #f otherwise.

(send a-frame:searchable hide-search)  void?
This method hides the searching information on the bottom of the frame.

(send a-frame:searchable unhide-search move-focus?)  void?
  move-focus? : boolean?
When the searching sub window is hidden, makes it visible. If move-focus? is #f, the focus is not moved, but if it is any other value, the focus is moved to the find window.

(send a-frame:searchable get-case-sensitive-search?)
Returns #t if the search is currently case-sensitive. (This method’s value depends on the preference 'framework:case-sensitive-search?, but the preference is only consulted when the frame is created.)

(send a-frame:searchable search-hits-changed)  void?
This method is called when the number of search matches changes and it updates the GUI.

frame:searchable-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:standard-menus<%>
  result implements: frame:searchable<%>
This mixin adds support for searching in the editor<%> in this frame.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:find-callback)  boolean?
Toggles the focus between the find window and the window being searched. When moving to the window with the search string, selects the entire range in the buffer.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:create-find?)  boolean?
returns #t.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:find-again-callback item 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Overrides <method not found>.
Calls unhide-search and then search.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:create-find-again?)
Overrides <method not found>.
returns #t.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:find-again-backwards-callback 
  item : (is-a?/c menu-item%)
  evt : (is-a?/c control-event%)
Overrides <method not found>.
Calls unhide-search and then search.

Overrides <method not found>.
returns #t.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:replace-all-callback)

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:replace-all-on-demand item)
  item : menu-item%
Disables item when search-hidden? returns #t and enables it when that method returns #f.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:create-replace-all?)
returns #t.

Updates the state of the case-sensitive searching for this frame, and sets the 'framework:case-sensitive-search? preference for later frames.

(send a-frame:searchable edit-menu:find-case-sensitive-on-demand item)
  item : menu-item%
Checks item when searching is case-sensitive and unchecks it otherwise.

returns #t.

(send a-frame:searchable make-root-area-container)
  (is-a?/c area-container<%>)
Builds a panel for the searching information.

(send a-frame:searchable on-close)  void?
Cleans up after the searching frame.

frame:searchable-text-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)
  argument extends/implements: frame:text<%>
  result implements: frame:searchable-text<%>

(send a-frame:searchable-text get-text-to-search)
  (is-a?/c text%)
Overrides get-text-to-search in frame:searchable<%>. This method is final, so it cannot be overiddden.
Returns the result of get-editor.

(send a-frame:searchable-text get-editor<%>)
  (is-a?/c editor<%>)
(send a-frame:searchable-text get-editor%)
  (is-a?/c editor<%>)
Returns (text:searching-mixin (super get-editor%)).

(frame:setup-size-pref size-pref-sym    
  height)  void
  size-pref-sym : symbol?
  width : number?
  height : number?
Initializes a preference for the frame:size-pref mixin.

The first argument should be the preferences symbol, and the second and third should be the default width and height, respectively.
(frame:add-snip-menu-items menu    
  [func])  void?
  menu : (is-a?/c menu%)
  menu-item% : (subclass?/c menu-item%)
  func : (-> (is-a?/c menu-item%) void?) = void
Inserts three menu items into menu, one that inserts a text box, one that inserts a pasteboard box, and one that inserts an image into the currently focused editor (if there is one). Uses menu-item% as the class for the menu items.

Calls func right after inserting each menu item.
(frame:reorder-menus frame)  void?
  frame : (is-a?/c frame%)
Re-orders the menus in a frame. It moves the “File” and “Edit” menus to the front of the menubar and moves the “Windows” and “Help” menus to the end of the menubar.

This is useful in conjunction with the frame classes. After instantiating the class and adding ones own menus, the menus will be mis-ordered. This function fixes them up.
(frame:remove-empty-menus frame)  void?
  frame : (is-a?/c frame%)
Removes empty menus in a frame.
(or/c #f
      (is-a?/c bitmap%)
      (cons/c (is-a?/c bitmap%)
              (is-a?/c bitmap%)))
(frame:current-icon icon-spec)  void?
  icon-spec : 
(or/c #f
      (is-a?/c bitmap%)
      (cons/c (is-a?/c bitmap%)
              (is-a?/c bitmap%)))
The value of this parameter is used by the initialization code of frame:basic-mixin.
  • If it is #f, then its value is ignored.

  • If it is a bitmap%, then the set-icon is called with the bitmap, the result of invoking the bitmap% get-loaded-mask method, and 'both.

  • If it is a pair of bitmaps, then the set-icon method is invoked twice, once with each bitmap in the pair. The first bitmap is passed (along with the result of its bitmap% get-loaded-mask) and 'small, and then the second bitmap is passed (also along with the result of its bitmap% get-loaded-mask) and 'large.

Defaults to #f.