On this page:
defmodule*/ no-declare
defmodulelang*/ no-declare
defmodulereader*/ no-declare
4.3.2 Documenting Modules

(defmodule maybe-req id maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
maybe-req = 
  | #:require-form expr
maybe-sources = 
  | #:use-sources (mod-path ...)
Produces a sequence of flow elements (encaptured in a splice) to start the documentation for a module that can be required using the path id. The decoded pre-flows introduce the module, but need not include all of the module content.

Besides generating text, this form expands to a use of declare-exporting with id; the #:use-sources clause, if provided, is propagated to declare-exporting. Consequently, defmodule should be used at most once in a section, though it can be shadowed with defmodules in sub-sections.

If a #:require-form clause is provided, the given expression produces an element to use instead of (racket require) for the declaration of the module. This is useful to suggest a different way of accessing the module instead of through require.

Hyperlinks created by racketmodname are associated with the enclosing section, rather than the local id text.

(defmodulelang id maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
(defmodulelang content-expr #:module-paths (mod-path ...)
               maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
Like defmodule, but documents id as a module path suitable for use by either require or #lang. If the module path for require is syntactically different from the #lang form, use the #:module-paths to provide them separately.

(defmodulereader id maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
Like defmodule, but documents id as a module path suitable for use with #reader.

(defmodule* maybe-req  (id ...+) maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
(defmodulelang* (id ...+) maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
(defmodulelang* (content-expr ...+) #:module-paths (mod-path ...+)
                maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
(defmodulereader* (id ...+) maybe-sources pre-flow ...)
Like defmodule, etc., but introduces multiple module paths instead of just one.

(defmodule*/no-declare maybe-req (id ...) pre-flow ...)
(defmodulelang*/no-declare (id ...) pre-flow ...)
(defmodulelang*/no-declare (content-expr ...)
                           #:module-paths (mod-path ...+) pre-flow ...)
(defmodulereader*/no-declare (id ...) pre-flow ...)
Like defmodule*, etc., but without expanding to declare-exporting. Use this form when you want to provide a more specific list of modules (e.g., to name both a specific module and one that combines several modules) via your own declare-exporting declaration.

(declare-exporting mod-path ... maybe-sources)
maybe-sources = 
  | #:use-sources (mod-path ...)
Associates the mod-paths to all bindings defined within the enclosing section, except as overridden by other declare-exporting declarations in nested sub-sections. The list of mod-paths is shown, for example, when the user hovers the mouse over one of the bindings defined within the section.

More significantly, the first mod-path plus the #:use-sources mod-paths determine the binding that is documented by each defform, defproc, or similar form within the section that contains the declare-exporting declaration:

The initial mod-paths sequence can be empty if mod-paths are given with #:use-sources. In that case, the rendered documentation never reports an exporting module for identifiers that are documented within the section, but the mod-paths in #:use-sources provide a binding context for connecting (via hyperlinks) definitions and uses of identifiers.

The declare-exporting form should be used no more than once per section, since the declaration applies to the entire section, although overriding declare-exporting forms can appear in sub-sections.