Version: 5.2.1
4.8 Compatibility Libraries
4.8.1 Compatibility Structures And Processing
The scribble/struct compatibility library mostly re-exports
scribble/core, but using some different names (e.g.,
blockquote instead of nested-flow).
The following structure types and functions are re-exported directly:
The following structure types are re-exported, but the constructors and some selectors are replaced as documented further below:
part paragraph table itemization compound-paragraph element toc-element target-element toc-target-element page-target-element redirect-target-element link-element index-element
Several additional compatibility functions and structure types are also exported.
(make-part tag-prefix tags title-content style to-collect blocks parts) → part? tag-prefix : (or/c false/c string?) tags : (listof tag?) title-content : (or/c false/c list?) style : any/c to-collect : list? blocks : (listof block?) parts : (listof part?)
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructor for part, parses style to convert old formats to
the current one. Also, if title-content is a list with a
single item, the item by itself is stored in the resulting
For backward compatibility. An alias for part-blocks.
(part-title-content p) → list? p : part?
For backward compatibility. Like the normal selector, but if the result would not be a list, it is
coerced to one.
(make-versioned-part tag-prefix tags title-content style to-collect blocks parts version) → part? tag-prefix : (or/c false/c string?) tags : (listof tag?) title-content : (or/c false/c list?) style : any/c to-collect : list? blocks : (listof block?) parts : (listof part?) version : string?
(versioned-part? v) → boolean? v : any/c
For backward compatibility. Like make-part, but adds a the
document-version style property using the given
version. The versioned-part? predicate recognizes a
part with a document-version property.
(make-unnumbered-part tag-prefix tags title-content style to-collect blocks parts) → part? tag-prefix : (or/c false/c string?) tags : (listof tag?) title-content : (or/c false/c list?) style : any/c to-collect : list? blocks : (listof block?) parts : (listof part?)
(unnumbered-part? v) → boolean? v : any/c
For backward compatibility. Like make-part, but adds the 'unnumbered
style property. The unnumbered-part? predicate
recognizes a part with the 'unnumbered property.
(make-paragraph content) → paragraph? content : list?
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructor for paragraph, omits a style argument. Also, if
content is a list containing a single item, the item by
itself is stored in the resulting paragraph.
(paragraph-content p) → list? p : paragraph?
For backward compatibility. Like the normal selector, but if the result would not be a list, it is
coerced to one.
(make-styled-paragraph content style) → paragraph? content : list? style : any/c
(styled-paragraph? v) → boolean? v : any/c
(styled-paragraph-style p) → style? p : paragraph?
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructor for paragraph, parses style to convert old formats
to the current one. The styled-paragraph? predicate and
styled-paragraph-style accessor are aliases for
paragraph? and paragraph-style.
(make-omitable-paragraph content) → paragraph? content : list?
(omitable-paragraph? v) → boolean? v : any/c
For backward compatibility. Like make-paragraph, but adds the
'omitable style property. The
omitable-paragraph? predicate checks for a paragraph with the
(make-table style blocksss) → table? style : any/c blocksss : (listof (listof (or/c (listof block?) (one-of/c 'cont))))
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructor for table, the style is converted, and each cell has a list
of blocks instead of a single block. If any such list has multiple
blocks, they are combined into a nested-flow.
For backward compatibility. Like table-blockss, but adds a list wrapper to be
consistent with make-table.
(make-itemization blockss) → itemization? blockss : (listof (listof block?))
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructor for itemization, omits a style argument.
(make-styled-itemization style blockss) → itemization? style : any/c blockss : (listof (listof block?))
(styled-itemization? v) → boolean? v : any/c
(styled-itemization-style i) → style? i : itemization?
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructor for itemization, parses style to convert old
formats to the current one. The styled-itemization? predicate
is an alias for itemization?, and
styled-itemization-style is an alias for
(make-blockquote style blocks) → nested-flow? style : any/c blocks : (listof block?)
(make-auxiliary-table style blocksss) → table? style : any/c blocksss : (listof (listof (or/c (listof block?) (one-of/c 'cont))))
(auxiliary-table? v) → boolean? v : any/c
For backward compatibility. Like make-table, but adds the 'aux
style property. The auxiliary-table? predicate recognizes
tables with the 'aux property.
(make-compound-paragraph style blocks) → compound-paragraph? style : any/c blocks : (listof block?)
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructor for compound-paragraph, parses style to convert old
formats to the current one.
(make-element style content) → element? style : any/c content : list?
(make-toc-element style content toc-content) → toc-element? style : any/c content : list? toc-content : list?
(make-target-element style content tag) → target-element? style : any/c content : list? tag : tag?
(make-toc-target-element style content tag) → toc-target-element? style : any/c content : list? tag : tag?
(make-page-target-element style content tag) → page-target-element? style : any/c content : list? tag : tag?
(make-redirect-target-element style content tag alt-path alt-anchor) → redirect-target-element? style : any/c content : list? tag : tag? alt-path : path-string? alt-anchor : string?
(make-link-element style content tag) → link-element? style : any/c content : list? tag : tag?
(make-index-element style content tag plain-seq entry-seq desc) → index-element? style : any/c content : list? tag : tag? plain-seq : (and/c pair? (listof string?)) entry-seq : list? desc : any/c
For backward compatibility. Compared to the normal constructors, parses style to convert old
formats to the current one.
(element? v) → boolean? v : any/c
(element-content e) → list? e : element?
(element-style e) → element-style? e : element?
For backward compatibility. A content list is treated as an element by these functions,
and the result of element-content is always a list.
(make-aux-element style content) → element? style : any/c content : list?
(make-hover-element style content text) → element? style : any/c content : list? text : string?
For backward compatibility. Like make-element, but adds hover-property
containing text to the element’s style.
(make-script-element style content type script) → element? style : any/c content : list? type : string? script : (or/c path-string? (listof string?))
For backward compatibility. Like make-element, but adds script-property
containing type and script to the element’s style.
(struct with-attributes (style assoc) #:extra-constructor-name make-with-attributes) style : any/c assoc : (listof (cons/c symbol? string?))
For backward compatibility. Used for an element’s style to combine a base style with
arbitrary HTML attributes. When the style field is itself an
instance of with-attributes, its content is automatically
flattened into the enclosing with-attributes when it is used
(when, e.g., rendering an element or paragraph).
(struct target-url (addr style) #:extra-constructor-name make-target-url) addr : path-string? style : any/c
For backward compatibility. Used as a style for an element. The style at this
layer is a style for the hyperlink.
(struct image-file (path scale) #:extra-constructor-name make-image-file)
path :
(or/c path-string? (cons/c 'collects (listof bytes?))) scale : real?
For backward compatibility. Used as a style for an element to inline an image. The
path field can be a result of
(element->string element) → string? element : content? (element->string element renderer p info) → string? element : content? renderer : any/c p : part? info : resolve-info?
For backward compatibility. An alias for content->string.
4.8.2 Compatibility Basic Functions
The scribble/basic
compatibility library mostly just re-exports
(span-class style-name pre-content ...) → element? style-name : string? pre-content : any/c
(itemize itm ... [#:style style]) → itemization? itm : (or/c whitespace? an-item?) style : (or/c style? string? symbol? #f) = #f