5.9 Miscellaneous Utilities
(require web-server/private/util) |
(bytes-ci=? b1 b2) → boolean? b1 : bytes? b2 : bytes?
Compares two bytes case insensitively.
(url-replace-path proc u) → url? proc : ((listof path/param?) . -> . (listof path/param?)) u : url?
Replaces the URL path of u with proc of the former path.
(url-path->string url-path) → string? url-path : (listof path/param?)
Formats url-path as a string with "/" as a delimiter
and no params.
(explode-path* p) → (listof path-piece?) p : path-string?
Like normalize-path, but does not resolve symlinks.
(path-without-base base p) → (listof path-piece?) base : path-string? p : path-string?
Returns, as a list, the portion of p after base,
assuming base is a prefix of p.
(directory-part p) → path? p : path-string?
(build-path-unless-absolute base p) → path? base : path-string? p : path-string?
Prepends base to p, unless p is absolute.
(strip-prefix-ups p) → (listof path-piece?) p : (listof path-piece?)
Removes all the prefix ".."s from p.
(network-error s fmt v ...) → void s : symbol? fmt : string? v : any/c
Like error, but throws a exn:fail:network.
(exn->string exn) → string? exn : (or/c exn? any/c)