3.7 C Struct Types
(make-cstruct-type types [abi alignment]) → ctype? types : (listof ctype?) abi : (or/c #f 'default 'stdcall 'sysv) = #f alignment : (or/c #f 1 2 4 8 16) = #f
If alignment is #f, then the natural alignment of each type in types is used for its alignment within the struct type. Otherwise, alignment is used for all struct type members.
(_list-struct [ #:alignment alignment] type ...+) → ctype? alignment : (or/c #f 1 2 4 8 16) = #f type : ctype?
(define-cstruct id/sup ([field-id type-expr] ...) alignment)
id/sup = _id | (_id super-id) alignment =
| #:alignment alignment-expr
The resulting bindings are as follows:
_id : the new C type for this struct.
_id-pointer: a pointer type that should be used when a pointer to values of this struct are used.
id?: a predicate for the new type.
id-tag: the tag object that is used with instances. The tag object may be the symbol form of id or a list of symbols containing the id symbol and other symbols, such as the super-id symbol.
make-id : a constructor, which expects an argument for each type.
id-field-id : an accessor function for each field-id; if the field has a cstruct type, then the result of the accessor is a pointer to the field within the enclosing structure, rather than a copy of the field.
set-id-field-id! : a mutator function for each field-id.
id: structure-type information compatible with struct-out or match (but not define-struct); currently, this information is correct only when no super-id is specified.
id->list : a function that converts a struct into a list of values.
Objects of the new type are actually C pointers, with a type tag that is the symbol form of id or a list that contains the symbol form of id. Since structs are implemented as pointers, they can be used for a _pointer input to a foreign function: their address will be used. To make this a little safer, the corresponding cpointer type is defined as _id-pointer. The _id type should not be used when a pointer is expected, since it will cause the struct to be copied rather than use the pointer value, leading to memory corruption.
If the first field is itself a cstruct type, its tag will be used in addition to the new tag. This feature supports common cases of object inheritance, where a sub-struct is made by having a first field that is its super-struct. Instances of the sub-struct can be considered as instances of the super-struct, since they share the same initial layout. Using the tag of an initial cstruct field means that the same behavior is implemented in Racket; for example, accessors and mutators of the super-cstruct can be used with the new sub-cstruct. See the example below.
Providing a super-id is shorthand for using an initial field named super-id and using _super-id as its type. Thus, the new struct will use _super-id’s tag in addition to its own tag, meaning that instances of _id can be used as instances of _super-id. Aside from the syntactic sugar, the constructor function is different when this syntax is used: instead of expecting a first argument that is an instance of _super-id, the constructor will expect arguments for each of _super-id’s fields, in addition for the new fields. This adjustment of the constructor is, again, in analogy to using a supertype with define-struct.
Note that structs are allocated as atomic blocks, which means that the garbage collector ignores their content. Thus, struct fields can hold only non-pointer values, pointers to memory outside the GC’s control, and otherwise-reachable pointers to immobile GC-managed values (such as those allocated with malloc and 'internal or 'internal-atomic).
As an example, consider the following C code:
typedef struct { int x; char y; } A; |
typedef struct { A a; int z; } B; |
A* makeA() { |
A *p = malloc(sizeof(A)); |
p->x = 1; |
p->y = 2; |
return p; |
} |
B* makeB() { |
B *p = malloc(sizeof(B)); |
p->a.x = 1; |
p->a.y = 2; |
p->z = 3; |
return p; |
} |
char gety(A* a) { |
return a->y; |
} |
Using the simple _list-struct, you might expect this code to work:
(define makeB (get-ffi-obj 'makeB "foo.so" (_fun -> (_list-struct (_list-struct _int _byte) _int)))) (makeB) ; should return '((1 2) 3)
The problem here is that makeB returns a pointer to the struct rather than the struct itself. The following works as expected:
(define makeB (get-ffi-obj 'makeB "foo.so" (_fun -> _pointer))) (ptr-ref (makeB) (_list-struct (_list-struct _int _byte) _int))
As described above, _list-structs should be used in cases where efficiency is not an issue. We continue using define-cstruct, first define a type for A which makes it possible to use makeA:
(define-cstruct _A ([x _int] [y _byte])) (define makeA (get-ffi-obj 'makeA "foo.so" (_fun -> _A-pointer))) ; using _A is a memory-corrupting bug! (define a (makeA)) (list a (A-x a) (A-y a)) ; produces an A containing 1 and 2
Using gety is also simple:
(define gety (get-ffi-obj 'gety "foo.so" (_fun _A-pointer -> _byte))) (gety a) ; produces 2
We now define another C struct for B, and expose makeB using it:
(define-cstruct _B ([a _A] [z _int])) (define makeB (get-ffi-obj 'makeB "foo.so" (_fun -> _B-pointer))) (define b (makeB))
We can access all values of b using a naive approach:
(list (A-x (B-a b)) (A-y (B-a b)) (B-z b))
but this is inefficient as it allocates and copies an instance of A on every access. Inspecting the tags (cpointer-tag b) we can see that A’s tag is included, so we can simply use its accessors and mutators, as well as any function that is defined to take an A pointer:
(list (A-x b) (A-y b) (B-z b)) (gety b)
Constructing a B instance in Racket requires allocating a temporary A struct:
(define b (make-B (make-A 1 2) 3))
To make this more efficient, we switch to the alternative define-cstruct syntax, which creates a constructor that expects arguments for both the super fields and the new ones:
(define-cstruct (_B _A) ([z _int])) (define b (make-B 1 2 3))