7.4 Snips in a hierarchical-list% Instance
The find-snip in text% method of the editor in a hierarchical-list% return instances of hierarchical-item-snip% and hierarchical-list-snip%.
hierarchical-item-snip% : class? |
superclass: editor-snip% |
(send a-hierarchical-item-snip get-item) → (is-a?/c hierarchical-list-item<%>) Returns the hierarchical-list-item<%> corresponding to the snip.
hierarchical-list-snip% : class? |
superclass: editor-snip% |
(send a-hierarchical-list-snip get-item) → (is-a?/c hierarchical-list-compound-item<%>) Returns the hierarchical-list-compound-item<%> corresponding to the snip.
(send a-hierarchical-list-snip get-content-buffer) → (is-a?/c text%) Returns the text% that contains the sub-item snips.