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 (require mzlib/string)

The mzlib/string library re-exports several functions from scheme/base:


It also re-exports regexp-try-match as regexp-match/fail-without-reading.

(glob->regexp [str    
  simple?])  (or/c regexp? byte-regexp?)
  str : (or/c string bytes?) = ?
  hide-dots? : any/c = #t
  case-sensitive? : any/c
   = (eq? (system-path-convention-type)'unix)
  simple? : any/c = #f
Produces a regexp for a an input “glob pattern” str. A glob pattern is one that matches * with any string, ? with a single character, and character ranges are the same as in regexps (unless simple? is true). In addition, the resulting regexp does not match strings that begin with ., unless str begins with . or hide-dots? is #f. The resulting regexp can be used with string file names to check the glob pattern. If the glob pattern is provided as a byte string, the result is a byte regexp.

The case-sensitive? argument determines whether the resulting regexp is case-sensitive.

If simple? is true, then ranges with [...] in str are treated as literal character sequences.

(string-lowercase! str)  void?
  str : (and/c string? (not/c immutable?))
Destructively changes str to contain only lowercase characters.

(string-uppercase! str)  void?
  str : (and/c string? (not/c immutable?))
Destructively changes str to contain only uppercase characters.

(eval-string str [err-handler])  list?
  str : (or/c string? bytes?)
  err-handler : 
(or/c false/c
      (any/c . -> . any/c)
      (-> any/c))
 = #f
Reads and evaluates S-expressions from str, returning results for all of the expressions in the string. If any expression produces multiple results, the results are spliced into the resulting list. If str contains only whitespace and comments, an empty list is returned, and if str contains multiple expressions, the result will be contain multiple values from all subexpressions.

The err-handler argument can be:
  • #f (the default) which means that errors are not caught;

  • a one-argument procedure, which will be used with an exception (when an error occurs) and its result will be returned

  • a thunk, which will be used to produce a result.

(expr->string expr)  string?
  expr : any/c
Prints expr into a string and returns the string.

(read-from-string str [err-handler])  any/c
  str : (or/c string? bytes?)
  err-handler : 
(or/c false/c
      (any/c . -> . any/c)
      (-> any/c))
 = #f
Reads the first S-expression from str and returns it. The err-handler is as in eval-string.

(read-from-string-all str [err-handler])  list?
  str : (or/c string? bytes?)
  err-handler : 
(or/c false/c
      (any/c . -> . any/c)
      (-> any/c))
 = #f
Reads all S-expressions from the string (or byte string) str and returns them in a list. The err-handler is as in eval-string.