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2.1 API for Collection Links

2 raco link: Library Collection Links

The raco link command inspects and modifies a collection links file to display, add, or remove mappings from collection names to filesystem directories.

For example, the command

  raco link maze

installs a user-specific link for the "maze" collection, mapping it to the "maze" subdirectory of the current directory. Supply multiple directory paths to create multiple links at once, especially with a command-shell wildcard:

  raco link *

By default, the linked collection name is the same as each directory’s name, but the collection name can be set separately for a single directory with the --name flag.

To remove the link created by the first example above, use

  raco link --remove maze


  raco link -r maze

Like link-adding mode, removing mode accepts multiple directory paths to remove multiple links, and all links that match any directory are removed. If --name is used with --remove, then only links matching both the collection name and directory are removed.

Full command-line options:

2.1 API for Collection Links

 (require setup/link)

(links dir    
  #:user? user?    
  [#:file file    
  #:name name    
  #:root? root?    
  #:version-regexp version-regexp    
  #:error error-proc    
  #:remove? remove?    
  #:show? show?    
  #:repair? repair?])  list?
  dir : path?
  user? : #t
  file : (or/c path-string? #f) = #f
  name : (or/c string? #f) = #f
  root? : any/c = #f
  version-regexp : (or/c regexp? #f) = #f
  error-proc : (symbol? string? any/c ... . -> . any) = error
  remove? : any/c = #f
  show? : any/c = #f
  repair? : any/c = #f
A function version of the raco link command that always works on a single file—either file if it is a path string, the user-specific collection links file if user? is true, of the installation-wide collection links file if user? is false.

The error-proc argument is called to raise exceptions that would be fatal to the raco link command.

If remove? is true, the result is a list of entries that were removed from the file. If remove? is false but root? is true, the result is a list of paths for collection roots. If remove? and root? are both false, the result is a list of top-level collection names (as strings) that are mapped by file and that apply to the running version of Racket.