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prop: stream
3.14.2 Streams

A stream is a kind of sequence that supports functional iteration via stream-first and stream-rest. The stream-cons form constructs a lazy stream, but plain lists can be used as stream, and functions such as in-range and in-naturals also create streams.

The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/stream and racket libraries, but not racket/base.

(stream? v)  boolean?
  v : any/c
Returns #t if v can be used as a stream, #f otherwise.

(stream-empty? s)  boolean?
  s : stream?
Returns #f if s has no elements, #f otherwise.

(stream-first s)  any
  s : (and/c stream? (not/c stream-empty?))
Returns the value(s) of the first element in s.

(stream-rest s)  stream?
  s : (and/c stream? (not/c stream-empty?))
Returns a stream that is equivalent to s without its first element.

(stream-cons first-expr rest-expr)
Produces a lazy stream for which stream-first forces the evaluation of first-expr to produce the first element of the stream, and stream-rest forces the evaluation of rest-expr to produce a stream for the rest of the returned stream.

The first element of the stream as produced by first-expr must be a single value. The rest-expr must produce a stream when it is evaluated, otherwise the exn:fail:contract? exception is raised.

(in-stream s)  sequence?
  s : stream?
Returns a sequence that is equivalent to s.
An in-stream application can provide better performance for streams iteration when it appears directly in a for clause.

A stream with no elements.

(stream->list s)  list?
  s : stream?
Returns a list whose elements are the elements of s, each of which must be a single value. If s is infinite, this function does not terminate.

Returns the number of elements of s. If s is infinite, this function does not terminate.

In the case of lazy streams, this function forces evaluation only of the sub-streams, and not the stream’s elements.

(stream-ref s i)  any
  s : stream?
  i : exact-nonnegative-integer?
Returns the ith element of s (which may be multiple values).

(stream-tail s i)  stream?
  s : stream?
  i : exact-nonnegative-integer?
Returns a stream equivalent to s, except that the first i elements are omitted.

In case extracting elements from s involves a side effect, they will not be extracted until the first element is extracted from the resulting stream.

(stream-append s ...)  stream?
  s : stream?
Returns a stream that contains all elements of each stream in the order they appear in the original streams. The new stream is constructed lazily.

(stream-map f s)  stream?
  f : procedure?
  s : stream?
Returns a stream that contains f applied to each element of s. The new stream is constructed lazily.

(stream-andmap f s)  boolean?
  f : (-> any/c ... boolean?)
  s : stream?
Returns #t if f returns a true result on every element of s. If s is infinite and f never returns a false result, this function does not terminate.

(stream-ormap f s)  boolean?
  f : (-> any/c ... boolean?)
  s : stream?
Returns #t if f returns a true result on some element of s. If s is infinite and f never returns a true result, this function does not terminate.

(stream-for-each f s)  void?
  f : (-> any/c ... any)
  s : stream?
Applies f to each element of s. If s is infinite, this function does not terminate.

(stream-fold f i s)  any/c
  f : (-> any/c any/c ... any/c)
  i : any/c
  s : stream?
Folds f over each element of s with i as the initial accumulator. If s is infinite, this function does not terminate.

Returns the number of elements in s for which f returns a true result. If s is infinite, this function does not terminate.

(stream-filter f s)  stream?
  f : (-> any/c ... boolean?)
  s : stream?
Returns a stream whose elements are the elements of s for which f returns a true result. Although the new stream is constructed lazily, if s has an infinite number of elements where f returns a false result in between two elements where f returns a true result, then operations on this stream will not terminate during the infinite sub-stream.

(stream-add-between s e)  stream?
  s : stream?
  e : any/c
Returns a stream whose elements are the elements of s, but with e between each pair of elements in s. The new stream is constructed lazily.

Associates three procedures to a structure type to implement stream operations for instances of the structure type.

The property value must be a vector of three procedures: a stream-empty? implementation, a stream-first implementation, and a stream-rest implementation. The procedures are applied only to instances of the structure type that has the property value.