5.1 Timers
This module provides a functionality for running
procedures after a given amount of time, that may be extended.
(struct timer (evt expire-seconds action) #:extra-constructor-name make-timer) evt : evt? expire-seconds : number? action : (-> void)
evt is an alarm-evt that is ready at expire-seconds.
action should be called when this evt is ready.
Handles the execution and management of timers.
(start-timer s action) → timer? s : number? action : (-> void)
Registers a timer that runs action after s seconds.
(reset-timer! t s) → void t : timer? s : number?
Changes t so that it will fire after s seconds.
(increment-timer! t s) → void t : timer? s : number?
Changes t so that it will fire after s seconds from when
it does now.
(cancel-timer! t) → void t : timer?
Cancels the firing of t ever and frees resources used by t.