8.4 API for Installing ".plt" Archives
The setup/plt-single-installer module provides a function for installing a single ".plt" file, and setup/plt-installer wraps it with a GUI interface.
8.4.1 Non-GUI Installer
(require setup/plt-single-installer) |
(run-single-installer file get-dir-proc) → void?
file : path-string? get-dir-proc : (-> (or/c path-string? false/c))
Creates a separate thread and namespace, runs the installer in that
thread with the new namespace, and returns when the thread
completes or dies. It also creates a custodian
(see Custodians) to manage the
created thread, sets the exit handler for the thread to shut down
the custodian, and explicitly shuts down the custodian
when the created thread terminates or dies.
The get-dir-proc procedure is called if the installer needs a
target directory for installation, and a #f result means that
the user canceled the installation. Typically, get-dir-proc is
(install-planet-package file directory spec) → void?
file : path-string? directory : path-string?
spec :
(list/c string? string? (listof string?) exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?)
Similar to run-single-installer, but runs the setup process
to install the archive file into directory as the
PLaneT package described by spec. The user-specific
documentation index is not rebuilt, so reindex-user-documentation
should be run after a set of PLaneT packages are installed.
Similar to run-single-installer, but runs only the part of
the setup process that rebuilds the user-specific documentation
start page, search page, and master index.
(clean-planet-package directory spec) → void?
directory : path-string?
spec :
(list/c string? string? (listof string?) exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?)
Undoes the work of install-planet-package. The user-specific
documentation index is not rebuilt, so reindex-user-documentation
should be run after a set of PLaneT packages are removed.
8.4.2 GUI Installer
setup/plt-installer library in the setup collection
defines procedures for installing a ".plt" archive with a
GUI (using the facilities of racket/gui/base).
(run-installer filename) → void?
filename : path-string?
Run the installer on the ".plt" file
in filename and show the output in a window. This is a
composition of with-installer-window and
run-single-installer with a get-dir-proc that prompts
the user for a directory (turning off the busy cursor while the dialog
is active).
(on-installer-run) → (-> any)
(on-installer-run thunk) → void? thunk : (-> any)
A thunk that is run after a ".plt" file is installed.
(with-installer-window do-install cleanup-thunk) → void?
do-install :
((or/c (is-a?/c dialog%) (is-a?/c frame%)) . -> . void?) cleanup-thunk : (-> any)
Creates a frame, sets up the current error and output ports, and
turns on the busy cursor before calling do-install in a separate
Returns before the installation process is complete; cleanup-thunk is called on a queued callback to the eventspace active when with-installer-window is invoked.
(run-single-installer file get-dir-proc) → void?
file : path-string? get-dir-proc : (-> (or/c path-string? false/c))
The same as the export from setup/plt-single-installer,
but with a GUI.
8.4.3 GUI Unpacking Signature
setup:plt-installer^ : signature
Provides two names: run-installer and on-installer-run.
8.4.4 GUI Unpacking Unit
Imports mred^ and exports setup:plt-installer^.