On this page:
drracket: get/ extend: extend-tab
drracket: get/ extend: extend-interactions-text
drracket: get/ extend: get-interactions-text
drracket: get/ extend: extend-definitions-text
drracket: get/ extend: get-definitions-text
drracket: get/ extend: extend-interactions-canvas
drracket: get/ extend: get-interactions-canvas
drracket: get/ extend: extend-definitions-canvas
drracket: get/ extend: get-definitions-canvas
drracket: get/ extend: extend-unit-frame
drracket: get/ extend: get-unit-frame

10 drracket:get/extend


(drracket:get/extend:extend-tab mixin)  void?

  mixin : (make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:tab<%>)
(drracket:get/extend:extend-tab mixin    
  before?)  void?
  mixin : (make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:tab<%>)
  before? : boolean?
This class implements the tabs in DrRacket. One is created for each tab in a frame (each frame always has at least one tab, even if the tab bar is not shown)

The argument, before, controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying #t.
This text is used in the bottom window of DrRacket frames.

The argument, before, controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying #t.
Once this function is called, drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-text raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.
This text is used in the top window of DrRacket frames.

The argument, before, controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying #f.
Once this function is called, drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-text raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.
This canvas is used in the bottom window of DrRacket frames.

The argument, before, controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying #f.
Once this function is called, drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-canvas raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.
This canvas is used in the top window of DrRacket frames.

The argument, before, controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying #f.
Once this function is called, drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-canvas raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.
This is the frame that implements the main DrRacket window.

The argument, before, controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying #f.
Once this function is called, drracket:get/extend:extend-unit-frame raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.