Version: 5.3

The Racket Drawing Toolkit

Matthew Flatt,
Robert Bruce Findler,
and John Clements

The racket/draw library provides all of the class, interface, and procedure bindings defined in this manual.

    1 Overview

      1.1 Lines and Simple Shapes

      1.2 Pen, Brush, and Color Objects

      1.3 Transformations

      1.4 Drawing Paths

      1.5 Text

      1.6 Alpha Channels and Alpha Blending

      1.7 Clipping

      1.8 Portability and Bitmap Variants

    2 bitmap%

    3 bitmap-dc%

    4 brush%

    5 brush-list%

    6 color%

    7 color-database<%>

    8 dc<%>

    9 dc-path%

    10 font%

    11 font-list%

    12 font-name-directory<%>

    13 gl-config%

    14 gl-context<%>

    15 linear-gradient%

    16 pdf-dc%

    17 pen%

    18 pen-list%

    19 point%

    20 post-script-dc%

    21 ps-setup%

    22 radial-gradient%

    23 record-dc%

    24 region%

    25 svg-dc%

    26 Drawing Functions

    27 Signature and Unit

      27.1 Draw Unit

      27.2 Draw Signature

    28 Unsafe Libraries

      28.1 Handle Brushes

      28.2 Cairo Library

    29 Platform Dependencies

