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11.5.1 Syntax Parameter Inspection

11.5 Syntax Parameters

The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/stxparam library, not racket/base or racket.


(define-syntax-parameter id expr)

Binds id as syntax to a syntax parameter. The expr is an expression in the transformer environment that serves as the default value for the syntax parameter. The value is typically obtained by a transformer using syntax-parameter-value.

The id can be used with syntax-parameterize or syntax-parameter-value (in a transformer). If expr produces a procedure of one argument or a make-set!-transformer result, then id can be used as a macro. If expr produces a rename-transformer result, then id can be used as a macro that expands to a use of the target identifier, but syntax-local-value of id does not produce the target’s value.


(syntax-parameterize ([id expr] ...) body-expr ...+)

Each id must be bound to a syntax parameter using define-syntax-parameter. Each expr is an expression in the transformer environment. During the expansion of the body-exprs, the value of each expr is bound to the corresponding id.

If an expr produces a procedure of one argument or a make-set!-transformer result, then its id can be used as a macro during the expansion of the body-exprs. If expr produces a rename-transformer result, then id can be used as a macro that expands to a use of the target identifier, but syntax-local-value of id does not produce the target’s value.

11.5.1 Syntax Parameter Inspection

 (require racket/stxparam-exptime)


(syntax-parameter-value id-stx)  any

  id-stx : syntax?
This procedure is intended for use in a transformer environment, where id-stx is an identifier bound in the normal environment to a syntax parameter. The result is the current value of the syntax parameter, as adjusted by syntax-parameterize form.

This binding is provided for-syntax by racket/stxparam, since it is normally used in a transformer. It is provided normally by racket/stxparam-exptime.


(make-parameter-rename-transformer id-stx)  any

  id-stx : syntax?
This procedure is intended for use in a transformer, where id-stx is an identifier bound to a syntax parameter. The result is a transformer that behaves as id-stx, but that cannot be used with syntax-parameterize or syntax-parameter-value.

Using make-parameter-rename-transformer is analogous to defining a procedure that calls a parameter. Such a procedure can be exported to others to allow access to the parameter value, but not to change the parameter value. Similarly, make-parameter-rename-transformer allows a syntax parameter to be used as a macro, but not changed.

The result of make-parameter-rename-transformer is not treated specially by syntax-local-value, unlike the result of make-rename-transformer.

This binding is provided for-syntax by racket/stxparam, since it is normally used in a transformer. It is provided normally by racket/stxparam-exptime.