On this page:
author+ date-style
Version: 5.3

3 Bibliographies

 (require scriblib/autobib)

This library provides support for bibliography management in a Scribble document. The define-cite form is used to bind procedures that create in-line citations and generate the bibilography in the document.

Individual bibliography entries are created with the make-bib function. See below for an example.

#lang scribble/base
@(require scriblib/autobib)
@(define-cite ~cite citet generate-bibliography)
@(define plt-tr1
    #:title    "Reference: Racket"
    #:author   (authors "Matthew Flatt" "PLT")
    #:date     "2010"
    #:location (techrpt-location #:institution "PLT Inc."
                                 #:number "PLT-TR-2010-1")
    #:url      "http://racket-lang.org/tr1/"))
Racket is fun@~cite[plt-tr1].


(define-cite ~cite-id citet-id generate-bibliography-id
             option ...)
option = #:style style-expr
  | #:disambiguate disambiguator-expr
  | #:render-date-bib render-date-expr
  | #:render-date-cite render-date-expr
  | #:date<? date-compare-expr
  | #:date=? date-compare-expr
  style-expr : (or/c author+date-style number-style)
  disambiguator-expr : (or/c #f (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? element?))
  render-date-expr : (or/c #f (-> date? element?))
  date-compare-expr : (or/c #f (-> date? date? boolean?))
Binds ~cite-id, citet-id, and generate-bibliography-id, which share state to accumulate and render citations.

The function bound to ~cite-id produces a citation referring to one or more bibliography entries with a preceding non-breaking space, by default sorting the entries to match the bibliography order. It has the contract

(->* (bib?) (#:sort? any/c) #:rest (listof bib?) element?)

The function bound to citet-id generates an element suitable for use as a noun—referring to a document or its author—for one or more bibliography entries which share an author. It has the contract

(->* (bib?) () #:rest (listof bib?) element?)

The function bound to generate-bibliography-id generates the section for the bibliography. It has the contract

(->* () (#:tag string? #:sec-title string?) part?)

The default value for the #:tag argument is "doc-bibliography" and for #:sec-title is "Bibliography".

The optional style-expr determines the way that citations and the bibliography are rendered.Programmer-defined styles may be supported in the future. Currently, two built-in style are provided, and author+date-style is the default.

For author+date-style, if two citations’ references would render the same (as judged by equal authors and dates that are considered the same) but are different, the optionally provided function from disambiguator-expr is used to add an extra element after the date; the default disambiguator adds a, b, etc. until z, and anything more ambiguous raises an exception. Date comparison is controlled by date-compare-exprs. Dates in citations and dates in the bibliography may be rendered differently, as specified by the optionally given render-date-expr functions.

Styles for use with define-cite.


(bib? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a value produced by make-bib or in-bib, #f otherwise.


(make-bib #:title title    
  [#:author author    
  #:is-book? is-book?    
  #:location location    
  #:date date    
  #:url url])  bib?
  title : any/c
  author : any/c = #f
  is-book? : any/c = #f
  location : any/c = #f
  date : (or/c #f date? exact-nonnegative-integer? string?) = #f
  url : string? = #f
Produces a value that represents a document to cite. Except for is-book? and url, the arguments are used as elements, except that #f means that the information is not supplied. Functions like proceedings-location, author-name, and authors help produce elements in a standard format.

Dates are internally represented as date values, so a date may be given, or a number or string that represent the year.

An element produced by a function like author-name tracks first, last names, and name suffixes separately, so that names can be ordered and rendered correctly. When a string is provided as an author name, the last non-empty sequence of alphabetic characters or - after a space is treated as the author name, and the rest is treated as the first name.


(in-bib orig where)  bib?

  orig : bib?
  where : string?
Extends a bib value so that the rendered citation is suffixed with where, which might be a page or chapter number.


(proceedings-location location    
  [#:pages pages    
  #:series series    
  #:volume volume])  element?
  location : any/c
  pages : (or (list/c any/c any/c) #f) = #f
  series : any/c = #f
  volume : any/c = #f
Combines elements to generate an element that is suitable for describing a paper’s location within a conference or workshop proceedings.


(journal-location title    
  [#:pages pages    
  #:number number    
  #:volume volume])  element?
  title : any/c
  pages : (or (list/c any/c any/c) #f) = #f
  number : any/c = #f
  volume : any/c = #f
Combines elements to generate an element that is suitable for describing a paper’s location within a journal.


(book-location [#:edition edition    
  #:publisher publisher])  element?
  edition : any/c = #f
  publisher : any/c = #f
Combines elements to generate an element that is suitable for describing a book’s location.


(techrpt-location [#:institution institution]    
  #:number number)  element?
  institution : edition = any/c
  number : any/c
Combines elements to generate an element that is suitable for describing a technical report’s location.


(dissertation-location [#:institution institution    
  #:degree degree])  element?
  institution : edition = any/c
  degree : any/c = "PhD"
Combines elements to generate an element that is suitable for describing a dissertation.


(author-name first last [#:suffix suffix])  element?

  first : any/c
  last : any/c
  suffix : any/c = #f
Combines elements to generate an element that is suitable for describing an author’s name, especially where the last name is not merely a sequence of ASCII alphabet letters or where the name has a suffix (such as “Jr.”).


(authors name ...)  element?

  name : any/c
Combines multiple author elements into one, so that it is rendered and alphabetized appropriately. If a name is a string, it is parsed in the same way as by make-bib.


(org-author-name name)  element?

  name : any/c
Converts an element for an organization name to one suitable for use as a bib-value author.


(other-authors)  element?

Generates an element that is suitable for use as a “others” author. When combined with another author element via authors, the one created by other-authors renders as “et al.”


(editor name)  element?

  name : name/c
Takes an author-name element and create one that represents the editor of a collection. If a name is a string, it is parsed in the same way as by make-bib.