Minimal Racket includes just enough of Racket that you can use raco pkg to install more.
About the Linux installer:
The Linux build is generic enough that it should work on most
distributions, including relatively old distributions. Racket
may also be available through your distribution's package manager,
although it may be older than the latest Racket version.
Running the Linux installer:
After downloading the installer file, run it with
to install, possibly adding sudo to the start of the command
to install to a location that requires administrator access.
M1 / M2 / M3 Mac users:
The latest version of Racket supports Apple Silicon directly.
For version 7.1, the Mac OS (Intel 64-bit) variant requires macOS Big Sur 11.1 or above.
About source distributions:
The Source + built packages
distribution is recommended, instead of the selected Source distribution.
The Source + built packages distribution includes pre-built,
platform-independent bytecode; it installs much faster than
plain source, and it is also compatible with fast installs of
additional Racket packages.
About sources for Windows and Mac OS:
To build from source for
Windows or Mac OS, download and build a Minimal Racket distribution
instead of a Racket distribution, then (when on Windows) install the racket-lib package
raco pkg update --auto racket-lib
and then (on both Windows and Mac OS) install packages
raco pkg install -i main-distribution
About source builds on Windows:
After building Minimal Racket
from source, install the racket-lib package with
raco pkg update --auto racket-lib
before installing other packages.
When upgrading:
To restore packages installed for a previous version of Racket, use
DrRacket's File > Package Manager > Copy from Version
or at a command line use raco pkg migrate.