11 Compatibility Module
(require plot/compat) | package: plot-compat |
This module provides an interface compatible with Plot 5.1.3 and earlier.
Do not use both plot and plot/compat in the same module. It is tempting to try it, to get both the new features and comprehensive backward compatibility. But to enable the new features, the objects plotted in plot have to be a different data type than the objects plotted in plot/compat. They do not coexist easily, and trying to make them do so will result in contract violations.
11.1 Plotting
(plot data [ #:width width #:height height #:x-min x-min #:x-max x-max #:y-min y-min #:y-max y-max #:x-label x-label #:y-label y-label #:title title #:fgcolor fgcolor #:bgcolor bgcolor #:lncolor lncolor #:out-file out-file]) → (is-a?/c image-snip%) data : ((is-a?/c 2d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) width : real? = 400 height : real? = 400 x-min : real? = -5 x-max : real? = 5 y-min : real? = -5 y-max : real? = 5 x-label : string? = "X axis" y-label : string? = "Y axis" title : string? = "" fgcolor : (list/c byte? byte? byte?) = '(0 0 0) bgcolor : (list/c byte? byte? byte?) = '(255 255 255) lncolor : (list/c byte? byte? byte?) = '(255 0 0) out-file : (or/c path-string? output-port? #f) = #f
A data value is represented as a procedure that takes a 2d-plot-area% instance and adds plot information to it.
The result is a image-snip% for the plot. If an #:out-file path or port is provided, the plot is also written as a PNG image to the given path or port.
The #:lncolor keyword argument is accepted for backward compatibility, but does nothing.
(plot3d data [ #:width width #:height height #:x-min x-min #:x-max x-max #:y-min y-min #:y-max y-max #:z-min z-min #:z-max z-max #:alt alt #:az az #:x-label x-label #:y-label y-label #:z-label z-label #:title title #:fgcolor fgcolor #:bgcolor bgcolor #:lncolor lncolor #:out-file out-file]) → (is-a?/c image-snip%) data : ((is-a?/c 3d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) width : real? = 400 height : real? = 400 x-min : real? = -5 x-max : real? = 5 y-min : real? = -5 y-max : real? = 5 z-min : real? = -5 z-max : real? = 5 alt : real? = 30 az : real? = 45 x-label : string? = "X axis" y-label : string? = "Y axis" z-label : string? = "Z axis" title : string? = "" fgcolor : (list/c byte? byte? byte?) = '(0 0 0) bgcolor : (list/c byte? byte? byte?) = '(255 255 255) lncolor : (list/c byte? byte? byte?) = '(255 0 0) out-file : (or/c path-string? output-port? #f) = #f
A 3D data value is represented as a procedure that takes a 3d-plot-area% instance and adds plot information to it.
The #:lncolor keyword argument is accepted for backward compatibility, but does nothing.
(points vecs [#:sym sym #:color color])
→ ((is-a?/c 2d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) vecs : (listof (vectorof real?)) sym : (or/c char? string? exact-integer? symbol?) = 'square color : plot-color? = 'black
(line f [ #:samples samples #:width width #:color color #:mode mode #:mapping mapping #:t-min t-min #:t-max t-max]) → ((is-a?/c 2d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) f : (real? . -> . (or/c real? (vector/c real? real?))) samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) = 150 width : (>=/c 0) = 1 color : plot-color/c = 'red mode : (one-of/c 'standard 'parametric) = 'standard mapping : (one-of/c 'cartesian 'polar) = 'cartesian t-min : real? = -5 t-max : real? = 5
The line is specified in either functional, i.e. y = f(x), or parametric, i.e. x,y = f(t), mode. If the function is parametric, the mode argument must be set to 'parametric. The t-min and t-max arguments set the parameter when in parametric mode.
(error-bars vecs [#:color color])
→ ((is-a?/c 2d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) vecs : (listof (vector/c real? real? real?)) color : plot-color? = 'black
(vector-field f [ #:samples samples #:width width #:color color #:style style]) → ((is-a?/c 2d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) f : ((vector/c real? real?) . -> . (vector/c real? real?)) samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) = 20 width : exact-positive-integer? = 1 color : plot-color? = 'red style : (one-of/c 'scaled 'normalized 'real) = 'scaled
(contour f [ #:samples samples #:width width #:color color #:levels levels]) → ((is-a?/c 2d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) f : (real? real? . -> . real?) samples : exact-nonnegative-integer? = 50 width : (>=/c 0) = 1 color : plot-color/c = 'black
levels : (or/c (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) (listof real?)) = 10
(shade f [#:samples samples #:levels levels])
→ ((is-a?/c 2d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) f : (real? real? . -> . real?) samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) = 50
levels : (or/c (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) (listof real?)) = 10
(surface f [ #:samples samples #:width width #:color color]) → ((is-a?/c 3d-plot-area%) . -> . void?) f : (real? real? . -> . real?) samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) = 50 width : (>=/c 0) = 1 color : plot-color/c = 'black
(plot-color? v) → boolean?
v : any/c
'white 'black 'yellow 'green 'aqua 'pink 'wheat 'grey 'blown 'blue 'violet 'cyan 'turquoise 'magenta 'salmon 'red
11.2 Miscellaneous Functions
(gradient f [h])
→ ((vector/c real? real?) . -> . (vector/c real? real?)) f : (real? real? . -> . real?) h : real? = 1e-06
(make-vec fx fy)
→ ((vector/c real? real?) . -> . (vector/c real? real?)) fx : (real? real? . -> . real?) fy : (real? real? . -> . real?)