On this page:
4.3.11 Version History


(history clause ...)

clause = #:added version-expr
  | #:changed version-expr content-expr
  version-expr : valid-version?
  content-expr : content?
Generates a block for version-history notes. The version refers to a package as determined by a defmodule or declare-exporting declaration within an enclosing section.

Normally, history should be used at the end of a defform, defproc, etc., entry, although it may also appear in a section that introduces a module (that has been added to a package). In the case of a changed entry, the content produced by content-expr should normally start with a capital letter and end with a period, but it can be a sentence fragment such as “Added a #:changed form.”

Added in version 1.1 of package scribble-lib.