30 Drawing Conveniences
This section presents higher-level APIs that provide additional conveniences over the racket/draw API.
30.1 Arrows
(require racket/draw/arrow) | package: draw-lib |
(draw-arrow dc start-x start-y end-x end-y dx dy [ #:pen-width pen-width #:arrow-head-size arrow-head-size #:arrow-root-radius arrow-root-radius]) → void? dc : (is-a?/c dc<%>) start-x : real? start-y : real? end-x : real? end-y : real? dx : real? dy : real? pen-width : (or/c real? #f) = #f arrow-head-size : real? = 8 arrow-root-radius : real? = 2.5
Draws an arrow on dc from (start-x, start-y) to
(end-x, end-y). (dx, dy) is the top-left
location for drawing.
If pen-width is #f, the current pen width is used.
Added in version 1.9 of package draw-lib.