On this page:
6.1 Macros:   Space and Performance

6 Language and Performance

When you write a module, you first pick a language. In Racket you can choose a lot of languages. The most important choice concerns racket/base vs racket.

For scripts, use racket/base. The racket/base language loads significantly faster than the racket language because it is much smaller than the racket.

If your module is intended as a library, stick to racket/base. That way script writers can use it without incurring the overhead of loading all of racket unknowingly.

Conversely, you should use racket (or even racket/gui) when you just want a convenient language to write some program. The racket language comes with almost all the batteries, and racket/gui adds the rest of the GUI base.

6.1 Macros: Space and Performance

Macros copy code. Also, Racket is really a tower of macro-implemented languages. Hence, a single line of source code may expand into a rather large core expression. As you and others keep adding macros, even the smallest functions generate huge expressions and consume a lot of space. This kind of space consumption may affect the performance of your project and is therefore to be avoided.

When you design your own macro with a large expansion, try to factor it into a function call that consumes small thunks or procedures.


#lang racket
(define-syntax (search s)
  (syntax-parse s
    [(_ x (e:expr ...)
        (~datum in)
     #'(sar/λ (list e ...)
              (λ (x) b))]))
(define (sar/λ l p)
  (for ((a '())) ((y l))
    (unless (bad? y)
      (cons (p y) a))))
(define (bad? x)
  ... many lines ...)


#lang racket
(define-syntax (search s)
  (syntax-parse s
    [(_ x (e:expr ...)
       (~datum in)
         (define (bad? x)
           ... many lines ...)
         (define l
           (list e ...))
         (for ((a '())) ((x l))
           (unless (bad? x)
             (cons b a))))]))

As you can see, the macro on the left calls a function with a list of the searchable values and a function that encapsulates the body. Every expansion is a single function call. In contrast, the macro on the right expands to many nested definitions and expressions every time it is used.