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5.7 Custodian Shutdown Registration

 (require ffi/unsafe/custodian) package: base
The ffi/unsafe/custodian library provides utilities for registering shutdown callbacks with custodians.


(register-custodian-shutdown v    
  #:at-exit? at-exit?    
  #:weak? weak?])  cpointer?
  v : any/c
  callback : (any/c . -> . any)
  custodian : custodian? = (current-custodian)
  at-exit? : any/c = #f
  weak? : any/c = #f
Registers callback to be applied (in atomic mode and an unspecified Racket thread) to v when custodian is shutdown. The result is a pointer that can be supplied to unregister-custodian-shutdown to remove the registration.

If at-exit? is true, then callback is applied when Racket exits, even if the custodian is not explicitly shut down.

If weak? is true, then callback may not be called if v is determined to be unreachable during garbage collection. The value v is always weakly held by the custodian, even if weak? is #f; see scheme_add_managed for more information.

Normally, weak? should be false. To trigger actions based on finalization or custodian shutdown—whichever happens first—leave weak? as #f and have a finalizer run in atomic mode and cancel the shutdown action via unregister-custodian-shutdown. If weak? is true or if the finalizer is not run in atomic mode, then there’s no guarantee that either of the custodian or finalizer callbacks has completed by the time that the custodian shutdown has completed; v might be no longer registered to the custodian, while the finalizer for v might be still running or merely queued to run. See also register-finalizer-and-custodian-shutdown.


(unregister-custodian-shutdown v    
  registration)  void?
  v : any/c
  registration : _cpointer
Cancels a custodian-shutdown registration, where registration is a previous result from register-custodian-shutdown applied to v.


  #:at-exit? at-exit? 
  #:weak? weak?]) 
  v : any/c
  callback : (any/c . -> . any)
  custodian : custodian? = (current-custodian)
  at-exit? : any/c = #f
  weak? : any/c = #f
Registers callback to be applied (in atomic mode) to v when custodian is shutdown or when v is about to be collected by the garbage collector, whichever happens first. The callback is only applied to v once.

Added in version of package base.