4 Pict Drawing Adjusters
pict : pict-convertible? factor : real? (scale pict w-factor h-factor) → pict? pict : pict-convertible? w-factor : real? h-factor : real?
The drawing is scaled by adjusting the destination dc<%>’s scale while drawing the original pict.
> (filled-rectangle 40 40)
> (scale (filled-rectangle 40 40) 1.5)
> (scale (filled-rectangle 40 40) 2 1.5)
(scale-to-fit pict size-pict [#:mode mode]) → pict?
pict : pict-convertible? size-pict : pict-convertible? mode : (or/c 'preserve 'inset 'distort) = 'preserve (scale-to-fit pict width height [#:mode mode]) → pict? pict : pict-convertible? width : real? height : real? mode : (or/c 'preserve 'inset 'distort) = 'preserve
If mode is 'preserve, the width and height are scaled by the same factor so pict’s aspect ratio is preserved; the result’s bounding box may be smaller than width by height. If mode is 'inset, the aspect ratio is preserved as with 'preserve, but the resulting pict is centered in a bounding box of exactly width by height. If mode is 'distort, the width and height are scaled separately.
> (define rect (colorize (filled-rectangle 40 40) "olive"))
> rect
> (scale-to-fit rect (disk 60))
> (scale-to-fit rect 70 30 #:mode 'preserve)
> (scale-to-fit rect 70 30 #:mode 'inset)
> (scale-to-fit rect 70 30 #:mode 'distort)
Changed in version 1.4 of package pict-lib: Added #:mode argument.
pict : pict-convertible? theta : real?
The bounding box of the resulting pict is the box encloses the rotated corners of pict (which inflates the area of the bounding box, unless theta is a multiple of half of pi). The ascent and descent lines of the result’s bounding box are the horizontal lines that bisect the rotated original lines; if the ascent line drops below the descent line, the two lines are flipped.
> (rotate (colorize (filled-rectangle 30 30) "chartreuse") (/ pi 3))
pict : pict-convertible?
w : (or/c real? #f) pict : pict-convertible?
style :
(one-of/c 'transparent 'solid 'xor 'hilite 'dot 'long-dash 'short-dash 'dot-dash 'xor-dot 'xor-long-dash 'xor-short-dash 'xor-dot-dash) pict : pict-convertible?
> (define styles '(transparent solid xor hilite dot long-dash short-dash dot-dash xor-dot xor-long-dash xor-short-dash xor-dot-dash))
> (apply ht-append 10 (for/list ([style (in-list styles)]) (vc-append 5 (text (symbol->string style)) (linewidth 3 (linestyle style (hline 40 1))))))
pict : pict-convertible?
color :
(or/c string? (is-a?/c color%) (list/c byte? byte? byte?))
> (colorize (disk 40) "lavender")
> (colorize (filled-rectangle 40 40) (list 255 153 85))
> (colorize (arrow 40 0) (make-color 170 180 120))
(cellophane pict opacity) → pict?
pict : pict-convertible? opacity : (real-in 0 1)
> (cc-superimpose (filled-rectangle 70 45 #:color "darkcyan") (cellophane (disk 40) 0.2))
> (cc-superimpose (filled-rectangle 70 45 #:color "darkcyan") (cellophane (disk 40) 0.8))
(clip pict) → pict
pict : pict-convertible?
> (define shape (inset (colorize (filled-rectangle 40 40) "thistle") -10))
> shape
> (clip shape)
(inset/clip pict amt) → pict?
pict : pict-convertible? amt : real? (inset/clip pict h-amt v-amt) → pict? pict : pict-convertible? h-amt : real? v-amt : real? (inset/clip pict l-amt t-amt r-amt b-amt) → pict? pict : pict-convertible? l-amt : real? t-amt : real? r-amt : real? b-amt : real?
> (filled-rectangle 40 40 #:color "forestgreen")
> (inset/clip (filled-rectangle 40 40 #:color "forestgreen") -10)
> (inset/clip (filled-rectangle 40 40 #:color "forestgreen") -10 -5)
> (inset/clip (filled-rectangle 40 40 #:color "forestgreen") -2 -4 -8 -16)
(scale/improve-new-text pict-expr scale-expr)
(scale/improve-new-text pict-expr x-scale-expr y-scale-expr)
> (text "Hello World" null 25)
> (scale/improve-new-text (text "Hello World" null 25) 2)
> (scale (text "Hello World" null 25) 2)
(black-and-white on?) → void? on? : any/c
> (colorize (disk 40) "seagreen")
> (parameterize ([black-and-white #t]) (colorize (disk 40) "seagreen"))
pict : pict-convertible?
This has the effect of speeding up subsequent drawing of the pict and also of cropping it to its bounding box. Any sub-picts of pict remain intact within the new pict.