4.2.11 Miscellaneous
(t pre-content ...) → paragraph?
pre-content : pre-content?
Wraps the
decoded pre-content as a paragraph.
Like "etc.", but with an
abbreviation-ending period for use in the middle of a sentence.
"PLaneT" (to help make sure you get
the letters in the right case).
A style to be used for a document’s main part to get the
style configuration of #lang scribble/manual.
See Manual Rendering Style.
Returns an element for #lang
that is hyperlinked to an explanation.
Returns an element for #<void>.
Returns an element for #<undefined>.
(commandline pre-content ...) → paragraph?
pre-content : pre-content?
an inset command-line example (e.g., in typewriter font).
(inset-flow pre-flow ...) → nested-flow?
pre-flow : pre-flow?
Creates a nested-flow with indenting on the left and right.
Using nested with the 'inset style is a prefered alternative.
(centerline pre-flow ...) → nested-flow?
pre-flow : pre-flow?
An alias for centered for backward compatibility.
The decoded
pre-content is further transformed:
Any immediate 'rsquo is converted to 'prime.
Parentheses and sequences of decimal digits in immediate strings are left as-is, but any other immediate string is italicized.
When _ appears before a non-empty sequence of numbers and letters, the sequence is typeset as a subscript.
When ^ appears before a non-empty sequence of numbers and letters, the sequence is typeset as a superscript.
Typesets the pre-flows as the content of
filename. For example, the content may be inset on the page
with filename above it. If filename is a string, it
is passed to filepath to obtain an element.
(deprecated [ #:what what] replacement additional-notes ...) → block? what : content? = "library" replacement : content? additional-notes : content?
Produces an inset warning for deprecated libraries, functions, etc. (as
described by what), where replacement describes a
suitable replacement. The additional-notes are included after the
initial deprecation message.
(image/plain filename-relative-to-source pre-element ...) → element? filename-relative-to-source : string? pre-element : any/c
An alias for image for backward compatibility.