3.7 JFP Paper Format
#lang scribble/jfp | package: scribble-lib |
The scribble/jfp
language is like scribble/base, but configured with
Latex style defaults to use the "jfp1.cls" class
file. The class file is not included with Scribble due to license
issues, but if the file is not manually installed into the
scribble/jfp collections, then it is downloaded on demand to
(find-system-path 'addon-dir).
Latex output with scribble/jfp uses a main-document version supplied to title as the short-form document name (to be used in page headers).
pre-content : pre-content?
Generates a nested flow for a paper abstract.
(include-abstract module-path)
Similar to include-section, but incorporates the document in the
specified module as an abstract. The document must have no title or
name : pre-content?
A replacement for author from scribble/base.
((author/short short-name ...) long-name ...) → block?
short-name : pre-content? long-name : pre-content?
Like author, but allows the short-form names (to be used in
page headers) to be specified separately from the long-form name.
(affiliation place ...) → element?
place : pre-content?
(affiliation-mark mark ...) → element?
mark : pre-content?
Use affiliation within author or the long-name part
of author/short to specify affiliations after all authors.
If different authors have different affiliations, use
affiliation-mark with a number after each author, and then
use affiliation-mark before each different affiliation within
a single affiliation, using (affiliation-sep) to
separate affiliations.
#lang scribble/jfp @title{My First Love Story} @((author/short "Romeo M. and Juliet C.") "ROMEO" (affiliation-mark "1") " and " "JULIET" (affiliation-mark "2") @affiliation[ "House Montague" (affiliation-mark "1") (affiliation-sep) "House Capulet" (affiliation-mark "2")])