On this page:
format-req/  c
log-format/  c

2.10 Basic Logging🔗

The web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-log module defines a dispatcher constructor for transparent logging of requests. Consider using the facilities in Logging instead, as it provides more flexibility.
Equivalent to (-> request? string?).

Formats a request like its counterpart in Logging, but without the response code information.

Formats a request like its counterpart in Logging, but without the response code information.

Formats a request like Apache’s default. However, Apache’s default includes information about the response to a request, which this function does not have access to, so it defaults the last two fields to - and -.

Formats a request and a response to approximate the Combined Log Format. As this function does not have access to the size of the object returned to the client, it defaults the field to -.

Equivalent to (symbols 'parenthesized-default 'extended 'apache-default 'combined).


(log-format->format id)  format-req/c

  id : log-format/c
Maps 'parenthesized-default to paren-format, 'extended to extended-format, 'apache-default to apache-default-format, and 'combined to combined-log-format


(make [#:format format #:log-path log-path])  dispatcher/c

  format : (or/c log-format/c format-req/c) = paren-format
  log-path : (or/c path-string? output-port?) = "log"
Logs requests to log-path, which can be either a filepath or an output-port?, using format to format the requests. If format is a symbol, a log formatter will be tacitly made using log-format->format. Then invokes next-dispatcher.

Changed in version 1.3 of package web-server-lib: Allow log-path to be an output-port?
Changed in version 1.8: Allow format to be a symbol (more precisely, a log-format/c).