8 R6RS Libraries🔗ℹ
8.1 (rnrs base (6)): Base🔗ℹ
Original specification:
8.2 (rnrs unicode (6)): Unicode🔗ℹ
8.3 (rnrs bytevectors (6)): Bytevectors🔗ℹ
8.4 (rnrs lists (6)): List utilities🔗ℹ
8.5 (rnrs sorting (6)): Sorting🔗ℹ
8.6 (rnrs control (6)): Control Structures🔗ℹ
8.7 (rnrs records syntactic (6)): Records: Syntactic🔗ℹ
8.8 (rnrs records procedural (6)): Records: Procedural🔗ℹ
8.9 (rnrs records inspection (6)): Records: Inspection🔗ℹ
8.10 (rnrs exceptions (6)): Exceptions🔗ℹ
See also R6RS Conformance.
8.11 (rnrs conditions (6)): Conditions🔗ℹ
8.12 (rnrs io ports (6)): I/O: Ports🔗ℹ
8.13 (rnrs io simple (6)): I/O: Simple🔗ℹ
8.14 (rnrs files (6)): File System🔗ℹ
8.15 (rnrs programs (6)): Command-line Access and Exit Values🔗ℹ
8.16 (rnrs arithmetic fixnums (6)): Arithmetic: Fixnums🔗ℹ
8.17 (rnrs arithmetic flonums (6)): Arithmetic: Flonums🔗ℹ
8.18 (rnrs arithmetic bitwise (6)): Arithmetic: Bitwise🔗ℹ
8.19 (rnrs syntax-case (6)): Syntax-Case🔗ℹ
8.20 (rnrs hashtables (6)): Hashtables🔗ℹ
A hashtable is a dictionary in the sense of
racket/dict, and hash table operations interact with
threads in the same way for hash tables created with
make-hash (e.g., hashtable-ref and
hashtable-set! are thread-safe).
8.21 (rnrs enums (6)): Enumerations🔗ℹ
8.22 (rnrs eval (6)): Eval🔗ℹ
Original specification:
Eval8.23 (rnrs mutable-pairs (6)): Mutable Pairs🔗ℹ
8.24 (rnrs mutable-strings (6)): Mutable Strings🔗ℹ
8.25 (rnrs r5rs (6)): R5RS Compatibility🔗ℹ
See also R6RS Conformance.