On this page:
2.1 Predicates Introducing Facts
2.2 Predicates with Rules
2.3 Solving Goals
2.4 Asserting Extra Clauses
2.5 Local Variables

2 Predicates🔗ℹ

More interesting goals are created by applying a special kind of Racklog object called a predicate (or relation) to other Racklog objects. Racklog comes with some primitive predicates, such as the arithmetic operators %=:= and %<, standing for arithmetic “equal” and “less than” respectively. For example, the following are some goals involving these predicates:

> (%which () (%=:= 1 1))


> (%which () (%< 1 2))


> (%which () (%=:= 1 2))


> (%which () (%< 1 1))


Other arithmetic predicates are %> (“greater than”), %<= (“less than or equal”), %>= (“greater than or equal”), and %=/= (“not equal”).

Racklog predicates are not to be confused with conventional Racket predicates (such as < and =). Racklog predicates, when applied to arguments, produce goals that may either succeed or fail. Racket predicates, when applied to arguments, yield a boolean value. Henceforth, we will use the term “predicate” to mean Racklog predicates. Conventional predicates will be explicitly called “Racket predicates”.

2.1 Predicates Introducing Facts🔗ℹ

Users can create their own predicates using the Racklog form %rel. For example, let’s define the predicate %knows:

(define %knows
  (%rel ()
    [('Odysseus 'TeX)]
    [('Odysseus 'Racket)]
    [('Odysseus 'Prolog)]
    [('Odysseus 'Penelope)]
    [('Penelope 'TeX)]
    [('Penelope 'Prolog)]
    [('Penelope 'Odysseus)]
    [('Telemachus 'TeX)]
    [('Telemachus 'calculus)]))

The expression has the expected meaning. Each clause in the %rel establishes a fact: Odysseus knows TeX, Telemachus knows calculus, &c. In general, if we apply the predicate to the arguments in any one of its clauses, we will get a successful goal. Thus, since %knows has a clause that reads [('Odysseus 'TeX)], the goal (%knows 'Odysseus 'TeX) will be true.

We can now get answers for the following types of queries:

> (%which ()
    (%knows 'Odysseus 'TeX))


> (%which ()
    (%knows 'Telemachus 'Racket))


2.2 Predicates with Rules🔗ℹ

Predicates can be more complicated than the above bald recitation of facts. The predicate clauses can be rules, eg,

(define %computer-literate
  (%rel (person)
      (%knows person 'TeX)
      (%knows person 'Racket)]
      (%knows person 'TeX)
      (%knows person 'Prolog)]))

This defines the predicate %computer-literate in terms of the predicate %knows. In effect, a person is defined as computer-literate if they know TeX and Racket, or TeX and Prolog.

Note that this use of %rel employs a local logic variable called person. In general, a %rel-expression can have a list of symbols as its second subform. These name new logic variables that can be used within the body of the %rel.

The following query can now be answered:

> (%which ()
    (%computer-literate 'Penelope))


Since Penelope knows TeX and Prolog, she is computer-literate.

2.3 Solving Goals🔗ℹ

The above queries are yes/no questions. Racklog programming allows more: We can formulate a goal with uninstantiated logic variables and then ask the querying process to provide, if possible, values for these variables that cause the goal to succeed. For instance, the query:

> (%which (what)
    (%knows 'Odysseus what))

'((what . TeX))

asks for an instantiation of the logic variable what that satisfies the goal (%knows 'Odysseus what). In other words, we are asking, “What does Odysseus know?”

Note that this use of %which like %rel in the definition of %computer-literate uses a local logic variable, what. In general, the second subform of %which can be a list of local logic variables. The %which-query returns an answer that is a list of bindings, one for each logic variable mentioned in its second subform. Thus,

> (%which (what)
    (%knows 'Odysseus what))

'((what . TeX))

But that is not all that wily Odysseus knows. Racklog provides a zero-argument procedure (“thunk”) called %more that retries the goal in the last %which-query for a different solution.

> (%more)

'((what . Racket))

We can keep pumping for more solutions:

> (%more)

'((what . Prolog))

> (%more)

'((what . Penelope))

> (%more)


The final #f shows that there are no more solutions. This is because there are no more clauses in the %knows predicate that list Odysseus as knowing anything else.

2.4 Asserting Extra Clauses🔗ℹ

We can add more clauses to a predicate after it has already been defined with a %rel. Racklog provides the %assert! form for this purpose. Eg,

(%assert! %knows ()
  [('Odysseus 'archery)])

tacks on a new clause at the end of the existing clauses of the %knows predicate. Now, the query:

> (%which (what)
    (%knows 'Odysseus what))

'((what . TeX))

gives TeX, Racket, Prolog, and Penelope, as before, but a subsequent (%more) yields a new result:

> (%more)

'((what . archery))

The Racklog form %assert-after! is similar to %assert! but adds clauses before any of the current clauses.

Both %assert! and %assert-after! assume that the variable they are adding to already names a predicate (presumably defined using %rel). In order to allow defining a predicate entirely through %assert!s, Racklog provides an empty predicate value %empty-rel. %empty-rel takes any number of arguments and always fails. A typical use of the %empty-rel and %assert! combination:

(define %parent %empty-rel)
(%assert! %parent ()
  [('Laertes 'Odysseus)])
(%assert! %parent ()
  [('Odysseus 'Telemachus)]
  [('Penelope 'Telemachus)])

(Racklog does not provide a predicate for retracting assertions, since we can keep track of older versions of predicates using conventional Racket features (let and set!).)

2.5 Local Variables🔗ℹ

The local logic variables of %rel- and %which-expressions are in reality introduced by the Racklog syntactic form called %let. (%rel and %which are macros written using %let.)

%let introduces new lexically scoped logic variables. Supposing, instead of

> (%which (what)
    (%knows 'Odysseus what))

'((what . TeX))

we had asked

> (%let (what)
    (%which ()
      (%knows 'Odysseus what)))


This query, too, succeeds five times, since Odysseus knows five things. However, %which emits bindings only for the local variables that it introduces. Thus, this query emits () five times before (%more) finally returns #f.

However, note that, like conventional Racket let, the body forms of %let are evaluated in turn with the last form in tail position. Thus, to combine multiple goals involving a new logical variable introduced by %let, it is necessary to wrap the body in an %and form.

For example:

> (%which (d)
    (%let (a p)
      (%and (%= p (cons 1 2))
            (%= p (cons a d)))))

'((d . 2))


> (%which (d)
    (%let (a p)
      (%= p (cons 1 2)) ; This goal is ignored
      (%= p (cons a d))))

'((d . _))