4.2.12 Index-Entry Descriptions
(require scribble/manual-struct) | package: scribble-lib |
(struct index-desc (extras) #:extra-constructor-name make-index-desc) extras : desc-extras/c
'language-family: A list strings describing language families for which this entry is relevant. If this key is missing, the default language-family list is '("Racket").
'sort-order: A real number that is used to order this entry with respect to others that have the same key. Smaller values of 'sort-order are shown before later values, and the default is 0.
'kind: A string describing the binding’s category, such as "procedure" or "class". Like most other values in extras, this string is not added to the index entry’s main text as shown to a user, but it may be rendered by some interfaces, such as to the side or in hover text.
'module-kind: A symbol indicating an entry for a module as documented with defmodule, where the symbol is 'lang for a module documented with #:lang, 'reader for a module documented with #:reader, and 'lib otherwise.
'part?: A boolean indicating whether the index entry describes a section within a document.
'hidden?: A boolean indicating that the index entry describes a binding that is covered from a user’s perspective by a different index entry. These are considered redundant and filtered from index rendering.
When index entries are recorded, the entry’s extras table can receive additional key–value mappings via part context using the 'index-extras key. See index-element for more information.
The index-desc/c contract is equivalent to
(hash/dc [k symbol?] [v (k) (case k [(language-family) (listof string?)] [(sort-order) real?] [(kind) string?] [(module-kind) (or/c 'lib 'lang 'reader)] [(part?) boolean?] [(hidden?) boolean?] [else any/c])] #:immutable #t)
The index-desc struct is preferable over other index entry descriptions below, except for exported-index-desc and exported-index-desc*.
Added in version 1.54 of package scribble-lib.
(struct module-path-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-module-path-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use index-desc, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to a module definition via defmodule and company.
(struct language-index-desc module-path-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-language-index-desc)
(struct reader-index-desc module-path-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-reader-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use index-desc, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to a module definition via defmodule with the #:lang or #:reader option. For example, a module definition via defmodulelang has a language-index-desc index entry and a module definition via defmodulereader has a reader-index-desc index entry.
(struct exported-index-desc (name from-libs) #:extra-constructor-name make-exported-index-desc) name : symbol? from-libs : (listof module-path?)
(struct exported-index-desc* exported-index-desc (extras) #:extra-constructor-name make-exported-index-desc*)
extras :
(and/c desc-extras/c (hash/dc [k symbol?] [v (k) (case k [(display-from-libs) (listof content?)] [(method-name) symbol?] [(constructor?) boolean?] [(class-tag) tag?] [else any/c])] #:immutable #t))
'display-from-libs: A list of content in parallel to the from-libs field that renders the exporting library in the module’s language’s native form.
'method-name: A symbol indicating that the index entry describes a method for the class that is in the name field, and the symbol is the method’s name.
'constructor?: A boolean indicating that the index entry describes a class’s constructor, separate from an index entry for the class. A constructor normally also has 'hidden? as true.
'class-tag: A tag that links to the class’s main entry in the case of a method or constructor index entry, where the name field has the class name in both cases.
The exported-index-desc* struct is preferable over other index entry descriptions below.
Added in version 1.53 of package scribble-lib.
(struct form-index-desc exported-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-form-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of a syntactic form via defform and company.
(struct procedure-index-desc exported-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-procedure-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of a procedure binding via defproc and company.
(struct thing-index-desc exported-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-thing-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of a binding via defthing and company.
(struct struct-index-desc exported-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-struct-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of a structure type via defstruct and company.
(struct class-index-desc exported-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-class-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of a class via defclass and company.
(struct interface-index-desc exported-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-interface-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of an interface via definterface and company.
(struct mixin-index-desc exported-index-desc () #:extra-constructor-name make-mixin-index-desc)
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of a mixin via defmixin and company.
(struct method-index-desc exported-index-desc ( method-name class-tag) #:extra-constructor-name make-method-index-desc) method-name : symbol? class-tag : tag?
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to the definition of an method via defmethod and company. The name field from exported-index-desc names the class or interface that contains the method. The method-name field names the method. The class-tag field provides a pointer to the start of the documentation for the method’s class or interface.
(struct constructor-index-desc exported-index-desc (class-tag) #:extra-constructor-name make-constructor-index-desc) class-tag : tag?
NOTE: This struct is deprecated; use exported-index-desc*, instead.
Indicates that the index entry corresponds to a constructor via defconstructor and company. The name field from exported-index-desc names the class or interface that contains the method. The class-tag field provides a pointer to the start of the documentation for the method’s class or interface.