2.13 Serving Files🔗ℹ
(make | | | | #:url->path url->path | | | [ | #:path->mime-type path->mime-type | | | | #:path->headers path->headers | | | | #:indices indices | | | | #:cache-max-age cache-max-age | | | | #:cache-smaxage cache-smaxage | | | | #:cache-stale-while-revalidate cache-stale-while-revalidate | | | | #:cache-stale-if-error cache-stale-if-error | | | | #:cache-no-cache cache-no-cache | | | | #:cache-no-store cache-no-store | | | | #:cache-no-transform cache-no-transform | | | | #:cache-must-revalidate cache-must-revalidate | | | | #:cache-proxy-revalidate cache-proxy-revalidate | | | | #:cache-must-understand cache-must-understand | | | | #:cache-private cache-private | | | | #:cache-public cache-public | | | | #:cache-immutable cache-immutable]) | |
→ dispatcher/c |
url->path : url->path/c |
indices : (listof string?) = (list "index.html" "index.htm") |
cache-no-cache : boolean? = #f |
cache-no-store : boolean? = #f |
cache-no-transform : boolean? = #f |
cache-must-revalidate : boolean? = #f |
cache-proxy-revalidate : boolean? = #f |
cache-must-understand : boolean? = #f |
cache-private : boolean? = #f |
cache-public : boolean? = #f |
cache-immutable : boolean? = #f |
url->path to extract a path from the URL in the request
object. If this path does not exist, then the dispatcher does not apply and
next-dispatcher is invoked.
If the path is a directory, then the
indices are checked in order
for an index file to serve. In that case, or in the case of a path that is
a file already,
path->mime-type is consulted for the MIME
Type of the path.
path->headers is consulted for additional
headers of the path.
The file is then streamed out the connection object.
This dispatcher supports HTTP Range GET requests and HEAD
requests. If the request’s method is neither HEAD nor GET,
next-dispatcher will be called.
If the path works out to something on disk (either as a
file, or, if the path refers to directory, one of the
specified indices files in that directory), it
needs to be readable by the process that is running the web
server. Existing but unreadable files are handled as
non-existing files.
The various keyword arguments that start with cache-
(cache-public, cache-max-age and so on)
all map straightforwardly to legal values that can appear
in the standard Cache-Control response header. By
default, all are #f, which has the effect that
responses emitted by this dispatcher do not have a
Cache-Control header. If any cache-related keyword has
a non-#f value, a Cache-Control header will
be present in the response. Thus, if
cache-immutable is #t and
cache-max-age is 12345, an
Cache-Control header will be present in all responses
and its value will be max-age=12345, immutable. For
more information see
2616 section 14.9 “Cache Control” and the
Developer Network documentation on
Cache-Control. Note that some combinations of cache
headers may lead to unintended behavior. Example: using
#t for both #:cache-public and
#:cache-private (those two are effectively
antonyms). Beyond the contract for each of the keyword
arguments, no additional checks are made by make
to ensure that the supplied cache-related arguments are a
meaningful combination or are suitable for your web
Changed in version 1.7 of package web-server-lib: Support for non-{GET,HEAD} requests.
Changed in version 1.7: Treat unreadable files as non-existing files.
Changed in version 1.9: Support a number of options for setting a Cache-Control response header
Changed in version 1.10: Support #:path->headers.