3.8 LNCS Paper Format
#lang scribble/lncs | package: at-exp-lib |
The scribble/lncs
language is like scribble/base, but configured with
Latex style defaults to use the "llncs.cls" class
file. The class file is not included with Scribble due to license issues,
but if the file is not manually installed into the
scribble/lncs collection, then it is downloaded on demand to
(find-system-path 'addon-dir).
pre-content : pre-content?
Generates a nested flow for a paper abstract.
(include-abstract module-path)
Similar to include-section, but incorporates the document in the
specified module as an abstract. The document must have no title or
(authors auth ...)
auth = (author pre-content-expr ...) | (author #:inst str-expr pre-content-expr ...)
pre-content-expr : pre-content?
str-expr : string?
A replacement for author from scribble/base.
The #:inst should be a number that matches up to one of the arguments to institutes.
For use only in authors.
(institutes (institute pre-content-expr ...) ...)
pre-content-expr : pre-content?
The pre-content-exprs are used as the institutions of the authors.
For use only in institutes.
(email pre-content-expr ...)
Specifies an email address; must be used inside institute.
3.8.1 Example
Here is an example of a paper written in the LNCS format:
For more randomly generated papers, see SCIgen: http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/scigen
#lang scribble/lncs @authors[@author[#:inst "1"]{Lauritz Darragh} @author[#:inst "2"]{Nikolaj Kyran} @author[#:inst "2"]{Kirsten Gormlaith} @author[#:inst "2"]{Tamaz Adrian}] @institutes[ @institute["University of Southeast Boston" @linebreak[] @email|{darragh@cs.seboston.edu}|] @institute["University of Albion" @linebreak[] @email|{{nkyran,gorm,tamaz}@cs.albion.ac.uk}|]] @title{Arak: Low-Energy, Interposable Theory} @abstract{The implications of client-server symmetries have been far-reaching and pervasive. Given the current status of constant-time theory, mathematicians daringly desire the synthesis of rasterization, which embodies the essential principles of algorithms. In this work, we describe a client-server tool for investigating flip-flop gates (Arak), verifying that the producer-consumer problem can be made homogeneous, secure, and wireless.}