Racket v7.7
Racket version 7.7 is now available from
* Racket CS remains ready for production use---thanks to those who have
been putting it into practice to help iron out the remaining
kinks---and it now supports a C API for embedding into other
applications. See the "Inside: Racket" documentation for details.
* Racket CS uses a new HAMT implementation, dramatically reducing the memory
required for immutable hash tables.
* Optimizations to the Racket CS compiler result in a code size savings
of approximately 20%.
* GC callbacks are reliably called on major collections in Racket CS.
Also, Garbage collection is 10-20% faster.
* DrRacket can recover much more quickly from errors involving large
stack traces.
* DrRacket now supports the use of the keyboard in the Mac OS Catalina
"Open File" dialog.
* The net/http-client collection supports the `deflate` content encoding.
* The `call-in-continuation` function (like Marc Feeley's
`continuation-graft`) simplifies certain `call/cc` patterns by
calling a thunk in a restored continuation.
* Call-with-current-language allows more reliable tests for language
level code.
* Use of the Cairo library can be multi-threaded.
* Improved documentation!
* Many bug fixes!
Contributors: Alexander Shopov, Ben Greenman, Benjamin Yeung, Brian
Adkins, Brian Wignall, Chongkai Zhu, Craig Ferry, David Florness, Fred
Fu, Greg Hendershott, Gustavo Massaccesi, Ilnar Salimzianov, Jack Firth,
James Bornholt, Jay McCarthy, Jens Axel Søgaard, Jesse Alama, John
Clements, Jon Zeppieri, Kartik Singhal, Laurent Orseau, Leo Shen, Luka
Hadži-Đokić, Matthew Butterick, Matthew Flatt, Matthias Felleisen, Mike
Sperber, Noah W M, Paulo Matos, Philip McGrath, Philippe Meunier,
Ricardo Herdt, Robby Findler, Ryan Culpepper, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt,
Sorawee Porncharoenwase, Spencer Florence, Stephen Chang,
Syntacticlosure, Thaddäus Töppen, Tom Gillespie, Xu Chunyang, ZHUO
Qingliang, kryptine, mehlon, muzimuzhi, redwyn, and Štěpán Němec