2.4 Drawing Functions
2.4.1 Global Graphics
Under X and Mac OS X, flushes pending display messages such that the
user’s display reflects the actual state of the windows. Under
Windows, the procedure has no effect.
Returns the depth of the main display (a value of 1 denotes a monochrome display).
When the optional argument is #f (the default), this function
returns the offset of the main screen’s origin from the
top-left of the physical screen. Under X and Windows, the result is
always 0 and 0; under Mac OS X, the result is
0 and the height of the menu bar.
When the optional argument is true, this function returns the amount
space at the left and top of the main screen that is occupied by the
task bar (Windows) or menu bar and dock (Mac OS X). Under X, the
result is always 0 and 0.
Gets the physical size of the display in
pixels. Under Windows, this size does not include the task bar by
default. Under Mac OS X, this size does not include the menu bar or
dock area by default.
Under Windows and Mac OS X, if the optional argument is true, then
the task bar, menu bar, and dock area are included in the result.
Returns the screen’s width and height.
Returns #t if the main display has color, #f
Registers a blit to occur when garbage collection starts or ends.
When garbage collection starts, (send (send canvas get-dc) draw-bitmap-section on on-x on-y x y w h) is called. When garbage collection ends, (send (send canvas get-dc) draw-bitmap-section off off-x off-y x y w h) is called. If canvas’s device context
has a scale, the scale may or may not be temporarily disabled during
the bitmap drawing.
The canvas is registered weakly, so it will be automatically
unregistered if the canvas becomes invisible and inaccessible.
Multiple registrations can be installed for the same canvas.
See also unregister-collecting-blit.
Unregisters all blits for canvas.
2.4.2 PostScript
A parameter determines the list of paths that is used to find AFM
files. See
PostScript Fonts for more information.
A parameter that determines the list of paths that is used to find
CMap files. See
PostScript Fonts for more information.
2.4.3 Drawing Object Lists
2.4.4 Fonts
Returns a list of font face names available on the current system. If
'mono is provided as the argument, then only faces that are
known to correspond to monospace fonts are included in the list.
Returns the built-in default face mapping for a particular font
family. The built-in default can be overridden via preferences, as
described in
Font Configuration.
See font% for information about family.
Under Mac OS X, this font is slightly larger than
normal-control-font. Under Windows and X, it is the same
size as normal-control-font.
This font is the default for
group-box-panel% objects, and it is
a suitable for controls in a floating window and other contexts that
need smaller controls.
Under Windows, this font is the same size as
normal-control-font, since the Windows control font is
already relatively small. Under X and Mac OS X, this font is slightly
smaller than normal-control-font.
This font is for tiny controls, and it is smaller than
small-control-font on all platforms.
Under Mac OS X, this font is slightly smaller than
normal-control-font, and slightly larger than
small-control-font. Under Windows and X, it is the same size
as normal-control-font.