17.3.6 Module-Handling Configuration

Suppose that the file "death-list-5.rkt" contains


#lang racket
(list "O-Ren Ishii"
      "Vernita Green"
      "Elle Driver"

If you require "death-list-5.rkt" directly, then it prints the list in the usual Racket result format:

  > (require "death-list-5.rkt")

  '("O-Ren Ishii" "Vernita Green" "Budd" "Elle Driver" "Bill")

However, if "death-list-5.rkt" is required by a "kiddo.rkt" that is implemented with scheme instead of racket:


#lang scheme
(require "death-list-5.rkt")

then, if you run "kiddo.rkt" file in DrRacket or if you run it directly with racket, "kiddo.rkt" causes "death-list-5.rkt" to print its list in traditional Scheme format, without the leading quote:

  ("O-Ren Ishii" "Vernita Green" "Budd" "Elle Driver" "Bill")

The "kiddo.rkt" example illustrates how the format for printing a result value can depend on the main module of a program and the language that is used to implement it.

Unlike the syntax-coloring property of a language (as described in Source-Handling Configuration), the result-value format is a property of a module (via its language) as opposed to a property of the module’s source text. That is, the run-time configuration for a module should be available even if the module is compiled to bytecode form and the source is unavailable. Due to this difference, language properties such as run-time configuration are not reported via a get-info function that exported from the language’s parser module, but instead through a separate module whose name is attached to the syntax object for a parsed module form.

Going back to the literal language (see Source-Handling Configuration), we can adjust the language so that directly running a literal module causes it to print out its string, while using a literal module in a larger program simply provides data without printing. To make this work, we will need three extra module files:

  .... (the main installation or the user’s space)
   |- "collects"
        |- "literal"
             |- "lang"
             |    |- "reader.rkt"
             |- "language-info.rkt"   (new)
             |- "runtime-config.rkt"  (new)
             |- "show.rkt"            (new)

Multiple modules are needed to implement the printing change, because the different modules must run at different times. For example, the code needed to parse a literal module is not needed after the module has been compiled, while the run-time configuration code is needed only when the module is run as the main module of a program. Similarly, when creating a stand-alone executable with raco exe, the main module (in compiled form) must be queried for its run-time configuration, but the module and its configuration action should not run until the executable is started. By using different modules for these different tasks, we avoid loading code at times when it is not needed.

The three new files are connected to the literal language by changes to "literal/lang/reader.rkt":

These changes are implemented in the following revised "literal/lang/reader.rkt":


#lang racket
(require syntax/strip-context)
(provide (rename-out [literal-read read]
                     [literal-read-syntax read-syntax])
(define (literal-read in)
   (literal-read-syntax #f in)))
(define (literal-read-syntax src in)
  (with-syntax ([str (port->string in)])
      #'(module anything racket
          (require literal/show)
          (provide data)
          (define data 'str)
          (show data)))
     '#(literal/language-info get-language-info #f))))
(define (get-info in mod line col pos)
  (lambda (key default)
    (case key
       (dynamic-require 'syntax-color/default-lexer
      [else default])))

When a module form with a 'module-language property is compiled, the property value is preserved with the compiled module, and it is accessible via reflective functions like module->language-info. When racket or DrRacket runs a module, it uses module->language-info to obtain a vector that contains a module name, export name, and data value. The result of the function applied to the data should be another function that answers queries, much like the get-info function in a language reader.

For literal, "literal/language-info.rkt" is implemented as:


#lang racket
(provide get-language-info)
(define (get-language-info data)
  (lambda (key default)
    (case key
       '(#(literal/runtime-config configure #f))]
      [else default])))

The function returned by get-language-info answers a 'configure-runtime query with a list of yet more vectors, where each vector contains a module name, an exported name, and a data value. For the literal language, the run-time configuration action implemented in "literal/runtime-config.rkt" is to enable printing of strings that are sent to show:


#lang racket
(require "show.rkt")
(provide configure)
(define (configure data)
  (show-enabled #t))

Finally, the "literal/runtime-config.rkt" module must provide the show-enabled parameter and show function:


#lang racket
(provide show show-enabled)
(define show-enabled (make-parameter #f))
(define (show v)
  (when (show-enabled)
    (display v)))

With all of the pieces for literal in place, try running the following variant of "tuvalu.rkt" directly and through a require from another module:


#lang literal

When using syntax/module-reader to implement a language, specify a module’s language information through the #:language-info optional specification. The value provided through #:language-info is attached to a module form directly as a syntax property.