12.2 Byte and String Input
Reads a single character from
which may involve reading
several bytes to UTF-8-decode them into a character (see
Ports); a minimal number of bytes are read/peeked to
perform the decoding. If no bytes are available before an end-of-file,
eof is returned.
Reads a single byte from
in. If no bytes are available before
an end-of-file, then
eof is returned.
Returns a string containing the next line of bytes from in.
Characters are read from in until a line separator or an
end-of-file is read. The line separator is not included in the result
string (but it is removed from the port’s stream). If no characters
are read before an end-of-file is encountered, eof is
The mode argument determines the line separator(s). It
must be one of the following symbols:
'linefeed breaks lines on linefeed characters.
'return breaks lines on return characters.
'return-linefeed breaks lines on
return-linefeed combinations. If a return character is not followed
by a linefeed character, it is included in the result string;
similarly, a linefeed that is not preceded by a return is included
in the result string.
'any breaks lines on any of a return
character, linefeed character, or return-linefeed combination. If a
return character is followed by a linefeed character, the two are
treated as a combination.
'any-one breaks lines on either a return or
linefeed character, without recognizing return-linefeed
Return and linefeed characters are detected after the conversions that
are automatically performed when reading a file in text mode. For
example, reading a file in text mode under Windows automatically
changes return-linefeed combinations to a linefeed. Thus, when a file
is opened in text mode, 'linefeed is usually the appropriate
read-line mode.
read-line, but reads bytes and produces a byte string.
Returns a string containing the next amt characters from
If amt is 0, then the empty string is
returned. Otherwise, if fewer than amt characters are
available before an end-of-file is encountered, then the returned
string will contain only those characters before the end-of-file; that
is, the returned string’s length will be less than amt. (A
temporary string of size amt is allocated while reading the
input, even if the size of the result is less than amt
characters.) If no characters are available before an end-of-file,
then eof is returned.
If an error occurs during reading, some characters may be lost; that
is, if read-string successfully reads some characters before
encountering an error, the characters are dropped.
read-string, but reads bytes and produces a byte string.
Reads characters from
in like
read-string, but puts
them into
str starting from index
(inclusive) up to
end-pos (exclusive). Like
substring, the
exn:fail:contract exception is raised if
start-pos or
end-pos is out-of-range for
If the difference between start-pos and end-pos is
0, then 0 is returned and str is not
modified. If no bytes are available before an end-of-file, then
eof is returned. Otherwise, the return value is the number of
characters read. If m characters are read and
m<end-pos-start-pos, then str is
not modified at indices start-pos+m through
read-string!, but reads bytes, puts them into a byte
string, and returns the number of bytes read.
read-bytes!, but returns without blocking after having
read the immediately available bytes, and it may return a procedure for
a “special” result. The
read-bytes-avail! procedure blocks
only if no bytes (or specials) are yet available. Also unlike
read-bytes-avail! never drops bytes; if
read-bytes-avail! successfully reads some bytes and then
encounters an error, it suppresses the error (treating it roughly like
an end-of-file) and returns the read bytes. (The error will be
triggered by future reads.) If an error is encountered before any
bytes have been read, an exception is raised.
When in produces a special value, as described in
Custom Ports, the result is a procedure of four
arguments. The four arguments correspond to the location of the
special value within the port, as described in
Custom Ports. If the procedure is called more than once
with valid arguments, the exn:fail:contract exception is raised. If
read-bytes-avail returns a special-producing procedure, then
it does not place characters in bstr. Similarly,
read-bytes-avail places only as many bytes into bstr
as are available before a special value in the port’s stream.
read-bytes-avail!, but returns
0 immediately if
no bytes (or specials) are available for reading and the end-of-file
is not reached.
Similar to
read-string, except that the returned characters
are preserved in the port for future reads. (More precisely, undecoded
bytes are left for future reads.) The
skip-bytes-amt argument
indicates a number of bytes (
not characters) in the input
stream to skip before collecting characters to return; thus, in total,
the next
skip-bytes-amt bytes plus
amt characters
are inspected.
For most kinds of ports, inspecting skip-bytes-amt bytes and
amt characters requires at least
skip-bytes-amt+amt bytes of memory overhead
associated with the port, at least until the bytes/characters are
read. No such overhead is required when peeking into a string port
(see String Ports), a pipe port (see
Pipes), or a custom port with a specific peek
procedure (depending on how the peek procedure is implemented; see
Custom Ports).
If a port produces eof mid-stream, peek skips beyond the
eof always produce eof until the eof is
peek-string, but peeks bytes and produces a byte string.
peek-string!, but peeks bytes, puts them into a byte
string, and returns the number of bytes read.
To peek, peek-bytes-avail! blocks until finding an
end-of-file, at least one byte (or special) past the skipped bytes, or
until a non-#f progress becomes ready. Furthermore,
if progress is ready before bytes are peeked, no bytes are
peeked or skipped, and progress may cut short the skipping
process if it becomes available during the peek attempt.
The result of peek-bytes-avail! is 0 only in the
case that progress becomes ready before bytes are peeked.
read-bytes-avail!*, but for peeking, and with
skip-bytes-amt and
progress arguments like
peek-bytes-avail!. Since this procedure never blocks, it may
return before even
skip-amt bytes are available from the
read-char, but if the input port returns a non-byte
value (through a value-generating procedure in a custom port; see
Custom Ports and
Special Comments for
details), then the non-byte value is returned.
read-char, but peeks instead of reading, and skips
skip-bytes-amt bytes (not characters) at the start of the
peek-char, but reads and returns a byte instead of a
peek-char, but if the input port returns a non-byte
value after
skip-bytes-amt byte positions, then it is returned.
Returns an event that becomes ready after any subsequent read from
in, or after
in is closed. After the event becomes
ready, it remains ready. If progress events are unavailable for
in (as reported by
port-provides-progress-evts?), then the
exn:fail:contract exception is raised.
Attempts to commit as read the first
amt previously peeked
bytes, non-byte specials, and
eofs from
in, or the
eof or special value peeked from
in. (Only mid-stream
eofs can be
committed. An
eof when the port is exhausted does not
correspond to data in the stream.)
The read commits only if progress does not become ready first
(i.e., if no other process reads from in first), and only if
evt is chosen by a sync within
port-commit-peeked (in which case the event result is
ignored); the evt must be either a channel-put event,
channel, semaphore, semaphore-peek event, always event, or never
event. Suspending the thread that calls port-commit-peeked
may or may not prevent the commit from proceeding.
The result from port-commit-peeked is #t if data has been
committed, and #f otherwise.
If no data has been peeked from in and progress is
not ready, then exn:fail:contract exception is raised. If fewer than
amt items have been peeked at the current start of
in’s stream, then only the peeked items are committed as
read. If in’s stream currently starts at an eof or
a non-byte special value, then only the eof or special value
is committed as read.
If progress is not a result of port-progress-evt
applied to in, then exn:fail:contract exception is raised.
#t if
(read-char in) would not block (at the
time that
char-ready? was called, at least). Depending on the
initial bytes of the stream, multiple bytes may be needed to form a
UTF-8 encoding.