Reference: Racket
This manual defines the core Racket language and describes its most prominent libraries. The companion manual Guide: Racket provides a friendlier (though less precise and less complete) overview of the language.
The racket/base library is much smaller than the racket library and will typically load faster.
The racket library combines racket/base, racket/bool, racket/bytes, racket/class, racket/cmdline, racket/contract, racket/dict, racket/file, racket/function, racket/future, racket/include, racket/list, racket/local, racket/match, racket/math, racket/path, racket/place, racket/port, racket/pretty, racket/promise, racket/sequence, racket/set, racket/shared, racket/stream, racket/string, racket/system, racket/tcp, racket/udp, racket/unit, and racket/vector.
2.20 Quasiquoting: quasiquote, unquote, and unquote-splicing |