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Version: 5.1.2

3.5 LNCS Paper Format

The scribble/lncs language is like scribble/manual, but configured with Latex style defaults to use the "llncs.cls" class file.
The class file must be downloaded from Springer and installed into the scribble/lncs collection directory. (Run a module in the language scribble/lncs to learn the precise paths where the file may go.)

(abstract pre-content ...)  block?
  pre-content : pre-content?
Generates a nested flow for a paper abstract.

(include-abstract module-path)
Similar to include-section, but incorporates the document in the specified module as an abstract. The document must have no title or sub-parts.

(authors auth ...)
auth = (author pre-content-expr ...)
  | (author #:inst str-expr pre-content-expr ...)
  pre-content-expr : pre-content?
  str-expr : string?
A replacement for author from scribble/base.

The #:inst should be a number that matches up to one of the arguments to institutes.

(institutes (institute pre-content-expr ...) ...)
  pre-content-expr : pre-content?
The pre-content-exprs are used as the institutions of the authors.

For use only in institutes.

(email pre-content-expr ...)
Specifies an email address; must be used inside institute.