On this page:
prop: dict
prop: dict/ contract

3.15 Dictionaries

A dictionary is an instance of a datatype that maps keys to values. The following datatypes are all dictionaries:

A dictionary can be used as a two-valued sequence (see Sequences). The associations of the dictionary serve as elements of the sequence. See also in-dict, in-dict-keys, and in-dict-values.

The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/dict and racket libraries, but not racket/base.

(dict? v)  boolean?
  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a dictionary, #f otherwise.

Beware that dict? is not a constant-time test on pairs, since checking that v is an association list may require traversing the list.


  > (dict? #hash((a . "apple")))


  > (dict? '#("apple" "banana"))


  > (dict? '("apple" "banana"))


  > (dict? '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))


(dict-mutable? d)  boolean?
  d : dict?
Returns #t if d is mutable via dict-set! and maybe dict-remove!, #f otherwise.


  > (dict-mutable? #hash((a . "apple")))


  > (dict-mutable? (make-hash))


  > (dict-mutable? '#("apple" "banana"))


  > (dict-mutable? (vector "apple" "banana"))


  > (dict-mutable? '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))


Returns #t if d supports removing mappings via dict-remove! and/or dict-remove, #f otherwise.


  > (dict-can-remove-keys? #hash((a . "apple")))


  > (dict-can-remove-keys? '#("apple" "banana"))


  > (dict-can-remove-keys? '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))


Returns #t if d supports functional update via dict-set and maybe dict-remove, #f otherwise.


  > (dict-can-functional-set? #hash((a . "apple")))


  > (dict-can-functional-set? (make-hash))


  > (dict-can-functional-set? '#("apple" "banana"))


  > (dict-can-functional-set? '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))


(dict-set! dict key v)  void?
  dict : (and/c dict? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Maps key to v in dict, overwriting any existing mapping for key. The update can fail with a exn:fail:contract exception if dict is not mutable or if key is not an allowed key for the dictionary (e.g., not an exact integer in the appropriate range when dict is a vector).


  > (define h (make-hash))
  > (dict-set! h 'a "apple")
  > h

  '#hash((a . "apple"))

  > (define v (vector #f #f #f))
  > (dict-set! v 0 "apple")
  > v

  '#("apple" #f #f)

(dict-set*! dict key v ... ...)  void?
  dict : (and/c dict? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Maps each key to each v in dict, overwriting any existing mapping for each key. The update can fail with a exn:fail:contract exception if dict is not mutable or if any key is not an allowed key for the dictionary (e.g., not an exact integer in the appropriate range when dict is a vector). The update takes place from the left, so later mappings overwrite earlier mappings.


  > (define h (make-hash))
  > (dict-set*! h 'a "apple" 'b "banana")
  > h

  '#hash((b . "banana") (a . "apple"))

  > (define v1 (vector #f #f #f))
  > (dict-set*! v1 0 "apple" 1 "banana")
  > v1

  '#("apple" "banana" #f)

  > (define v2 (vector #f #f #f))
  > (dict-set*! v2 0 "apple" 0 "banana")
  > v2

  '#("banana" #f #f)

(dict-set dict key v)  (and/c dict? immutable?)
  dict : (and/c dict? immutable?)
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Functionally extends dict by mapping key to v, overwriting any existing mapping for key, and returning an extended dictionary. The update can fail with a exn:fail:contract exception if dict does not support functional extension or if key is not an allowed key for the dictionary.


  > (dict-set #hash() 'a "apple")

  '#hash((a . "apple"))

  > (dict-set #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'b "banana")

  '#hash((b . "banana") (a . "apple"))

  > (dict-set '() 'a "apple")

  '((a . "apple"))

  > (dict-set '((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'b "banana")

  '((a . "apple") (b . "banana"))

(dict-set* dict key v ... ...)  (and/c dict? immutable?)
  dict : (and/c dict? immutable?)
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Functionally extends dict by mapping each key to each v, overwriting any existing mapping for each key, and returning an extended dictionary. The update can fail with a exn:fail:contract exception if dict does not support functional extension or if any key is not an allowed key for the dictionary. The update takes place from the left, so later mappings overwrite earlier mappings.


  > (dict-set* #hash() 'a "apple" 'b "beer")

  '#hash((b . "beer") (a . "apple"))

  > (dict-set* #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'b "banana" 'a "anchor")

  '#hash((b . "banana") (a . "anchor"))

  > (dict-set* '() 'a "apple" 'b "beer")

  '((a . "apple") (b . "beer"))

  > (dict-set* '((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'b "banana" 'a "anchor")

  '((a . "anchor") (b . "banana"))

  > (dict-set* '((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'b "banana" 'b "balistic")

  '((a . "apple") (b . "balistic"))

(dict-has-key? dict key)  boolean?
  dict : dict?
  key : any/c
Returns #t if dict contains a value for the given key, #f otherwise.


  > (dict-has-key? #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'a)


  > (dict-has-key? #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'c)


  > (dict-has-key? '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")) 'b)


  > (dict-has-key? #("apple" "banana") 1)


  > (dict-has-key? #("apple" "banana") 3)


  > (dict-has-key? #("apple" "banana") -3)


(dict-ref dict key [failure-result])  any
  dict : dict?
  key : any/c
  failure-result : any/c
   = (lambda () (raise (make-exn:fail ....)))
Returns the value for key in dict. If no value is found for key, then failure-result determines the result:


  > (dict-ref #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'a)


  > (dict-ref #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'c)

  hash-ref: no value found for key: 'c

  > (dict-ref #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'c #f)


  > (dict-ref '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")) 'b)


  > (dict-ref #("apple" "banana") 1)


  > (dict-ref #("apple" "banana") 3 #f)


  > (dict-ref #("apple" "banana") -3 #f)

  contract violation: expected <exact-nonnegative-integer?>,

  given: -3

    contract on dict-ref from



    blaming top-level



       ((d dict?) (k (d) ...))

       ((default any/c))


    at: <collects>/racket/dict.rkt:147.2

(dict-ref! dict key to-set)  any
  dict : dict?
  key : any/c
  to-set : any/c
Returns the value for key in dict. If no value is found for key, then to-set determines the result as in dict-ref (i.e., it is either a thunk that computes a value or a plain value), and this result is stored in dict for the key. (Note that if to-set is a thunk, it is not invoked in tail position.)


  > (dict-ref! (make-hasheq '((a . "apple") (b . "beer"))) 'a)

  procedure dict-ref!: expects 3 arguments, given 2:

  '#hasheq((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'a

  > (dict-ref! (make-hasheq '((a . "apple") (b . "beer"))) 'c 'cabbage)


  > (define h (make-hasheq '((a . "apple") (b . "beer"))))
  > (dict-ref h 'c)

  hash-ref: no value found for key: 'c

  > (dict-ref! h 'c (λ () 'cabbage))


  > (dict-ref h 'c)


(dict-update! dict    
  [failure-result])  void?
  dict : (and/c dict? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
  updater : (any/c . -> . any/c)
  failure-result : any/c
   = (lambda () (raise (make-exn:fail ....)))
Composes dict-ref and dict-set! to update an existing mapping in dict, where the optional failure-result argument is used as in dict-ref when no mapping exists for key already.


  > (define h (make-hash))
  > (dict-update! h 'a add1)

  hash-ref: no value found for key: 'a

  > (dict-update! h 'a add1 0)
  > h

  '#hash((a . 1))

  > (define v (vector #f #f #f))
  > (dict-update! v 0 not)
  > v

  '#(#t #f #f)

(dict-update dict key updater [failure-result])
  (and/c dict? immutable?)
  dict : dict?
  key : any/c
  updater : (any/c . -> . any/c)
  failure-result : any/c
   = (lambda () (raise (make-exn:fail ....)))
Composes dict-ref and dict-set to functionally update an existing mapping in dict, where the optional failure-result argument is used as in dict-ref when no mapping exists for key already.


  > (dict-update #hash() 'a add1)

  hash-ref: no value found for key: 'a

  > (dict-update #hash() 'a add1 0)

  '#hash((a . 1))

  > (dict-update #hash((a . "apple") (b . "beer")) 'b string-length)

  '#hash((b . 4) (a . "apple"))

(dict-remove! dict key)  void?
  dict : (and/c dict? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
Removes any existing mapping for key in dict. The update can fail if dict is not mutable or does not support removing keys (as is the case for vectors, for example).


  > (define h (make-hash))
  > (dict-set! h 'a "apple")
  > h

  '#hash((a . "apple"))

  > (dict-remove! h 'a)
  > h


(dict-remove dict key)  (and/c dict? immutable?)
  dict : (and/c dict? immutable?)
  key : any/c
Functionally removes any existing mapping for key in dict, returning the fresh dictionary. The update can fail if dict does not support functional update or does not support removing keys.


  > (define h #hash())
  > (define h (dict-set h 'a "apple"))
  > h

  '#hash((a . "apple"))

  > (dict-remove h 'a)


  > h

  '#hash((a . "apple"))

  > (dict-remove h 'z)

  '#hash((a . "apple"))

  > (dict-remove '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")) 'a)

  '((b . "banana"))

(dict-map dict proc)  (listof any/c)
  dict : dict?
  proc : (any/c any/c . -> . any/c)
Applies the procedure proc to each element in dict in an unspecified order, accumulating the results into a list. The procedure proc is called each time with a key and its value.


  > (dict-map #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")) vector)

  '(#(b "banana") #(a "apple"))

(dict-for-each dict proc)  void?
  dict : dict?
  proc : (any/c any/c . -> . any)
Applies proc to each element in dict (for the side-effects of proc) in an unspecified order. The procedure proc is called each time with a key and its value.


  > (dict-for-each #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana"))
                   (lambda (k v)
                     (printf "~a = ~s\n" k v)))

  b = "banana"

  a = "apple"

(dict-count dict)  exact-nonnegative-integer?
  dict : dict?
Returns the number of keys mapped by dict, usually in constant time.


  > (dict-count #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))


  > (dict-count #("apple" "banana"))


(dict-iterate-first dict)  any/c
  dict : dict?
Returns #f if dict contains no elements, otherwise it returns a non-#f value that is an index to the first element in the dict table; “first” refers to an unspecified ordering of the dictionary elements. For a mutable dict, this index is guaranteed to refer to the first item only as long as no mappings are added to or removed from dict.


  > (dict-iterate-first #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))


  > (dict-iterate-first #hash())


  > (dict-iterate-first #("apple" "banana"))


  > (dict-iterate-first '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))


(dict-iterate-next dict pos)  any/c
  dict : dict?
  pos : any/c
Returns either a non-#f that is an index to the element in dict after the element indexed by pos or #f if pos refers to the last element in dict. If pos is not a valid index, then the exn:fail:contract exception is raised. For a mutable dict, the result index is guaranteed to refer to its item only as long as no items are added to or removed from dict. The dict-iterate-next operation should take constant time.


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (define i (dict-iterate-first h))
  > i


  > (dict-iterate-next h i)


  > (dict-iterate-next h (dict-iterate-next h i))


(dict-iterate-key dict pos)  any
  dict : dict?
  pos : any/c
Returns the key for the element in dict at index pos. If pos is not a valid index for dict, the exn:fail:contract exception is raised. The dict-iterate-key operation should take constant time.


  > (define h '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (define i (dict-iterate-first h))
  > (dict-iterate-key h i)


  > (dict-iterate-key h (dict-iterate-next h i))


(dict-iterate-value dict pos)  any
  dict : dict?
  pos : any/c
Returns the value for the element in dict at index pos. If pos is not a valid index for dict, the exn:fail:contract exception is raised. The dict-iterate-key operation should take constant time.


  > (define h '((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (define i (dict-iterate-first h))
  > (dict-iterate-value h i)


  > (dict-iterate-value h (dict-iterate-next h i))


(in-dict dict)  sequence?
  dict : dict?
Returns a sequence whose each element is two values: a key and corresponding value from dict.


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (for/list ([(k v) (in-dict h)])
      (format "~a = ~s" k v))

  '("b = \"banana\"" "a = \"apple\"")

(in-dict-keys dict)  sequence?
  dict : dict?
Returns a sequence whose elements are the keys of dict.


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (for/list ([k (in-dict-keys h)])

  '(b a)

(in-dict-values dict)  sequence?
  dict : dict?
Returns a sequence whose elements are the values of dict.


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (for/list ([v (in-dict-values h)])

  '("banana" "apple")

(in-dict-pairs dict)  sequence?
  dict : dict?
Returns a sequence whose elements are pairs, each containing a key and its value from dict (as opposed to using in-dict, which gets the key and value as separate values for each element).


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (for/list ([p (in-dict-pairs h)])

  '((b . "banana") (a . "apple"))

(dict-keys dict)  list?
  dict : dict?
Returns a list of the keys from dict in an unspecified order.


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (dict-keys h)

  '(b a)

(dict-values dict)  list?
  dict : dict?
Returns a list of the values from dict in an unspecified order.


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (dict-values h)

  '("banana" "apple")

(dict->list dict)  list?
  dict : dict?
Returns a list of the associations from dict in an unspecified order.


  > (define h #hash((a . "apple") (b . "banana")))
  > (dict->list h)

  '((b . "banana") (a . "apple"))

A structure type property (see Structure Type Properties) that supplies dictionary-operation implementations for a structure type. The property value must be a vector of ten procedures (some optional) that are applied only to instances of the structure type that has the property:

A structure type property for defining dictionaries with contracts. The value associated with prop:dict/contract must be a list of two immutable vectors:

  (list dict-vector
        (vector type-key-contract

The first vector must be suitable as a value for prop:dict (in addition, it must be an immutable vector). The second vector must contain six elements; each of the first three is a contract for the dictionary type’s keys, values, and positions, respectively. Each of the second three is either #f or a procedure used to extract the contract from a dictionary instance.

(dict-key-contract d)  contract?
  d : dict?
(dict-value-contract d)  contract?
  d : dict?
(dict-iter-contract d)  contract?
  d : dict?
Returns the contract that d imposes on its keys, values, or iterators, respectively, if d implements the prop:dict/contract interface.

(make-custom-hash eql? hash-proc [hash2-proc])  dict?
  eql? : (any/c any/c . -> . any/c)
  hash-proc : (any/c . -> . exact-integer?)
  hash2-proc : (any/c . -> . exact-integer?)
   = (lambda (v) 10001)
(make-immutable-custom-hash eql?    
  [hash2-proc])  dict?
  eql? : (any/c any/c . -> . any/c)
  hash-proc : (any/c . -> . exact-integer?)
  hash2-proc : (any/c . -> . exact-integer?)
   = (lambda (v) 10001)
(make-weak-custom-hash eql?    
  [hash2-proc])  dict?
  eql? : (any/c any/c . -> . any/c)
  hash-proc : (any/c . -> . exact-integer?)
  hash2-proc : (any/c . -> . exact-integer?)
   = (lambda (v) 10001)
Creates a dictionary that is implemented in terms of a hash table where keys are compared with eql? and hashed with hash-proc and hash2-proc. See prop:equal+hash for information on suitable equality and hashing functions.

The make-custom-hash and make-weak-custom-hash functions create a mutable dictionary that does not support functional update, while make-immutable-custom-hash creates an immutable dictionary that supports functional update. The dictionary created by make-weak-custom-hash retains its keys weakly, like the result of make-weak-hash.

Dictionaries created by make-custom-hash and company are equal? when they have the same mutability and key strength, the associated procedures are equal?, and the key–value mappings are the same when keys and values are compared with equal?.


  > (define h (make-custom-hash (lambda (a b)
                                  (string=? (format "~a" a)
                                            (format "~a" b)))
                                (lambda (a)
                                   (format "~a" a)))))
  > (dict-set! h 1 'one)
  > (dict-ref h "1")
