9 Plot and Renderer Parameters
9.1 Compatibility
(plot-deprecation-warnings?) → boolean? (plot-deprecation-warnings? warnings?) → void? warnings? : boolean?
9.2 Output
(plot-new-window?) → boolean? (plot-new-window? window?) → void? window? : boolean?
Users of command-line Racket, which cannot display image snips, should enter(plot-new-window? #t)
(plot-width) → exact-positive-integer? (plot-width width) → void? width : exact-positive-integer?
(plot-height) → exact-positive-integer? (plot-height height) → void? height : exact-positive-integer?
The width and height of a plot, in logical drawing units (e.g. pixels for bitmap plots).
(plot-jpeg-quality) → (integer-in 0 100) (plot-jpeg-quality quality) → void? quality : (integer-in 0 100)
(plot-ps/pdf-interactive?) → boolean? (plot-ps/pdf-interactive? interactive?) → void? interactive? : boolean?
If #t, plot-file and plot3d-file open a dialog when writing PostScript or PDF files. See post-script-dc% and pdf-dc%.
9.3 General Appearance
(plot-foreground) → plot-color/c (plot-foreground color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(plot-background) → plot-color/c (plot-background color) → void? color : plot-color/c
The plot foreground and background color. That both are 0 by default is not a mistake: for foreground colors, 0 is interpreted as black; for background colors, 0 is interpreted as white. See ->pen-color and ->brush-color for details on how PLoT interprets integer colors.
(plot-foreground-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (plot-foreground-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(plot-background-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (plot-background-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
The opacity of the background and foreground colors.
(plot-font-size) → (>=/c 0) (plot-font-size size) → void? size : (>=/c 0)
The font size of the title, axis labels, tick labels, and other labels, in drawing units.
(plot-font-family) → font-family/c (plot-font-family family) → void? family : font-family/c
The font family used for the title and labels.
(plot-line-width) → (>=/c 0) (plot-line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
The width of axis lines and major tick lines. (Minor tick lines are half this width.)
(plot-legend-anchor) → anchor/c (plot-legend-anchor anchor) → void? anchor : anchor/c
Controls the placement of the legend.
(plot-legend-box-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (plot-legend-box-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
The opacity of the filled rectangle behind the legend entries.
(plot-tick-size) → (>=/c 0) (plot-tick-size size) → void? size : (>=/c 0)
The length of tick lines, in drawing units.
(plot-title) → (or/c string? #f) (plot-title title) → void? title : (or/c string? #f)
(plot-x-label) → (or/c string? #f) (plot-x-label label) → void? label : (or/c string? #f)
"x axis"
(plot-y-label) → (or/c string? #f) (plot-y-label label) → void? label : (or/c string? #f)
"y axis"
(plot-z-label) → (or/c string? #f) (plot-z-label label) → void? label : (or/c string? #f)
The title and axis labels. A #f value means the label is not drawn and takes no space. A "" value effectively means the label is not drawn, but it takes space.
(plot-x-far-label) → (or/c string? #f) (plot-x-far-label label) → void? label : (or/c string? #f)
(plot-y-far-label) → (or/c string? #f) (plot-y-far-label label) → void? label : (or/c string? #f)
(plot-z-far-label) → (or/c string? #f) (plot-z-far-label label) → void? label : (or/c string? #f)
The tick labels for “far” axes. See plot-x-ticks for a discussion of near and far axes.
(plot-x-axis?) → boolean? (plot-x-axis? axis?) → void? axis? : boolean?
(plot-x-far-axis?) → boolean? (plot-x-far-axis? axis?) → void? axis? : boolean?
(plot-y-axis?) → boolean? (plot-y-axis? axis?) → void? axis? : boolean?
(plot-y-far-axis?) → boolean? (plot-y-far-axis? axis?) → void? axis? : boolean?
(plot-z-axis?) → boolean? (plot-z-axis? axis?) → void? axis? : boolean?
(plot-z-far-axis?) → boolean? (plot-z-far-axis? axis?) → void? axis? : boolean?
When any of these is #f, the corresponding axis is not drawn.Use these along with x-axis and y-axis if you want axes that intersect the origin or some other point.
(plot-animating?) → boolean? (plot-animating? animating?) → void? animating? : boolean?
When #t, certain renderers draw simplified plots to speed up drawing. PLoT sets it to #t, for example, when a user is clicking and dragging a 3D plot to rotate it.
(animated-samples samples) → (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2))
(cond [(plot-animating?) (max 2 (ceiling (* 1/4 samples)))] [else samples]) Given a number of samples, returns the number of samples to use. This returns samples when plot-animating? is #f.
(plot-decorations?) → boolean? (plot-decorations? decorations?) → void? decorations? : boolean?
When #f, axes, axis labels, ticks, tick labels, and the title are not drawn.
9.4 Lines
(line-samples) → (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) (line-samples samples) → void? samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2))
(line-color) → plot-color/c (line-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(line-width) → (>=/c 0) (line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(line-style) → plot-pen-style/c (line-style style) → void? style : plot-pen-style/c
(line-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (line-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
9.5 Intervals
(interval-color) → plot-color/c (interval-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(interval-style) → plot-brush-style/c (interval-style style) → void? style : plot-brush-style/c
(interval-line1-color) → plot-color/c (interval-line1-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(interval-line1-width) → (>=/c 0) (interval-line1-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(interval-line1-style) → plot-pen-style/c (interval-line1-style style) → void? style : plot-pen-style/c
(interval-line2-color) → plot-color/c (interval-line2-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(interval-line2-width) → (>=/c 0) (interval-line2-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(interval-line2-style) → plot-pen-style/c (interval-line2-style style) → void? style : plot-pen-style/c
(interval-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (interval-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
9.6 Points
(point-sym) → point-sym/c (point-sym sym) → void? sym : point-sym/c
(point-color) → plot-color/c (point-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(point-size) → (>=/c 0) (point-size size) → void? size : (>=/c 0)
(point-line-width) → (>=/c 0) (point-line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(point-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (point-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
9.7 Vector Fields
(vector-field-samples) → exact-positive-integer? (vector-field-samples samples) → void? samples : exact-positive-integer?
(vector-field-color) → plot-color/c (vector-field-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(vector-field-line-width) → (>=/c 0) (vector-field-line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(vector-field-line-style) → plot-pen-style/c (vector-field-line-style style) → void? style : plot-pen-style/c
(vector-field-scale) → (or/c real? (one-of/c 'auto 'normalized)) (vector-field-scale scale) → void? scale : (or/c real? (one-of/c 'auto 'normalized))
(vector-field-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (vector-field-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(vector-field3d-samples) → exact-positive-integer? (vector-field3d-samples samples) → void? samples : exact-positive-integer?
9.8 Error Bars
(error-bar-width) → (>=/c 0) (error-bar-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(error-bar-color) → plot-color/c (error-bar-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(error-bar-line-width) → (>=/c 0) (error-bar-line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(error-bar-line-style) → plot-pen-style/c (error-bar-line-style style) → void? style : plot-pen-style/c
(error-bar-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (error-bar-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
9.9 Contours and Contour Intervals
(default-contour-colors zs) → (listof plot-color/c) zs : (listof real?)
(color-seq* (list (->pen-color 5) (->pen-color 0) (->pen-color 1)) (length zs))
(default-contour-fill-colors z-ivls) → (listof plot-color/c) z-ivls : (listof ivl?)
(color-seq* (list (->brush-color 5) (->brush-color 0) (->brush-color 1)) (length z-ivls))
(contour-samples) → (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) (contour-samples samples) → void? samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2))
(contour-levels) → (or/c 'auto exact-positive-integer? (listof real?)) (contour-levels levels) → void? levels : (or/c 'auto exact-positive-integer? (listof real?))
(contour-colors) → (plot-colors/c (listof real?)) (contour-colors colors) → void? colors : (plot-colors/c (listof real?))
(contour-widths) → (pen-widths/c (listof real?)) (contour-widths widths) → void? widths : (pen-widths/c (listof real?))
(contour-styles) → (plot-pen-styles/c (listof real?)) (contour-styles styles) → void? styles : (plot-pen-styles/c (listof real?))
'(solid long-dash)
(contour-alphas) → (alphas/c (listof real?)) (contour-alphas alphas) → void? alphas : (alphas/c (listof real?))
(contour-interval-colors) → (plot-colors/c (listof ivl?)) (contour-interval-colors colors) → void? colors : (plot-colors/c (listof ivl?))
(contour-interval-styles) → (plot-brush-styles/c (listof ivl?)) (contour-interval-styles styles) → void? styles : (plot-brush-styles/c (listof ivl?))
(contour-interval-alphas) → (alphas/c (listof ivl?)) (contour-interval-alphas alphas) → void? alphas : (alphas/c (listof ivl?))
9.10 Rectangles
(rectangle-color) → plot-color/c (rectangle-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(rectangle-style) → plot-brush-style/c (rectangle-style style) → void? style : plot-brush-style/c
(rectangle-line-color) → plot-color/c (rectangle-line-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(rectangle-line-width) → (>=/c 0) (rectangle-line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(rectangle-line-style) → plot-pen-style/c (rectangle-line-style style) → void? style : plot-pen-style/c
(rectangle-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (rectangle-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(rectangle3d-line-width) → (>=/c 0) (rectangle3d-line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(discrete-histogram-gap) → (real-in 0 1) (discrete-histogram-gap gap) → void? gap : (real-in 0 1)
(discrete-histogram-skip) → (>=/c 0) (discrete-histogram-skip skip) → void? skip : (>=/c 0)
(discrete-histogram-invert?) → boolean? (discrete-histogram-invert? invert?) → void? invert? : boolean?
(stacked-histogram-alphas) → (alphas/c nat/c) (stacked-histogram-alphas alphas) → void? alphas : (alphas/c nat/c)
(stacked-histogram-colors) → (plot-colors/c nat/c) (stacked-histogram-colors colors) → void? colors : (plot-colors/c nat/c)
(λ (n) (build-list n add1))
(stacked-histogram-line-colors) → (plot-colors/c nat/c) (stacked-histogram-line-colors colors) → void? colors : (plot-colors/c nat/c)
(stacked-histogram-line-styles) → (plot-pen-styles/c nat/c) (stacked-histogram-line-styles styles) → void? styles : (plot-pen-styles/c nat/c)
(stacked-histogram-line-widths) → (pen-widths/c nat/c) (stacked-histogram-line-widths widths) → void? widths : (pen-widths/c nat/c)
(stacked-histogram-styles) → (plot-brush-styles/c nat/c) (stacked-histogram-styles styles) → void? styles : (plot-brush-styles/c nat/c)
9.11 Decorations
These parameters do not control the typical appearance of plots. Instead, they control the look of renderers that add specific decorations, such as labeled points.
(x-axis-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (x-axis-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(y-axis-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (y-axis-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(z-axis-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (z-axis-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(x-axis-far?) → boolean? (x-axis-far? far?) → void? far? : boolean?
(y-axis-far?) → boolean? (y-axis-far? far?) → void? far? : boolean?
(z-axis-far?) → boolean? (z-axis-far? far?) → void? far? : boolean?
(x-axis-ticks?) → boolean? (x-axis-ticks? ticks?) → void? ticks? : boolean?
(y-axis-ticks?) → boolean? (y-axis-ticks? ticks?) → void? ticks? : boolean?
(z-axis-ticks?) → boolean? (z-axis-ticks? ticks?) → void? ticks? : boolean?
(x-axis-labels?) → boolean? (x-axis-labels? labels?) → void? labels? : boolean?
(y-axis-labels?) → boolean? (y-axis-labels? labels?) → void? labels? : boolean?
(z-axis-labels?) → boolean? (z-axis-labels? labels?) → void? labels? : boolean?
(polar-axes-number) → exact-nonnegative-integer? (polar-axes-number number) → void? number : exact-nonnegative-integer?
(polar-axes-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (polar-axes-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(polar-axes-ticks?) → boolean? (polar-axes-ticks? ticks?) → void? ticks? : boolean?
(polar-axes-labels?) → boolean? (polar-axes-labels? labels?) → void? labels? : boolean?
(label-anchor) → anchor/c (label-anchor anchor) → void? anchor : anchor/c
(label-angle) → real? (label-angle angle) → void? angle : real?
(label-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (label-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
(label-point-size) → (>=/c 0) (label-point-size size) → void? size : (>=/c 0)
9.12 3D General Appearance
(plot3d-samples) → (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2)) (plot3d-samples samples) → void? samples : (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c 2))
(plot3d-angle) → real? (plot3d-angle angle) → void? angle : real?
(plot3d-altitude) → real? (plot3d-altitude altitude) → void? altitude : real?
(plot3d-ambient-light) → (real-in 0 1) (plot3d-ambient-light light) → void? light : (real-in 0 1)
(plot3d-diffuse-light?) → boolean? (plot3d-diffuse-light? light?) → void? light? : boolean?
(plot3d-specular-light?) → boolean? (plot3d-specular-light? light?) → void? light? : boolean?
9.13 Surfaces
(surface-color) → plot-color/c (surface-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(surface-style) → plot-brush-style/c (surface-style style) → void? style : plot-brush-style/c
(surface-line-color) → plot-color/c (surface-line-color color) → void? color : plot-color/c
(surface-line-width) → (>=/c 0) (surface-line-width width) → void? width : (>=/c 0)
(surface-line-style) → plot-pen-style/c (surface-line-style style) → void? style : plot-pen-style/c
(surface-alpha) → (real-in 0 1) (surface-alpha alpha) → void? alpha : (real-in 0 1)
9.14 Contour Surfaces
Contour surface renderers use shared contour parameters except for the following three.
(contour-interval-line-colors) → (plot-colors/c (listof ivl?)) (contour-interval-line-colors colors) → void? colors : (plot-colors/c (listof ivl?))
(contour-interval-line-widths) → (pen-widths/c (listof ivl?)) (contour-interval-line-widths widths) → void? widths : (pen-widths/c (listof ivl?))
(contour-interval-line-styles) → (plot-pen-styles/c (listof ivl?)) (contour-interval-line-styles styles) → void? styles : (plot-pen-styles/c (listof ivl?))
9.15 Isosurfaces
Single isosurfaces (isosurface3d) use surface parameters. Nested isosurfaces (isosurfaces3d) use the following.
(default-isosurface-colors zs) → (listof plot-color/c) zs : (listof real?)
(color-seq* (list (->brush-color 5) (->brush-color 0) (->brush-color 1)) (length zs))
(default-isosurface-line-colors zs) → (listof plot-color/c) zs : (listof real?)
(color-seq* (list (->pen-color 5) (->pen-color 0) (->pen-color 1)) (length zs))
(isosurface-levels) → (or/c 'auto exact-positive-integer? (listof real?)) (isosurface-levels levels) → void? levels : (or/c 'auto exact-positive-integer? (listof real?))
(isosurface-colors) → (plot-colors/c (listof real?)) (isosurface-colors colors) → void? colors : (plot-colors/c (listof real?))
(isosurface-styles) → (plot-brush-styles/c (listof real?)) (isosurface-styles styles) → void? styles : (plot-brush-styles/c (listof real?))
(isosurface-line-colors) → (plot-colors/c (listof real?)) (isosurface-line-colors colors) → void? colors : (plot-colors/c (listof real?))
(isosurface-line-widths) → (pen-widths/c (listof real?)) (isosurface-line-widths widths) → void? widths : (pen-widths/c (listof real?))
(isosurface-line-styles) → (plot-pen-styles/c (listof real?)) (isosurface-line-styles styles) → void? styles : (plot-pen-styles/c (listof real?))
(isosurface-alphas) → (alphas/c (listof real?)) (isosurface-alphas alphas) → void? alphas : (alphas/c (listof real?))